

The Exploration of Productivity of the Knowledge Work

【作者】 曹欢

【导师】 李永建;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 新兴技术管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 科学管理发端于追求效率的研究,经典科学管理建立在对人体肌肉骨骼作业效率研究的基础之上,奠定了科学管理理论与技术的基石。当今,人类劳动方式已经发生质的转变,财富的创造不再以肌肉(体力)为基础,而是以头脑(脑力)为基础。脑力输出效率已成为亟待解决的问题和前沿的研究,然而对知识作业的基本工效问题的研究才刚刚起步。针对国内外知识作业效率中尚未解决的问题和研究的盲点,本研究以提高知识作业效率为根本目标,借鉴认知科学的研究范式和科学管理的经典分解思路,建立了知识作业效率解析的基本框架,为后续研究奠定了基础。并采用无损伤探测技术(脑电、眼动技术)结合传统的研究手段,从主、客体两方面展开,深入知识作业过程和员工内部加工机制,研究与探讨了以下问题:第一,建立了知识作业效率的解析模型。知识作业的过程表征与解析,是深入分析效率产生的瓶颈并采取有针对性的干预手段的基础。在定义知识作业,澄清了与体力劳动、人工智能的本质差异的基础上,从作业加工过程出发,借鉴认知科学的经典模型,建立了知识作业效率的解析模型。并在此基础上,探析了主体效率和客体效率两方面的作用机理,奠定了全文的研究视角和研究逻辑。第二,采用因子分析构建了影响知识作业效率的四因子结构模型(复杂性、不确定性、模糊性和不完整性)。从具有普适性、区分度的知识作业特性出发,为不同类型的知识作业效率之间的衡量提供了基础。建立了客观分析作业特性的新的研究思路和研究范式。采用认知科学的实验范式,深入剖析了四因子对于知识作业效率的影响机理,并在此基础上建立了基于作业特性的时间测量函数。为知识作业时间基准的确定提供了有效、易行的新方法。同时也为工作分析、薪酬设计、绩效考核等人力资源管理提供了依据。第三,通过对知识员工认知结构的深入解析,采用无损伤的探测技术(脑电、眼动),考察了知识作业主体的动态加工过程对作业效率的影响机理。作为知识作业的加工主体和知识本身的载体,员工的认知工效会对作业效率产生关键、决定性的作用。首先针对现有认知结构研究在管理实践中适用的局限性,提出了知识员工的认知结构分析思路。并在此基础上,从工作记忆、长时记忆以及元认知三方面展开了对知识作业效率影响机理的分析。建立在人体肌肉骨骼作业效率研究基础之上的经典科学管理的理论与技术已经远远不能适应脑力劳动管理的需要。变量的客观化、精确化是管理学所追求的目标。本研究引入认知科学的研究思路与方法,用脑电、眼动等认知实验手段对加工过程进行了动态分析,使得原本主观判定的行为特征变量在电生理活动结果上得到因果性的映射,为管理学中主观变量的客观测度提供了实验范式。通过脑电实验确定了工作记忆的神经效能和加工方式对整个知识作业输出效率的影响。并利用眼动实验确立了长时记忆中的认知性内隐知识对加工的动态影响,建立了基于不同情境模式下,认知性内隐知识激活加工过程模型。最后,针对负责监控和调节认知过程的元认知,利用多阶段、不确定的知识作业认知实验,明确了元认知作用在下列情况下存在局限性:心理负荷超载和掌握的信息处于不确定、不完整的状态下。深入知识员工加工过程和机理进行剖析,为效率的研究提供了更为基础、底层的研究视角,同时为如何管理和优化知识员工的认知结构提供了新的方向和依据。第四,从“自下而上的数据驱动”和“自上而下的概念驱动”两方面展开了界面要素对于知识作业效率作用机理的解析,从而避免了仅仅从物理特性出发寻求主体的最优反应匹配的研究范式的单一性。通过分析知识员工“自下而上数据驱动”的加工方式,设计了排除了内容效应的网页版式实验,确定了不同版式的首视点和注视时间,建立了信息搜索的生理优势区;在对于知识员工“自上而下的概念驱动”的加工方式的分析基础上,提出了利用员工颜色语义内在联想机制来促进搜索效率的构想,并利用“颜色引导页面”实验,实现了搜索效率的提高。为界面的进一步优化提供了依据。

【Abstract】 Scientific management stems from the aspiration for the productivity, and the classic research is build based on the ergonomics of the muscle. Now, the forms of labor have changed, which resulted in the changing of wealth creation mode, that is, from muscle (manual) to brain (mental). The productivity of mental work has become the forefront of contemporary research issue. However, the research in this field is still on the initial stage.Aimed at the unsolved problems and the blind spots in the field of knowledge work’s productivity, this research is developed to improve the productivity of knowledge work. Based on the cognitive science research paradigm and the classical decomposition of scientific management, this research builds up the frame of exploration into the productivity of knowledge work, and this result can help to develop the foundation for the future research. Exploiting the electrophysiological technique, combined with the traditional research methods, this research explores the inner process of knowledge work in views of subject and object productivity, which including the following issues:First, this research builds up the analysis model of knowledge work’s productivity. This work is based on the concept of knowledge work which points out the difference from manual work and artificial intelligence and the classical model of cognitive science. A new analysis model of knowledge work’s productivity is put forward finally. Additionally, this research explores the mechanism of object productivity and subject productivity, clarifies the boundaries and scopes for the whole research.Second, based on questionnaires, using exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, this research extracts the four factors which could influence the productivity of knowledge work. These factors are shown as complexity, uncertainty, ambiguity and incompleteness. In view of the universal and discrimination validity properties of knowledge work, this research provides the base for evaluation of the different knowledge work’s productivity and builds up the new way and paradigm for analyzing it objectively and scientifically.Further works also includes exploring the mechanism of how the four factors affect the productivity and putting forward the time function in terms of cognitive paradigm, thus provides an operative time-base criterion for knowledge work, and further provides the basis for job analysis, compensation, and performance management.Third, this research explores the cognitive construction in-depth analysis, using the no damage detection techniques (electroencephalogram and eye movement technique). Additionally, this research explores the mechanism of cognitive construction. As the subject who owns and process the knowledge, the cognitive construction of the knowledge workers plays the core role in improving productivity. The research points out the limitation of application in practice, and puts forward the analysis way. Based on it, this research explores the mechanism of cognitive construction from working memory, long-term memory and metacognition.The theory and method based on the manual labor can not fit to the requirement of mental labor management. Objectivity and accuracy of variables is always one goal of management. This research applies the cognitive method, and uses the EEG and eye movement technique to analyze the inner dynamic process. In this way, the subjective variables could be causally mapped in electrophysiological activity. And the research provides the experimental paradigm for measuring subjective variables objectively.Applying the electroencephalogram, this research confirms the neural efficiency and the processing mode resulting in the productivity of the knowledge work. Based on the eye movement technique, this research analyzes how the cognitive implicit knowledge influences the process and builds up the activation model according to the different situations. To analyze the metacognition which supervises and controls the whole cognitive process, the multi-step, uncertain knowledge task gets experimented, and the relation between matacognition and productivity was analyzed. The result indicates the metacognition cannot exploit the advantage fully under the mental load or with uncertain and incomplete information. Exploring the inner process and mechanism of knowledge workers can provide the basic and underlying research prospective, the new orientation and basis for management, and finally optimize the construction of knowledge workers.Fourth, the mechanism of interface on productivity is analyzed, in terms of“bottom-up data driven”and“top-down conceptually driven”. This research can avoid the paradigm only focusing on changing the physical element of interface to find out the optimal reaction of the subject. In view of“bottom-up data-driven”information process, the page layout eliminating the content effect is designed. Additionally, the first gaze point and the duration of gaze point were analyzed. Furthermore, the optimal physical zones for searching are provided. In view of top-down conceptually driven, the hypothesis of using the color-semantic associative mechanism of knowledge worker to improve the searching efficiency is put forward. The color-guide layout is designed to realize the improvement in efficiency. The research provides the basis for further optimization.
