

Research on the Tourism City’s Image and Tourisit Behavior Based on Unconventional Emergencies

【作者】 姜科

【导师】 李仕明;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着旅游业的快速发展,旅游产业已经成为全球及区域经济产业的重要组成部分。然而由于旅游产业自身的脆弱特性,极为容易受到外部危机环境的影响而导致产业发展的波动起伏,重大的危机事件则会对旅游产业持续稳定的发展构成严峻挑战。本文首先根据现有相关研究的不足,通过全面梳理国内外危机管理的研究进展,重新界定了非常规突发事件的概念及其在旅游研究领域的影响。认为所谓非常规突发事件是指与常规性突发事件相对,并由于决策者缺少情景应对经验而存在极大自然、社会风险的一种危机事态。本文并对非常规突发事件表现出的特征作出了相应界定归纳。其次,论文通过非常规突发事件对旅游城市文化影响的综合分析,认为非常规突发事件对旅游城市的文化影响是学术界关注较少的领域,而城市文化则是构成城市形象的关键组成部分。其后,论文以遭受汶川5.12特大地震重创的重要旅游城市――都江堰市为例,基于旅游者的感知角度,就旅游城市的文化影响为基本切入点进行实证研究,引入IPA分析方法,讨论了旅游城市形象在非常规突发事件后的感知变化规律。验证了非常规突发事件对旅游城市影响的规律,并提出了非常规突发事件下旅游城市文化发展的路径。实证发现非常规突发事件对旅游城市的文化影响并没象学术界认为的那样造成重大破坏性。从需求的视角来看,都江堰市不仅没有出现非常规突发事件这一灾难性打击后的“文化夷平”现象,反而在一定程度上提升了旅游城市的知名度和地域性格感知。都江堰市的自然风光和历史文化景观依然是吸引旅游者的主要因素。论文随后提出了非常规突发事件下的旅游城市文化发展与旅游城市形象塑造路径。再次,根据对旅游者行为理论及其运用在国内外旅游研究领域的述评,明确了旅游者在旅游产业价值链中的核心地位,认为非常规突发事件后的城市形象、旅游危机沟通、信息质量、企业伦理、政府政策、旅游者的感知价值、感知风险、社会责任和主观规范一起构成了影响旅游者出行行为的关键因素,为随后的实证研究奠定了基础;进而论文根据非常规突发事件影响旅游者行为的过程与特点,综合使用了SPSS分析软件和偏最小二乘结构方程模型分析工具Smartpls软件,以非常规突发事件为背景建立旅游者行为决策的结构方程模型,全面系统分析非常规突发事件影响背景下的旅游者行为决策规律,揭示出非常规突发事件下旅游者的行为特征。主要的实证发现有:目的地形象改善,硬件设施和服务水平提高会提高旅游者的感知价值并降低感知风险;信息质量的提高,信息准确性、及时性以及信息报道的全面等要素能够提高旅游者的社会责任感知,但是通过直接激发旅游者的社会责任感而产生到灾区旅游的营销方式不会产生满意的效果。政府政策是通过影响信息质量、目的地形象、企业伦理和危机沟通四项要素间接影响旅游者心理和行为。这对政府针对非常规突发事件后的旅游城市的市场决策具有重要参考价值。本文在定性分析的基础上,主要基于旅游者视角引入IPA分析、结构方程模型等定量分析工具对非常规突发背景下的旅游发展作出了全面、系统地分析,并将理论分析与案例分析相结合,力图为非常规突发事件背景下旅游城市发展战略决策的科学性、客观性和准确性提供支撑,进而为丰富危机管理理论,并为类似区域发展的科学决策提供实证依据。

【Abstract】 Along with the rapid development of tourism, tourist industry has become an important component of global and regional industries. However, due to the fragility feature of itself, tourist industry is extremely vulnerable to the impact of external crisis environment which leads to the fluctuation of industry development. Critical crisis event will constitute a severe challenge to the sustainable and steady development of tourist industry.In accordance with the lack of relevant studies, this paper redefines the concept of unconventional emergencies and their influence in tourist research field by a comprehensive review of research progress of crisis management. It considers that the so-called unconventional emergencies refer to crisis state of affairs that are opposite to conventional emergencies and where exists huge natural and social risks because decision makers lack experience dealing with such circumstances. This paper also gives definition of the characteristics that unconventional emergencies reflect accordingly.Secondly, by analyzing the cultural influence of unconventional emergencies on tourist industry, this paper suggests that cultural influence of unconventional emergencies on tourist cities is a less concerned field in the academia while city culture is a key element of city image. Thirdly, this paper takes Dujiangyan, an important tourist city that undergoes a severe attack in May 12th Wenchuan Earthquake, as an example. It performs the empirical study from a fundamental entry point of cultural influence of tourist cities based on the angle of tourist perceptions, introducing IPA analysis method and discussing the principle of perception change of tourist city image after unconventional emergencies. This paper verifies the principle how unconventional emergencies influence tourist cities and puts forward the cultural development path of tourist city under unconventional emergencies. Evidences find that impact of unconventional emergencies on tourist city culture does not have the critical destructiveness as considered by the academia. It considers, from the viewing angel of demand, there doesn’t occur the phenomenon of "Culture Elimination" in Dujiangyan after the disastrous hit by unconventional emergency, which, on the contrary, promotes the publicity of the tourist city and the perception of geographical character. The natural scenery and historic cultural landscape of Dujiangyan are still major factors attracting tourists. The paper then proposes the cultural development path of tourist cities under unconventional emergencies.In the later review of tourist behavioral theories and the commentary of them in tourist research field at home and abroad, this paper specifies the core position of tourist in the value chain of tourist industry. It considers that city image, tourist crisis communication, information quality, business ethics, government policy, perceived tourist value, perceived risk, social responsibility and subjective norm after unconventional emergencies altogether constitute the key factors that influence tourist travel behaviors, as establishes a good foundation for following empirical studies. The paper further uses SPSS analysis software and the analytical tool of partial least squares structural equation model, i.e. Smartpls software according to the process and characteristics that unconventional emergencies influence tourist behaviors to establish the structural equation model of tourist behavioral decision-making in the background of unconventional emergencies, analyzing systematically and completely the principles of tourist behavioral decision-making under the background of unconventional emergencies influence and revealing tourist behavioral characteristics under unconventional emergencies. Major empirical findings are:The improvement of destination image, the promotion of hardware facilities and service level will enhance perceived tourist value and reduce perceived risks. The factors such as information quality growth, information accuracy, promptness and the completeness of information report can promote perceived tourist social responsibility, but the marketing method of agitating tourist sense of social responsibility and thus the desire of touring in disaster areas will not bring about satisfactory results.Government policy influences tourist psychology and behaviors indirectly through affecting four factors including information quality, destination image, business ethics and crisis communication. It has significant reference value for government in the market decision-making for tourist cities after unconventional emergencies.On the basis of qualitative analysis, this paper mainly introduces quantitative analysis models such as IPA analysis and structural equation model to analyze the tourism development based on tourist viewing angle under the background of unconventional emergencies completely and systematically. It also combines theoretical analysis and case analysis with the hope of providing supports for scientification, objectivity and accuracy of the strategic decision-making of tourist city development involving unconventional emergency background, enriching crisis management theories and offering empirical supports for the scientific decision- making of similar regional development.
