

An Empirical Study on Industrial Agglomeration in the Context of Urban-rural Development in Chongqing

【作者】 郑治伟

【导师】 孟卫东;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 统筹城乡发展,必须坚持工业反哺农业、城市支持农村的方针,加快社会主义新农村建设,促进城乡的协调发展。统筹城乡发展已经成为重庆市目前及将来一段时期内重要研究课题。对于重庆而言,城乡统筹的关键是要实现产业上的协调发展,而基于产业集聚的产业结构调整是实现产业协调发展的重要途径。同时,国内外的实践证明产业集聚对于促进区域城乡统筹具有重要意义。论文从产业集聚和区域城乡统筹角度出发,通过收集整理较长时期的时间序列数据,对重庆产业的集聚程度与城乡统筹水平予以考察,从总体上了解和把握重庆产业的空间集聚格局和各区县在重庆市城乡统筹中所承担的产业分工地位。“都市发达经济圈”不再以生产性功能为主,而是以贸易中心、金融中心、信息中心、服务中心的功能为周围区域的发展极;“一小时经济圈”以生产性功能为主,充当“都市发达经济圈”向“两翼”扩散经济技术能量的中介;“两翼”的次级中心城市充当“一小时经济圈”向“两翼”扩散经济技术能量的中介和农村向城市集聚各种要素的节点;“两翼”中的中小城镇以生产性功能为主,充当次级中心城市向农村扩散经济技术能量的中介和农村向城镇集聚各种要素的节点;农村以规模化、联片种植的农业生产支撑大中小城市对资源和要素的需求,获取农业经营的规模效益和城市化发展的整体效益。最终形成现代城市化与农村城市化相互融合的空间形态格局。论文主要研究内容如下:①产业集聚对城乡统筹发展的效应分析这部分研究由第三章组成,通过对城乡统筹和产业集聚理论体系的分析,并结合国内外城乡统筹发展的经验,针对我国的国情和历史现状,论述了统筹城乡发展下的城镇通过产业集聚效应所具有的双重作用,即城镇通过集聚与扩散功能所产生的对农村经济的拉动作用和对城市发展的推动作用两个方面。②重庆市城乡统筹水平实证分析这部分研究由第四章第一小节组成,论文在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,尝试建立了一套既适合纵向比较又适合横向比较的指标体系,并利用因子分析法,对重庆城乡统筹水平进行了实证研究。研究表明:重庆市城乡统筹水平比较低,不仅远远低于东部的江苏省,还低于中部地区的代表河南省以及全国平均水平,甚至和同是城乡统筹改革实验区的四川省相比,差距也是明显的。③重庆市产业集聚水平实证分析这部分研究由第四章第二节组成,利用空间集聚指数、区位熵和产业集聚指数指标,研讨了重庆市各产业的专业化程度和近年来的变化程度。同时,针对重庆市“一圈两翼”的经济地理发展格局,分析了各区域的产业集聚情况。总体来说,重庆的产业集聚多停留在传统制造业领域,技术密集型和资本密集型产业存在明显不足。④基于产业集聚的重庆市主导产业选择研究这部分研究由第五章组成,首先,根据发展趋势基准、产业关联度基准、创新能力基准、区域比较优势基准和可持续发展基准构建了包含17个指标的区域主导产业综合评价指标体系。其次在确定重庆主导产业的过程中,论文把研究视角从传统的第二次产业引至包括第二次产业和第三次产业尤其是现代服务业在内的领域;最后把支持向量机(SVM)方法引入进行量化分析,对重庆市主43个行业进行了定量分析,得出了重庆市的主导产业。⑤基于城乡统筹的重庆产业集聚发展研究这部分研究由第六章组成,对通过发展产业集聚,促进重庆城乡统筹发展提出了对策和建议。论文根据增长极发展理论,构建了两层筛选体系,借助结合威尔逊模型确定重庆区域发展的次级中心,以此为依托构建了重庆城镇化发展的产业支撑环境,并在此基础上,重点论述了重庆市“一圈两翼”产业带。论文具有以下理论和方法上的创新:①以重庆城乡统筹为背景,综合运用区位熵、空间集聚指数和产业集聚指数等产业集聚评价指标,对重庆制造业和第三产业进行研究,衡量和评价了重庆市主要行业集聚程度的动态变化和地区专业化程度,从而为优化重庆产业结构,实施以工补农,发展城乡统筹提供了依据。②针对主导产业选择中存在的样本数据少,非线性相关等问题,首先根据发展趋势基准、产业关联度基准、创新能力基准、区域比较优势基准和可持续发展基准构建了包含17个指标的区域主导产业综合评价指标体,将支持向量机(SVM)方法对重庆市43个行业进行了定量分析,得出了重庆市的主导产业。③根据增长极发展理论,构建了两层筛选体系,引入了地理学中的威尔逊模型,以衡量各区县对重庆主城区的经济隶属度,对重庆直辖市的次级中心城市选择进行分析,以实现对城镇网络的建设,并在此基础上,以主导产业为龙头,以次级中心城市为骨干节点,对重庆“一圈两翼”产业带如何沿城镇网络发展进行了研究。

【Abstract】 To realize urban and rural development, it is important to adhere to industry nurturing agriculture and cities support rural policy, speed up new countryside construction, and promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas. For the present and future, urban and rural development has become an important research topic within a certain period of time in Chongqing. For Chongqing, the key is to realize the coordinated development of industries, while the adjustment of industrial structure based on Industrial Agglomeration. Meanwhile, Experience at home and abroad has proved industrial agglomeration for the promotion of regional coordinating urban and rural areas of great significance.From the industrial agglomeration and regional urban and rural perspective, by compiling a longer period of time-series data, the degree of concentration of industries in Chongqing and the level of urban and rural areas had been studied. In general, the patterns of spatial industrial agglomeration and the status of industrial division of labor in Chongqing City had been grasped.“Urban developed economies Circle”is no longer to be manufacture center, but to be the growth pole for the surrounding regions on trade, financial, information, service functions;“one-hour economic circle”will to be productive center and to act as the intermediary to improve economic and technological spread from“city developed economic circle”to“wings”; the sub-central cities in“wings”will to act as the intermediary to spread the economic and technological power from“one-hour economic circle”to“wings”and the nodes of rural-urban agglomeration of kinds of element; the small cities and towns in“wings”are productive, which serve as the intermediary to spread the economic and technological power from“sub-central cities“to rural areas and the nodes of rural-town agglomeration of kinds of element; in rural areas, large-scale agricultural production supports the demands of cities and towns for resources. It is useful to obtain economies of scale of agricultural operations and the overall effectiveness of urbanization. Ultimately the pattern of mutual integration of modern urbanization and rural urbanization will be formed.The main content is as follows:①Agglomeration Effects on Urban and Rural DevelopmentThis part is Chapter 3. Through the theoretical analysis of the industrial clustering and the urban and rural co-ordination,combined with urban and rural development experience at home and abroad against China’s national conditions and historical status, the dual role of cities and towns had been discussed, that is, through the accumulation and proliferation cities and towns can generate the pulling effect on the rural economy and urban development.②Empirical Research on Urban and Rural Development in ChongqingThis part is from the first section of chapter 4. Based on previous research, a set of index system suited for horizontal and longitudinal comparison is established, and factor analysis is used to measure the level of the urban and rural development in Chongqing. The results show that: overall level of urban and rural is very low, not only far lower than East China (Jiangsu Province), and also lower than Central China (Henan Province), as well as the national average, and even with Sichuan Province in comparison, the gap is obvious.③Measurement of Industry Agglomeration in ChongqingSpace concentration Index, location entropy and industrial concentration index are applied to discuss the degree of various industries specialization and change in Chongqing in recent years. Meanwhile, in view of Chongqing city“one circle and wings”economic geography development pattern, the regional concentration of industries had been analyzed. Generally speaking , Chongqing’s industrial agglomeration mainly depends on the traditional manufacturing areas, and for technology-intensive and capital-intensive industries, there is clearly insufficient.④Selection of Leading Industry Based on Industry Cluster in ChongqingThis part is the fifth chapters. First of all, according to trend, the industrial correlation, innovation, regional comparative advantage and sustainable development benchmarks, a set of index system containing 17 indicators were established to assess regional leading industry. Secondly, in the course of determining the leading industries of Chongqing, research perspective had been extended from the traditional secondary industry to the modern service industry, at the same time, the support vector machine (SVM) method had been introduced for quantitative analysis. The leading industries of Chongqing were obtained by analysis of 43 industries.⑤Study on Industrial Agglomeration Development based on Urban and rural areas of ChongqingThis part is the sixth chapter. Countermeasures and suggestions are put forward to promote the development of urban and rural areas of Chongqing through the development of industrial agglomeration. Under the growth pole theory, a hierarchical filter was built, and combined with Wilson’s model, the sub-regional development centers in Chongqing had been determined. And then industry support environment of Chongqing urbanization development was constructed, and on this basis, industrial belts in“one circle and wings”of Chongqing was emphasized.Papers have the following theoretical and methodological innovations:①In context of Chongqing urban and rural, integrated with location entropy, spatial concentration index and industrial clustering evaluation index, manufacturing and tertiary industry in Chongqing were researched. Changes and regional specialization of the major industries agglomeration in Chongqing were obtained. It is helpful to optimize the industrial structure in Chongqing, implement industry to subsidize agriculture, and promote the development of urban and rural.②It is difficult to choose leading industries, because of insufficient samples and nonlinear correlation. First of all, according to trend, the industrial correlation, innovation, regional comparative advantage and sustainable development benchmarks, a set of index system containing 17 indicators were established to assess regional leading industry. The support vector machine (SVM) method had been introduced for quantitative analysis. The leading industries of Chongqing were obtained by analysis of 43 industries.③Under the growth pole theory, a hierarchical filter was built, and combined with Wilson’s model from geography to measure the degree of membership of other cities in Chongqing, the sub-regional development centers in Chongqing had been determined. And on this basis, to the leading industry leader, to secondary cities as the backbone nodes, we studied how to develop Chongqing " one circle and wings " industrial belts along the urban network.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期
  • 【分类号】F127;F279.27
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1420
  • 攻读期成果