

Research on Design and Performance of SBS Fiber Modified Asphalt Porous Mixture

【作者】 徐希娟

【导师】 戴经梁;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 排水性沥青路面以其结构空隙大、路面排水效果明显、抗滑效果好安全性高、降噪效果明显以及抗高温变形好等鲜明的特点为人们普遍接受。针对SBS纤维改性沥青的技术标准、PA混合料配合比设计方法、饱水率对PA混合料高温性能的影响规律以及PA混合料路用性能评价等问题开展研究。首先,采用SBS和纤维两种改性方式,对SBS改性沥青和SBS纤维改性沥青高温、低温和老化性能及发展规律进行全面系统的研究。提出了以60℃动力粘度、SHRP抗车辙因子G*/sinδ和135℃运动粘度为高温性能评价指标,以5℃延度和脆点为低温性能评价指标,以老化后沥青的5℃延度和脆点为老化评价指标的SBS纤维改性沥青性能评价体系和技术要求;同时提出了满足SBS纤维改性沥青性能要求的相应的SBS改性沥青的技术指标和技术要求。其次,通过不同试验条件下PA混合料随饱水率车辙试验指标的研究,揭示了空隙率、沥青的性能、荷载试验温度和混合料级配等因素对PA混合料高温稳定性能的影响规律;试验结果显示饱水率为60%时为SBS纤维改性沥青PA混合料的高温水稳性不利状态,同时提出了不利状态下的车辙控制指标和技术要求。再次,采用离散元理论分析方法,提出PA混合料粗集料级配的设计新方法,同时给出了PA混合料矿料级配范围;通过研究沥青指标与PA混合料最佳油石比间的关系,提出了以沥青135℃运动粘度确定沥青膜厚度和PA混合料最佳油石比的方法;综合级配设计和最佳油石比设计方法,提出了基于离散元理论和135℃运动粘度指标的PA混合料配合比设计方法。最后,全面分析研究SBS改性沥青、SBS纤维改性沥青和TPS高粘度改性沥青PA混合料的路用性能和变化规律,提出了SBS纤维改性沥青PA混合料的路用性能评价指标和技术要求。通过SBS和纤维双重改性,SBS纤维改性沥青达到高粘度改性沥青PA混合料的性能要求,可以作为高品质的PA路面结合料使用。

【Abstract】 The porous asphalt pavement is generally accepted all because of its bright characters, such as great pavement drainage ability with big interspace structure, great anti-sliding ability, nice security, positive noise reduction effect and nice high temperature resistance ability. The paper has studied the following questions, the technique standards of SBS fiber modified asphalt, mix design methods of PA mixture, saturated water ratio’s effect on PA mixture’s high temperature properties, fiber’s mechanism and pavement performance of PA mixture.Firstly, the thesis adopts SBS and fiber two methods to modified asphalt. It has a total and systemic study on high temperature properties, low temperature properties, aging properties and law of development of SBS modified asphalt and SBS fiber modified asphalt. It puts forward the 60℃dynamic viscosity, SHAP rutting resistant factors, and 135℃brand viscosity as evaluation indexes of high temperature. And it brings forward 5℃ductility and breaking point as evaluation indexes of low temperature. And it also takes 5℃ductility and breaking point of aged-modified asphalt as evaluation indexes of after aging. Therefore it brings forward evaluation system on performance of asphalt modified by SBS and fiber. At the same time, it brings forward evaluation index and technic need of SBS modified asphalt.Secondly, It analyses rutting index of PA mixture on different test condition in different saturated water ratio. It opens out the law of performances of high temperature of SBS fiber modified asphalt affecting by asphalt, test temperature and grade. The research result shows that It is the worst condition as saturated water ratio is 60% to SBS fiber modified asphalt. It brings forward the rutting index and technic need of PA mixture on the worst condition.Thirdly, using the analysis method of discrete element theory, bringing up new design method of coarse aggregate gradation of PA mixture. Also it presents the grade range of PA mixture. Through in-depth research the relationship between asphalt index with optimal asphalt-stone ratio for PA mixture proposing to use 135℃Brandt viscosity of asphalt to determine the method for asphalt film thickness of PA mixture. Proposed the method of PA mixture mix design that based on discrete element theory and the viscosity index of 135℃Brandt.Finally, Analysis and study on road performance and evaluation index of SBS fiber modified asphalt comprehensively. It presents evaluation index and technic need of PA mixture of SBS modified asphalt. At the same time, the results showed that both modified by SBS and fiber, SBS fiber modified asphalt achieved high viscosity for modified asphalt mixture performance requirements, can serve as a high quality PA road binder.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期