

Research on Fair Exchange Protocol and Some Key Techniques of Mobile Digital Rights Managements

【作者】 黄晓芳

【导师】 杨义先;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 密码学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着无线网络的发展,移动通信网络在业务和性能方面都比现有的GSM和窄带CDMA有了很大提高,这使得各种丰富的移动网络业务成为可能。但是由于数字媒体内容的易转发,复制,篡改等特性,给内容提供商造成了很大的损失,极大地阻碍了移动业务的发展。而且,现有移动网络中的公平支付的交易成本、交易速度与安全性等问题,也制约了移动数字内容业务的发展速度。因此,如何有效的保护数字媒体内容在移动网络中传输的安全性及交易的公平性,成为了目前迫切需要解决的问题。本文主要结合目前3G无线通信网络,从移动数字版权管理(Digital Right Management, DRM)的内容的安全性、交易的公平性和服务的高效性等角度对移动数字媒体内容的版权保护与管理展开研究,主要研究成果及创新体现在以下几个方面:1、面向移动DRM构造了一个新的基于身份的公平并发签名方案,并对该方案进行了可证明安全和效率分析,对降低公平交换中对第三方的信任依赖做出了新的尝试,为构建应用于移动DRM中高效的公平交易协议奠定了基础。2、对公平交换协议的形式化分析方法展开研究,扩展串空间模型对公平交换协议进行公平性分析,给出了分析实例,证明该形式化分析方法在公平性分析方面的有效性。3、针对现有移动数字版权管理方案的不足,提出一个新的基于3G无线通信的移动数字版权管理方案,在内容分发的安全性,交易的公平性等方面提出了极大改进,并将新的公平并发签名方案应用到了该移动数字版权管理方案中,设计了无需可信第三方参与的公平支付协议,提高了移动版权管理方案的支付效率,保证了交易的安全性。4、针对现有数字作品交易体系对公平交易问题研究的不足,结合目前移动支付的研究,设计了一个新的移动支付方式,该移动支付利用密钥分散技术,实现了交易的“一次一密”,保证了在每次交易中的密钥都不同,提高了支付的安全性,并保证交易信息的保密性、不可伪造、不可否认等特性,最后利用扩展串空间模型的形式化分析方法对相关协议进行了安全性证明。5、设计了一个新的数字作品交易模型,该模型改进了现有数字作品交易体系的不足,全面考虑了数字内容交易中的各种角色,保障了消费者和发布者等各方的利益。交易中采用新的移动支付方式,保证了交易的隐私性及安全性。6、针对数字内容版权管理服务的高效性方面,本文提出一种基于混沌蚁群模型的聚类算法,通过该聚类算法可以对海量版权信息按类别进行分类管理,然后在较小的范围内,再用人工或自动的方式去查询或认定,这将大大提高数字版权管理系统的版权的认定和查询效率。

【Abstract】 With the development of wireless networks, mobile communication networks have been greatly improved in the operation and performance compared the existing narrow-band GSM and CDMA, which make the variety and rich mobile services possible. However, the digital contents are easy to be forwarded, copied, and tampered. Such features have caused a lot loss of the content providers and obstructed the mobile services’progress greatly. Furthermore, some issues including the fair transaction costs, transaction speed and security in the existing mobile payment restricted the development of mobile digital content business. Therefore, how to effectively protect a secure delivery and fair transaction of digital content becomes an urgent problem. Combined with the current 3G wireless communication networks, this dissertation makes the researches on digital contents security, transaction fairness and service efficiency etc. for the protection and management of mobile digital content rights.Main contributions of this dissertation are summarized as follows:1) A new fair concurrent identity-based signature scheme is proposed for mobile Digital Right Management (DRM) and a new signature scheme is proved to be secure against existential forgery on adaptively chosen message and ID attack under Random Oracle Model. Furthermore, the efficiency analysis and a new attempt to reduce the reliance on the trusted third party (TTP) in fair exchange protocols are provided. These works make a good basis for designing an efficient fair exchange protocol which applies in mobile DRM.2) Researches on the current formal analyzing methods of fair-exchange protocols, the strand space model has been extended on the application of fair exchange protocol analysis and an analytical example is provided to prove the efficiency of this new methods.3) A novel mobile DRM is proposed based on 3G wireless communication networks and it makes much improvement in the security of content distribution and the fairness of the transaction than the existing mobile DRM. At the same time, the new fair concurrent identity-based signature is applied to design a fair payment protocol without the participation of the trusted third party, and it ensures transaction security and payment efficiency in the novel mobile DRM.4) In order to deal with the fair-exchange flaws in the existing trading systems, a digital content trading model is provided based on a new mobile payment scheme. In order to deal with the fair-exchange flaws in the existing trading systems, a new secure mobile payment scheme is provided based on the research of the weakness of the existing mobile payment. The new scheme uses the one-time key distribution method in the transaction to improve the exchange security. Furthermore, considering the fairness of transaction, the new scheme provides message confidentiality, unforgeability, non-repudiation support. And the protocols in the new scheme are formal analyzed by strand space model.5) Taking full account of all roles and the interests of all involved parties, a new digital content trading system is presented. The new mobile payment scheme is used in the new digital content trading system to protect the payment privacy and the security of business.6) Aiming to improve the efficiency of DRM services, this dissertation present a clustering algorithm on the basis of chaotic ant swarm model to manage the massive copyright information in hierarchy way by category. And then manually or automatically by means of inquiry or cognizance in a smaller range, the experiment proves that method will enhance the precision of the right identification and the efficiency of query for DRM.
