

Reconstruction of Theoretical System and Philosophical Reflection on Systems Science

【作者】 叶立国

【导师】 李曙华;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 二十世纪下半叶以来,经典科学逐渐走入困境,系统科学的重要性日益增强,并凸显其价值。国内外对系统科学众说纷纭,内外研究之间信息流通不畅,无法相互融合、取长补短,促进整个系统科学的发展。系统科学作为一种新的学科范式猛烈的冲击着经典科学的诸多方面内容,但是对之进行系统的哲学思考相对匮乏。在该背景下,对国内外系统科学的内涵进行全面分析,以之为基础重建系统科学理论体系,并进行系统的哲学思考就显得尤为重要。本文以国内外系统科学内涵及理论体系的系统分析为基础,在融合中外合理性思想基础上,发展并重建系统科学理论体系,进而对该理论体系的合理性做具体论证。以对系统科学的探讨为基础,在范式理念下深入研究了系统科学的几个重要哲学问题:系统科学是否引发科学革命、系统科学的理论突破、世界观的转换和方法论内容的变革。为了从根本上全面领会系统科学的精髓,本文以“系统科学形成”的探讨引领全文。全文以系统科学相关文献综述为基础展开。对“系统科学的形成”从三个方面进行分析:哲学思想为之提供形而上学基础;科学思想为之提供理论背景;在系统运动中,系统科学得以孕育生成。在“国内外观点的分析与比较”中,以系统科学与相关学科关系的差异为标准,把国内外学者的观点各分为三类。国内:静态集合论、动态集合论和重建论;国外:互补论、集合论和数学方法论。本文把国内外系统科学研究的差异总结为六个方面:由于整体研究思路的差异(国外是从其他学科中来到其他学科中去,国内是从系统科学中来到其他学科中去)导致研究群体的不同、他们所关注的学科关系、对系统科学功能的理解不同,另外,国外更为关注元系统科学范式与哲学基础的研究。比较之后本文提出“融合与发展”是加快国内外系统科学发展的必由之路。本文试图从以下三方面“重建系统科学理论体系”:一、系统科学的研究对象、任务和学科性质。其中,研究对象是存在和演化的系统间具有一般意义的关系性特征;研究任务可以总结为“探索对象系统→归纳关系性特征的一般性规律→建构理论与方法→控制和管理系统→探索对象系统”的反馈回路;学科性质可以概括为非“科学”性、中立科学性、建构论、弱经验科学性和问题指向性五个方面,以上学科性质使之明显区别于经典科学。二、系统科学理论体系的总体构架。该体系包括核心系统和外部环境两部分,内外结构之间处于动态的相互作用之中。三、系统科学理论体系的微观结构。微观结构主要涉及系统科学的核心系统,包括系统科学哲学、系统科学的科学学科、技术学科和工程学科四个子系统,本文对每个子系统进行了具体阐述。相比于其他体系,该体系存在五个方面的创新:系统科学理论体系是一个非线性立体结构;核心系统与外部环境相互交融;系统科学哲学进入核心系统;科学、技术与工程的三元划分;核心系统的三阶层次性。在库恩范式理念指引下,本文对“系统科学进行了系统的哲学思考”:一、通过对范式概念的分析提出硬、软范式范畴,进而得出系统科学不构成硬范式转换,即科学革命,只构成软范式转换的观点;二、从五个方面概括了系统科学的理论突破:建构论、跨学科、整体论、生成论和关系论;三、把世界观的转换总结为五点:从构成论到生成论、从存在论到演化论、从实体论到关系论、从简单论到复杂论和从决定论到非“决定论”;四、把方法论内容变革总结为四个方面:从获取理论知识到解决理论或现实问题的目标转变、从还原论到超越还原论的基本原则转变、实践论方法的引入及其对主客二分的超越、定性方法的引入及其地位的确立。随着理论体系的逐步建立,世界观和方法论日益形成,在理论层次,系统科学范式正在逐渐完善。本论文的研究目标包括七个方面内容:一、全面理解国内外系统科学观点;二、深入剖析系统科学国内外研究差异;三、重新建构系统科学理论体系,明确其核心思想和优势所在;四、提出系统科学不构成科学革命、只构成软范式转换的观点;五、系统总结系统科学的五大理论突破;六、全面理解系统科学范式的世界图景;七、揭示系统科学方法论内容的四大重要变革。本文属于基础性研究,论文的结束不是研究的结束而是研究的开始,结语中简要探讨了系统科学未来的几个重要研究问题,终点就是新的起点。笔者将以此为基础继续深入系统科学的相关研究。

【Abstract】 Classic science has come into a difficult situation ever since the second half of the twentieth century. The importance of systems science has distinguished itself and its value shows gradually. There are many different viewpoints both at home and abroad, but as the lack of communication between them, it is inconvenient for them to syncretise with each other. As a new paradigm, systems science poses a challenge to many aspects of classic science. Nevertheless, a systematic study on it is rather rare. Therefore, an all-around analysis of systems science both at home and abroad, a theoretical system reconstruction of systems science on the basis of the analysis, and finally a systematic philosophy reflection on it become imperative.On the basis of analysis of systems science both at home and abroad, this dissertation absorbs the overseas rational thought, develops and reconstructs theoretical system of systems science and then make an argument on its rationality. Based on the discussion of systems science, this dissertation probes into several philosophical issues, that is, whether systems science can be regarded as scientific revolution, the theoretical breakthrough of systems science, the switch of world view and the transformation of contents of methodology. In order to understand the essence of systems science exactly, this dissertation has“the formation of systems science”as the guide to develop forward.The dissertation begins with a literature review of systems science, and analyzes“the formation of systems science”from three aspects: philosophical thoughts provide it with metaphysical foundation; scientific thoughts provide it with theoretical foundation; systems science forms in systems movement. This dissertation classifies its definitions into three kinds with differences of relation between systems science and others: static set theory, dynamic set theory and reconstructionism at home; complement theory, set theory and mathematic methodology theory abroad. Six aspects of difference between home and abroad study are concluded: because of the difference of study route between them(the overseas research with the thought coming from other subjects and back to them, while the domestic research with the thought coming from systems science and back to other subjects), the community, the concerned relationship between subjects and the understanding of systems science’s function are different. Besides, the research abroad put more attention on the research of meta-paradigm of systems science and of philosophical foundation. And then the viewpoint of“syncretization and development”is put forward, and it will enhance the development of systems science at home and abroad. This dissertation tries to“reconstruct theoretical system of systems science”from three aspects as follows. First, the research object, mission and subject character of systems science. The object of research is generic systemhood of specific systems of being and becoming. It’s task can be summarized as feedback loop of“to explore object system—to induce generic law of systemhood—to construct theory and method—to control and manage system—to explore object system”. The subject character of it can be summarized as non-“science”, neutral science, constructivism, soft experience science and issue-indicative. Those characters distinguish it from classic science. Second, the macro-structure of theoretical system of systems science. It comprises two parts: core system and exterior environment. The interior and exterior structure is in a mutual dynamic interaction. Third, the micro-structure of theoretical system of systems science. It mainly involves the core system of systems science, and includes four subsystems: philosophy of systems science, science subjects, technology subjects and engineering subjects of systems science. All of them are elaborated on in this dissertation. In contrast with other systems, there are five aspects of renovations: theoretical system of systems science is a nonlinear space framework; philosophy of it comes into core system; the core system interacts with its environment; the core system is divided by the difference among science, technology and engineering besides philosophy; the structure of third-order is used in this framework. Under the guide of Kuhn’s paradigm idea, the dissertation makes a systematic philosophy reflection on systems science. First, through hard and soft paradigms brought forward by the analysis of paradigm notion, from classic science to systems science is not hard paradigm shift, that is, scientific revolution, but soft paradigm shift. Second, the theoretical breakthrough of systems science are summarized as follows: constructivism, trans-subject, holism, generativism and relationalism. Third, five points of world view shift are summed up: from constitutivism to generativism, from being theory to becoming theory, from substantialism to relationalism, from complicity theory to complexity theory, from determinism to non-“determinism”. Fourth, the transformation of contents of methodology are summarized into four aspects: object shift from the acquirement of knowledge to the solution of theoretical or realistic issue, basic principles shift from reductionism to surmount-reductionism, the introduction of practical approach and its surpass to binary opposition between subject and object, the introduction of qualitative method and the establishment of its status. As the theory system is established and world view and methodology come into being gradually, the paradigm of systems science is being formed.The research object of this dissertation includes seven aspects: first, to understand comprehensively the viewpoints of systems science at home and abroad; second, to discuss profoundly the research difference of systems science at home and abroad; third, to reconstruct theoretical system of systems science, and to clarify its central thought and advantages; fourth, to pose the viewpoint that systems science cannot be regarded as scientific revolution but as shift of soft paradigm; fifth, to conclude systematically five theoretical breakthrough of systems science; sixth, to apprehend comprehensively the worldwide outlook of systems science paradigm; seventh, to expose four main renovations of content of systems science methodology.This dissertation is a basic research, and the end of it signifies the commencement instead of the termination of the study. In the epilogue, the author discusses briefly eight important issues that could be researched further. The author will not cease study after this dissertation, but study correlative research of systems science on basis of it in the future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期