

【作者】 张静

【导师】 钟振振;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文以元好问诗歌的传播和接受为研究对象。在系统整理元好问研究史料的基础上,运用传播学和接受美学的理论,对元好问诗集的流播、历代选本的选录、历代诗人的引用、仿效以及元好问诗歌的阐释热点进行具体分析,力求系统而完整地勾勒从金元至清代近700年间元好问诗歌接受和传播的历史轨迹,总结接受规律并探究其深层的政治文化原因,为当代元好问诗歌的研究提供学术史线索和历史借鉴。绪论部分,总论元好问诗歌传播和接受的情况,按时间顺序勾勒元好问诗歌接受史的轨迹,介绍其中接受大家的主要贡献。第一章,金元时期元好问诗歌的接受与传播。主要概述金元时人眼中的元好问其人、其诗,并论述元好问单篇诗歌的即时传播和遗山集的后续传播。金元时期是元好问诗歌接受的形成期,受政治因素的影响,元人对元好问诗歌的接受是不全面的。第二章,明代元好问诗歌的接受与传播。明代特殊的接受背景是元好问诗歌接受处于低谷的主要原因。明代诗话、序跋对元好问诗歌的评价和阐释,体现明代宗唐风气以及明代士人的正统观和史学观。明代元好问诗歌接受呈阶段性特征并有重视乐府诗的倾向。李瀚、毛晋等人对遗山诗的辑录和传播功不可没。第三章,清代元好问诗歌的选录引用及传播。概述清代元好问诗歌接受的全面繁荣之盛况,并分析其主要原因。从选家推荐、读者阅读以及文人创作的角度,探讨清人对元好问诗歌的接受在效果史和影响史方面的规律。阐述清人在避祸心态下、清代盛世歌唱以及末世情怀氛围中对元好问诗歌的选择与取舍。第四章,清代元好问诗歌的评点与笺注。总述清代元好问诗歌的评注情况,重点对查慎行、施国祁等人评注元好问诗歌的特点进行探讨。他们的阐释和校笺对普通读者了解元好问诗歌具有重要的指导意义。第五章:清人诗话对元好问诗歌的评价。重点论述赵翼、翁方纲以及潘德舆对元好问诗歌的阐释和评价。元好问诗歌接受史上大家们的观点,为我们正确认识元好问诗歌提供了借鉴。第六章,清代野史亭题咏与元好问诗歌。汪本直修葺元墓与集诗活动和陈敬棠扩建野史亭与镌诗活动,反映盛世与衰世文人对元好问诗接受的不同侧面。分析了清人诗文中野史亭意象的使用,揭示其所代表的话语意义的形成过程。清人野史亭歌咏受到元好问诗歌的影响,也推动着元好问诗歌的接受和传播。第七章,元好问论诗绝句的接受研究。论述《论诗三十首》的接受历程,重点分析清人查慎行等人对《论诗三十首》的评注。通过分析清代元好问论诗绝句的阐释热点以及清人群体仿效盛况,指出清人的集体阐释和群体仿效对元好问《论诗三十首》成为经典起到重要的促进作用。

【Abstract】 This paper takes communication and reception of Yuan Haowen’s poems as the subjects. Based on historical materials and the theory of aesthetics of reception and communication, it analyzes the communication, choice, quotation, interpretation focus of Yuan’s poems. By doing that, we can see the path of communication and reception, summarize the rule, and explore the deeply politic and cultural reasons during 700 years, which is reference and clue of modern study.The preface gives brief introduction of communication and reception of Yuan Haowen’s poems, the history of acceptance and the famous scholars contribution.The first chaper expounds on the communication and reception of Yuan Haowen’s poems in the Jing and Yuan Dynasties, reveals the impression of Yuan Haowen and his poems in that time and discusses some of Yuan’s poems communication immediately and subsequently. In this period, influenced by the politic element, the acceptance of the Yuan’s poems was not comprehensive.The second chapter puts the emphasis on the communication and reception of Yuan Haowen’s poems in the Ming Dynasty. The special background was the main reason of the acceptance in the valley. The valuation and interpretation of comments on poems and prefaces and postscripts embodied the vogue of respecting Tang poems, traditional and historical views of the scholars. There are stage characteristics and inclination of Yuefu poems. Li Han, Pan Shiren, Maojin played a very important role in the compilation and communication of Yuan’s poems.From the third to the fifth chapter discuss communication of Yuan Haowen’s poems in the Qing dynasty, with different emphases. Chapter three takes choice and communication as the subjects. there was comprehensive acceptance prosperity of Yuan’s poems in that time. From anthologists, readers and the writer, we could see the regulation of the history of effects and influence and different attitudes in the various backgrounds in Qing Dynasty.Chapter four centers on comments and annotation, which has an important guiding significance of Yuan’s poems. After a brief introduction, it analyzes advantages and disadvantages of the comments of Zha Shenxing, etc.The fifth chapter lays particular stress on comments on poems. Many people thought Yuan Haowen was a successful example of studying Du Fu’poems. Zhao Yi, Weng Fanggang and Pan Deyu’s evaluation was especially important and provided reference for correct comprehension .Chapter six focuses on poems singing Yeshi pavilion and Yuan’s poems. Through Wang Benzhi’s preservations of the tomb and collecting poems, and Chen Jingtang’s expansion of Yeshi pavilion and carving poems, we can see the different sides of people in flourishing age and decadent time. By the analyzing the image of Yeshi pavilion, it discloses the development of its discourse meaning, which also promoted acceptance and communication of Yuan’s poems.The last chapter studies on the reception of Yuan Haowen’s jue ju of discussing poetry. Many people, like Zha Shenxing had commented on Yuan Haowen’s "lun shi san shi shou". Yuan Haowen’s jue ju of discussing poetry were interpretation and group imitation focuses, which promotes it to be classic.

【关键词】 元好问诗歌接受传播研究
【Key words】 Yuan Haowen’s poemsReceptionCommunicationStudy
  • 【分类号】I207.224.510
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】869