

Teacher Morality Construction of Local University

【作者】 屠火明

【导师】 戴钢书;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,随着我国高等教育体制改革的不断深入,高等教育迅速实现了由精英教育向大众化教育的转变。在实现大众化目标的历史性跨越中,地方大学扮演了高等教育规模扩张主力军的角色。绝大多数地方大学在迎来前所未有的发展机遇,获得极大发展空间的同时,也面临着更多的问题与困难。在地方大学的改革发展中,师德建设有着特殊的重要地位,教师的思想政治素质和职业道德水平直接直接影响着地方大学人才培养的质量和办学水平,决定着地方大学改革发展的成效。在当前现代化建设和高等教育发展的特殊转型期,根据时代发展的要求,明晰师德理论历史发展的轨迹,明确地方大学师德发展的特点和地方大学师德建设的重点,探索新形势下地方大学师德建设的新途径与新方法,提高地方大学师德建设的水平,既是高等教育理论发展的需要,也是当前地方大学改革发展的迫切要求,对地方大学可持续发展具有基础性、战略性和保障性意义。师德理论的历史发展源远流长,无论古今中外,不同历史时期的人们都从自己所处的社会历史条件出发,对师德问题进行了深刻的思索和深沉的思考。形成了中国古代学而不厌,诲人不倦;以身作则,为人师表;热爱学生,关心学生等重要思想。形成了西方国家热爱教育,关爱学生;为人师表,知识渊博;因材施教,培养能力等宝贵财富。同时也形成了马克思主义对于人类以往师德理论革命性变革和继承性发展的杰出理念。大学教师职业性质和特点决定了大学教师师德是一种特殊的专业道德,内涵着人文精神,且是大学文化的首要之意。学术道德在大学师德中有着特殊重要的地位。相对精英型高等教育阶段的发展而言,大众化阶段的地方大学呈现出规模扩大、资源紧缺,发展更为多样,与区域经济发展联系更为紧密等阶段性特征。这些特征使地方大学在生源质量变化、师资队伍发展现状、应用型教学与科研和地方大学教学资源条件等几个方面对地方大学教师的师德提出了不同于部属重点大学和高职高专院校的要求。地方大学教师要在教学水平、应用型研究能力、人文素质、科研道德等方面加强修养,以敬业师爱为起点,以为人师表为基础,以教育创新为时代要求,以团结协作为重要内容,以精业乐业为理想境界。调研表明,地方大学教师对师德建设总体状况评价不高,但呈上升态势;对教师职业道德素质评价较好,但仍有较大提升空间;对教师教学水平评价较高,对学术水平评价较低。同时,教师职业道德与一般道德相联系,教师在诚信受益、个人发展与集体发展、金钱观等方面呈现不同的评价水平。教师在教学活动之外与学生交流花时随内容而变化,在专业学习与就业、人际关系与个人生活和政治问题这三个问题上的时间是递减的。加强地方大学师德建设,需重点解决“敬业”、“师表”、“学校重视”三大问题。大力加强师德建设是当前地方大学改革发展的重点。加强地方大学师德建设,要将“以人为本”作为地方大学师德建设的核心,以社会主义核心价值体系为灵魂,以积极推进教师的专业发展为根本,以完善师德制度规范与评价体系为保障,以创新师德建设的运行机制为关键,以学术道德与学风建设为重点,以优良师德环境的营造为目的。

【Abstract】 In recent years, higher education has accomplished the transformation from elite education to mass education through deepening reform of the higher education system. In achieving the mass education, the local universities play a role as major force in the scale expansion of higher education, most of which are facing great opportunities for development as well as more problems. In the reform and development of local universities, teacher morality construction is of great importance. Teachers’ideological and political quality and professional ethics directly impact the quality of education and determined the effectiveness of the reform and development of local universities. In the special transition of modernization and the development of higher education, it is important, according to the demand of times, to clarity the historical development of college teacher’s moral theory,to grasp the characteristics of teachers’moral in local universities, to focus on their morality construction and also find a new way to improve it. This is significant for the sustainable development of local universities, not only out of the needs for the theoretical development of higher education, but also demanded by the reform and development of local universities.Historical development of college teacher’s moral theory has a long time. Both ancient and modern people proceed profound reflection and deep thinking on morality issues from their own social and historical conditions in different periods. Ancient China formed several important ideas such as to serve as role models; to love students, to concern about the students and so forth. Meanwhile western countries formed some valuable assets such as to love education, to care for students; to serve as role models, knowledgeable; capacity-building and so on. At the same time, Marxism also formed many outstanding ideas, which are the revolutionary change and inherence development on morality theory for the previous human.The professional features of college teachers determine that their morality is a special one, which contains the humanism. What’s more, it is the first thing of college culture. Academic moral occupies an important position in college teacher morality.Compared to the development of elite education, the local universalities of mass education present themselves to be extended scale, shortage of resources, diverse development and closer links with local economic development. These features place different requirements on the teacher morality in local universities from those in key universities or vocational colleges in the change of graduate matriculate quality, the development of faculty, the application-based teaching and research, and the teaching resources of local universities, etc. Teachers in local universities should strengthen self-cultivation in teaching capacity, application-oriented research capacity, humanities quality and ethics of scientific research. Teachers should cultivate themselves by loving their job and students, serving as role models, keeping up with the demand of times (i.e. educational innovation), team-working and feeling content with their job.The research indicates that the assessment of local university teachers on the teacher morality construction is not high, but it is on the rise; their evaluation on the professional ethics is better, but there is still much room for improvement; estimation on teaching capacity is above normal while the academic ability is below normal. Meanwhile, teachers’moral relates to the general moral. For example, teachers have different standard of evaluation on honesty, personal development and collective development, money etc. Besides teaching activities, the time that teachers spend with students is on the decrease, especially on these three matters: professional learning and employment, interpersonal relationship and personal life, and political issues. To strengthening college teachers’moral construction, the key issue is to solve three matters, i.e. dedication, role model, and the focus of school principalship.To intensify teacher morality construction is the current focus of the reform and development of local universities. It requires putting“man-oriented”principle as the core, the socialist core value system as the soul, the promotion of teachers’professional development as foundation, the accomplishment of the system specification and the evaluation system as guarantee, the construction of academic moral and study style as key point, and the creation of good environment as the objective.
