

A Theoretical and Empirical Study on Enterprise’s Competitive Advantage Based on Intangible Resources

【作者】 周智颖

【导师】 孟卫东;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 企业竞争优势的来源和保持问题一直是战略管理各流派争论的焦点。对这一问题的解释,不同战略流派采用了不同的战略思维模式。早期的战略管理理论基于“内外匹配”的战略思维模式;产业组织理论、波特的战略定位理论则基于“由外而内”的战略思维模式;而基于“由内而外”战略思维模式的资源基础理论,以及由此发展起来的核心竞争力理论、动态能力理论、组织学习与创新理论等,是目前战略管理众多流派的主流。在“由内而外”的战略思维模式下发展起来的多个理论流派,从不同角度提供了企业内部分析的思维和方法,有的关注企业资源的存量以及战略性特征,有的关注企业核心能力和动态能力,有的关注通过学习与创新获得资源能力的过程……。在众多理论观点争鸣的背景下,从更多新角度和新层面去丰富和发展“由内而外”的战略思维模式,是该论文研究的目的和意义所在。论文首先运用归纳总结和演绎推理的理论研究方法,在将人力资源纳入企业无形资源范畴的分类框架下,首先对资源能力战略特征和战略价值的分析框架进行了拓展和细化,提出了一个更具有操作性和实用性的分析框架,在此基础上对企业的有形资源和无形资源的战略特征和战略价值进行了比较性研究;为了辨析企业无形资源对竞争优势的影响机理,论文首先从理论上研究了“个人拥有的无形资源”和“组织拥有的无形资源”之间的交互影响关系;其次研究了组织拥有的“文化类资源”、“知识类资源”、“关系类资源”和“声誉类资源”之间的交互影响关系;最后研究了“个人拥有的无形资源和能力”对“组织拥有的无形资源”的影响、以及通过组织拥有的无形资源对企业竞争优势的直接和间接影响关系。在理论研究的基础上,论文构建了一个“关键人力资源→组织无形资源→企业竞争优势”的理论逻辑模型,然后基于理论研究的初步结论提出了14项与理论逻辑模型各变量之间关系相关的假设。随后,论文运用问卷设计与样本选择、问卷调查与数据收集、数据分析与评估、结构方程与假设检验等实证分析方法,对通过理论研究提出的14项假设进行了实证检验。实证研究的结果发现:①企业家人力资源、企业关键岗位人力资源、以及组织拥有的文化类资源、知识类资源、关系类资源和声誉类资源等,与企业的竞争优势之间存在正相关关系。②企业家人力资源与组织拥有的文化类资源、知识类资源、关系类资源和声誉类资源之间存在正相关关系。③企业关键岗位人力资源与组织拥有的文化类资源、知识类资源、关系类资源和声誉类资源之间存在正相关关系。结合理论研究和实证研究的结果,论文得出以下结论:①企业内部的无形资源是由“个人拥有的无形资源”和“组织拥有的无形资源”两大类构成的,企业可资利用的“人力资源”的实质是员工个人拥有的无形资源和由此衍生的个人能力。②与有形资源相比,企业的无形资源更符合“稀缺性、难以交易和流动性、不完全可模仿性、与外部环境和企业战略的匹配性、以及组织可以利用性”等战略性资源的特征要求,无形资源是比有形资源更具战略意义的资源。③企业关键人力资源与组织无形资源之间存在交互的影响关系,其中关键人力资源对组织无形资源的形成和演化具有主导性影响。④组织的文化类、知识类、关系类和声誉类资源之间存在交互的影响关系,其中“文化类”和“知识类”资源在这种影响中具有主导性。⑤企业关键人力资源和组织无形资源对企业的竞争优势都存在直接或间接的影响,而组织无形资源对企业竞争优势的影响更为直接,关键人力资源主要通过对组织无形资源的影响,间接地影响企业的竞争优势。论文在理论和方法上的主要创新点包括:①提出了一个结构化、系统化和实用性的关于资源战略特征和战略价值的分析框架。②对“持续竞争优势”这一研究命题的真伪进行了反思性研究。③对员工培训如何改变人力资源的质量和结构、以及如何影响企业竞争优势的机理进行了理论性研究

【Abstract】 The issue of gaining and sustaining competitive advantage has been the focus of the debate among different strategic management schools. Different strategic schools adopt different strategic thinking patterns to explain this issue. Early strategic management theories are based on strategic thinking pattern of‘inside-fit-outside’; Theory of Industrial Organization. Porter’s Strategic Positioning Theory is based on the strategic thinking pattern of‘outside-in’; Resource Based View. Which is based on the thinking pattern of‘inside-out’, and the developing theories i.e.. Core Competence Theory, Dynamic Capability Theory, Organizational Learning and Innovation Theory are the mainstream thinking patterns of various strategic management schools.Many theoretical schools developed from the‘inside-out’strategic thinking patterns provide thinking and methods of enterprises’internal analysis from different perspectives. Some theoretical schools focus on the enterprise resources and strategic features, and some on the enterprise’s core competence and dynamic capability. some on the process of gaining resources capacity through learning and innovation…. Under the background of the contentions of different theoretical views. The purpose and significance of the thesis is to enrich and develop‘inside-out’strategic thinking pattern from new perspectives and new levels.Firstly, by adopting the theoretical methods of induction and deduction, this thesis brings corporate human resources into the classification framework of intangible resources. Firstly expands and refines the analysis framework of the strategic characteristics and strategic value of resource capacity. Then proposes a more operational and practical analysis framework, and based on which this thesis conducts a comparative study on strategic characteristics and strategic value of enterprises’tangible and intangible resources;In order to discriminate the impact mechanism of enterprises’intangible resources on competitive advantage. First, the thesis theoretically studies the interaction relationship between the‘individual intangible resources’and‘organizational intangible resources’; then studies the interaction relationship among organizational‘cultural resources’,‘knowledge resources’,‘relation resources’and‘reputation resources’; finally, studies the impact of‘individual intangible resources and capability’on‘organizational intangible resources’, and the direct and indirect impact of‘organizational intangible resources and capability’on enterprises’competitive advantage. Based on the theoretical study, the thesis constructs a logic model of‘key human resources→organizational intangible resources→competitive advantage’, and puts forward 14 hypotheses concerning the relationship between various variables of the logical model which are based on the preliminary conclusions of the theoretical study.Secondly, the thesis tests the 14 hypotheses by using empirical methods of questionnaire design and sample selection, questionnaire survey and data collection, data analysis and comments, structural equation and hypothesis testing. The results show that:①there are positive relationships between enterprise resources including entrepreneurs’ human resources, enterprise key position human resources, organizational cultural resource, knowledge resources, relation resources, reputation resources and the competitive advantages.②There are positive relationships between entrepreneurs human resources and organizational cultural resource, knowledge resources, relationships resources, reputation resources.③There are positive relationships between enterprise key position human resources and organizational cultural resource, knowledge resources, relation resources, reputation resources.Based on the results of theoretical and empirical study, the paper reaches the following conclusions:①The enterprise internal intangible resources consist of‘individual intangible resources’and‘organizational intangible resources’. The available‘human resources’of enterprise are essentially the employees’individual intangible resources and the derived individual capacity.②Compared with tangible resources, the enterprise’s intangible resources are more in line with the strategic resources’characteristics of‘scarcity, difficult trading and liquidity. unreplicability. matching external environment and corporate strategy. as well as the usability’. etc.. Thus, intangible resources are more strategic than the tangible resources.③There is interaction between enterprise key human resources and organizational intangible resources, and key human resources have a dominant influence on the formation and evolution of the organizational intangible resources.④There are interactive relationships between reputation resources and cultural resource, knowledge resources, relation resources, among which cultural resource and knowledge resources play leading roles.⑤Enterprise key human resources and organizational intangible resources both have direct or indirect impact on competitive advantage, and organizational intangible resources have more direct influence on company’s competitive advantage, enterprise key human resources influence the competitive advantage indirectly through its influence on organizational intangible resources.The major innovations of the theory and methodology in this dissertation are as follows:①Expansion and refinement the analysis framework of the resource capacity’s strategic characteristics and value.②Reflection study on the sustainability of competitive advantage.③Deep investigation on the strategic significance of employee training in human resources management.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期