

Research on Some Key Technologies of Service Engineering and Service System in SSME

【作者】 鄂海红

【导师】 宋俊德;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着互联网的进一步开放和技术的演进,网络、服务、数据和资源向着共享、按需提供、提倡效用的趋势发展。服务科学与工程技术的发展引起了业界的极大关注。行业的分工细化和网络环境的逐渐成熟使得面向服务软件体系结构拥有广阔的发展前景。社会分工的改变导致出现了各种服务提供者和服务消费者。分布在网络上的各种资源已发展成可访问、按需使用、可组合复用的第三方服务,由服务提供者对外提供,服务消费者采用面向服务的工程方法,通过建模、查找、绑定、组装、集成及测试的反复迭代过程,实现复杂的分布式应用系统。把构成系统的原子服务看作网络的节点,服务间的组合关系看作网络的边,则构成了基于服务提供环境的网络化服务系统。当前对服务科学与工程的研究主要是围绕服务发现、服务组合、服务信誉等与服务计算相关的技术展开,而对服务科学的基本理论,特别是服务工程方法论和服务系统可信性、复杂性等关键问题的研究还处于初期研究和探索。论文围绕服务工程与服务系统中的几个关键问题展开研究。针对如何以系统性的、规范化的、可定量的过程化方法去指导服务系统开发和维护,提出了一种新的服务工程方法论三维结构模型;针对如何利用专业化的共性服务,为行业应用和用户构造一个成熟、安全、可信的开放服务平台,设计了一种新的水平分层的服务开放和集成框架——开放服务交付平台体系架构;针对如何解决开放网络环境中服务交付平台的信任安全和跨服务平台、跨信任域的身份认证需求,提出了一种新的跨域汇接信任模型,并基于此构建了服务系统的信任支撑体系——电子认证证联平台;针对如何研究和解决服务系统的复杂性问题,基于复杂网络理论,提出了一种服务网络复杂性度量方法和度量参数集,在复杂性度量领域开展了有益探索。本论文的内容共分为七章:第一章,绪论,论述了论文的研究背景和研究意义,并讨论了研究服务工程和服务系统所面临的挑战与关键问题;第二章,介绍了服务及服务科学基本理论,指出服务创新发展的内在动因,为后续研究奠定理论基础;第三章,描述了由基于服务蓝图的服务系统体系架构规划和服务系统工程的全生命周期管理组成的一种新的服务工程方法论模型;第四章,描述了面向现代服务业的开放服务交付平台的功能框架,并重点介绍了其中服务运营保障系统的设计和实现;第五章,讨论了一种新的跨域汇接信任模型和基于该模型的电子认证证联平台实现;第六章,探索基于复杂网络理论的服务系统复杂性研究方法,并描述了一种新的服务系统复杂性度量方法和度量参数集;第七章,总结与展望,总结本论文所有研究工作,并对下一步的研究内容进行展望。(1)基于eTOM和HSM霍尔工程方法论,提出了一种服务工程方法论三维结构模型MSE-TDS (Methodology for Service Engineering-Three Dimensions Structure),该模型由基于服务蓝图的服务系统体系架构规划(MSE-Service Blueprinting Architecture Design, MSE-SBAD)和服务系统工程的全生命周期管理(MSE-Service Lifecycle Management, MSE-SLM)组成;融合了已通过验证的管理技术和工程方法应用到过程管理中,实现了针对服务系统全生命周期过程的工程方法指导,有效的指导服务系统的工程实现、实施步骤、运营管理和优化。目前,它已在国家科技支撑计划“现代服务业共性服务集成化技术研究”课题现代服务业开放服务交付平台的建设的全过程中获得应用,验证了所提出的MSE-TDS方法论模型的可行性和正确性。(第三章)(2)基于服务工程方法论的指导,设计了一种新的水平分层的服务开放和集成框架——开放服务交付平台体系架构(Service Delivery Open Platform, SDOP)。该体系架构解决了传统技术手段和体系架构中的固有缺陷,采用了水平分层的方式,以支持平台以开放的框架聚合不同的服务能力;提供了标准化的共性服务注册接入规范和接口规范,以支持服务能力的标准化集成;引入了电信业务运营支撑系统相关理论与实践经验,构建成熟的共性服务运营支撑系统,以支持端到端可靠的服务运营;引入了MSE-SLM中的服务支持保障机制,以支持平台的规范化运营和服务持续性提供。目前,该SDOP开放服务交付平台体系架构,已经在“现代服务业共性服务集成与运营支撑系统”得到了应用。该系统(包含了论文作者所设计和完成的服务运营支撑保障系统部分)已经通过了国家科技支撑计划课题结题验收,验证了所提出的开放服务交付平台体系架构的正确性和可行性。(第四章)(3)提出了跨域汇接信任模型(Trans-domain Convergence Trust Model, TCTM),满足了服务系统跨平台、跨信任域的身份认证需求,该模型通过交互汇接模式,将不同域内的根证书、证书路径、CRL等集合在汇接平台,并支持每个域内选择任意传统信任模型构建信任体系,域间信任通过汇接平台实现跨域认证。所提出的跨域汇接信任模型和技术已经在工信部电子认证证联平台建设中得到了应用,并验证了其正确性和可行性。(第五章)(4)基于复杂网络理论,提出了一种新的服务系统度量方法和度量参数集MSS(metrics for service system),从服务系统层级定义了描述系统的七个重要参数,包括:服务系统复杂度、服务粒度因子、服务耦合因子、服务协作关系因子、服务节点因子、服务协作因子和服务组合因子;并给出了参数的度量方法和含义。最后选择在服务组合算法方面,通过设计的一种新的基于感知的动态按需服务组合框架和组合服务算法,对该度量方法和度量参数集的实用性和有效性进行了验证。(第六章)

【Abstract】 With the further opening of the Internet and technology evolution, networks, services, data and resources toward shared, on-demand, and the tendency of promoting utility. Services science and engineering technology has aroused great concern to the industry. The maturity of the network environment and the refinement of social division of labor make service-oriented software architecture have broad prospects for development. Changes in the social division of labor led to a variety of new service providers and service consumers.Distribution of resources in the network has become accessible, as needed, third-party services can be combined to reuse, provided by service providers outside. Service consumers with service-oriented engineering approach, by modeling, find, binding, orchestration, integration and testing of iterative process develop complex distributed applications.The atomic services as the network nodes and the relationships of services combination as the network edges constitute the networked service system based services provision environment. At present the service science and engineering research are mainly focus on service discovery, service composition, service reputation and other key technical of the service computing. However the basic theory of service science, in particular, the methodology for service engineering, the creditability and complexity mechanism of service system such key issues as research is still in early research and exploration.Several key points of service engineering and service system are researched in this dissertation. In order to solve the systematic, standardized, quantitative method to guide the process of development and maintenance service system, a new three-dimensional structure model of methodology for service engineering is proposed. For the use of specialized common services to construct a mature, safe, reliable open service platform system for industrial applications and users, the dissertation presents a new horizontal and layered service opening and integration framework-an service delivery open platform architecture. In order to solve the trust security of service delivery platform in the open network environment, and the credibility of networked services, a new cross-domain tandem trust model is proposed. At the same time, considering the complexity of service system, as a supplement of the research, the dissertation also discussed complex network theory, proposed a service system complexity metrics and the set of metric parameters.The dissertation is divided into seven chapters:Chapter 1, gives a brief introduction of the research background and discussed the challenges and key problems in service engineering and system; Chapter 2, introduces the basic services and service science theory and discusses the internal motivation of service innovation and development; Chapter 3, presents a new methodology model for service engineering consisting of the service blueprinting architecture design and service entire life-cycle management; Chapter 4, describes a new service open delivery platform and its functional modules; Chapter 5, presents a new trans-domain convergence trust model; Chater 6, as a supplement of the research, presents a new service system complexity metrics and the set of metric parameters; Chapter 7, make a summary on our research and give a glance on the future work.(1) A three-dimensional structure model of service engineering methodology (MSE-TDS) is presented here to realize the engineering process guidance for life cycle management to develop, implementation, operation management and optimization of service system. Based on eTOM and HSM, the model consists of the service blueprinting architecture design (MSE-SBAD) and the service systems engineering lifecycle management (MSE-SLM). It has been got the whole process of building applications, in the National Key Project of Scientific and Technical Supporting Program "Research on common service integration technologies", and the verification of the proposed MSE-TDS model methodology feasibility and correct. (In Chapter 3)(2) Based service engineering methodology guidance, a new hierarchical level of service opening and integration framework-service delivery open platform architecture (SDOP) has been presented here to solve the traditional architecture of the inherent defect. SDOP platform uses horizontal, layered way, to support the platform with an open framework of the aggregate capacity of different services, and provides standardized specification for common service access and integration to support the standardization of integrated service capabilities. In addition, by introducing the telecom business operation support system related to theoretical and practical experience, a mature common service operation support system is builded for end to end services operation support, so as to introduce the MSE-SLM service protection mechanism to support the standardization operation and continuous services for SDOP platform. The SDOP architecture has been applied in the "modern service integration and operation support system", supported by the National Science and Technology Plan subject, and verified the correctness and feasibility. (In Chapter 4)(3) A trans-domain convergence trust model (TCTM) has been presented here to solve the cross-platform, cross-trusted domain authentication problem of service system. This model makes use of interoperability convergence platform to integrate the root certificates, certificate paths and CRL which belong to the different domains. CA’s within a domain can select trust model at will, and the trust among domains employ the convergence platform to implement trans-domain authentication. The TCTM trust model has been applied in the electronic authentication certificate interoperability platform, and verified its correctness and feasibility. (In Chapter 5)(4) Based complex network theory, a metrics for service system and metric parameters (MSS) has been presented here to solve complexity of service system. By the method of service system complexity metrics, a new service composition framework of dynamic on-demand based on perception and service composition algorithm is proposed, which give the utility and validity verification of measurement methods and metrics set of. (In Chapter 6)
