

Structure Renewal and Sustainable Using of Natural Building Materials on Yunnan Folk Houses

【作者】 柏文峰

【导师】 秦佑国;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 建筑学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 云南有26个民族,丰富多彩的云南民居既是民族文化的重要载体,也是广大村镇居民的居住实体。由于天然林禁伐,云南传统民居的木结构缺乏森林资源支撑,钢筋混凝土现浇框架结构和砖混结构的使用也由于经济技术条件所限而面临很多问题。在建筑围护材料方面,云南具有丰富的天然建材资源,但由于缺乏技术提升,利用方式简单原始,因而正逐渐为实心黏土砖所取代。上述问题如不从理念和技术层面认真加以解决,云南民居难以实现可持续营造,从而直接影响云南建设民族文化大省、旅游经济强省和民族特色新农村的战略目标实现。本论文在实地调查的基础上,采用理论分析、试验研究等方法,对云南民居结构更新和天然建材可持续利用策略及适宜技术做了全面系统的研究。在结构体系更新方面,研发了“小型预制构件预应力预制装配式结构体系”及其配套技术;研发了“竹-木轻型结构”。在天然建材可持续利用方面,以“功能型生土材料”概念整合现有生土技术并开发出“用植物纤维和水泥增强的轻质保温(隔热)生土材料”;以原竹为骨架材料开发轻质隔热墙体;以原竹为填充材料开发隔热吸声预制楼板。用上述部分技术在西双版纳和香格里拉进行了民居结构更新和天然建材可持续利用的工程实践,“小型预制构件预应力预制装配式结构体系”在西双版纳已经实现技术本地化。本论文主要由三部分构成。调查篇——选择西双版纳和香格里拉这一南一北两个典型民族地区作为调查对象,提炼问题的共性和个性;研究篇——在民居结构更新及天然建材可持续利用相关策略指导下,进行新型结构体系的技术方案研发以及天然建材可持续利用方法研究;实践篇——通过在香格里拉和西双版纳的民居营造实践,完善技术、优化技术,实现技术本地化,为民居可持续营造提供切实的理念和技术支持。对于国内乃至国外的民居和村镇建筑可持续营造而言,本论文开发的结构技术以及天然建材可持续利用方法也具有应用价值。

【Abstract】 There are 26 minorities in Yunnan province. The colorful and plentiful Yunnan folk houses are not only the important carrier of national culture, but also the residential architecture for villages and small towns. For sake of logging band, the wood structure of Yunnan traditional folk houses had lost the support from forest resources. At the same time, the use of modern structure such as brick-bearing wall structure and frame bearing structure with reinforced concrete cast on site is confronted with many problems by the limitation from economy and technology in villages and small towns. Lacking of improvement, nature building materials which used for wall construction was replacing by sintered clay solid brick gradually for making enclosure wall of folk house. If these problems couldn’t be solved properly, the strategic target which change Yunnan to a big province on national culture, a strong province on tourism economy, and construct socialism new rural area with a flavor of national culture would be interfered definitely.Based on the on-site investigation and by way of theoretical analysis and experiment, this dissertation explores strategies and technologies for structure renewal and sustainable using of nature building materials of Yunnan folk houses. On the respect of structure renewal, the thesis developed both IMS system with small PC component and light weight bamboo-wood structure. On the respect of natural building material using, the thesis integrated the so far adobe technology by concept of functional adobe, develop light weight adobe reinforced with plant fiber and cement. A new kind of wall which uses bamboo as skeleton and a new kind of prefabricated floor slab filled with bamboo were put forward too. These two kinds of products are light in weight and good in heat insulation. Some of the new technologies mentioned above had been put into practical use. The technology of IMS system with small PC components had been localized in Xishuangbanna. This dissertation is mainly composed of three chapters, i.e. the chapter of investigating, the chapter of researching and the chapter of practicing.The chapter of investigating——Choose Dai’s folk houses in Xishuangbanna and Tibetan’s folk houses in Shangri-la as investigating objectives. These two minority regions located south and north of Yunnan province respectively. By refining common and specific character, the dissertation discloses problems which Yunnan folk houses are facing with during construction.The chapter of researching——Develop new technologies which satisfied with the strategy on structure renewal and sustainable using of natural building material. The chapter of practicing——Improve and prefect technology, and promote technology localization by construct new folk house demo-projects. Concrete theoretical and technical supports are provided for the sustainable construction of Yunnan folk houses.The outcome of the research will be significant for the sustainable construction of the residential architecture for villages and small towns both in abroad and other provinces of China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期
  • 【分类号】TU241.5;TU50
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】1424
  • 攻读期成果