

Research on the Assessment & Design Standard of Urban Residential Areas Lighting

【作者】 姚鑫

【导师】 马剑;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 建筑技术科学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文是国家“十一五”科技支撑计划课题《居住区与室内光环境优化保障技术研究》(课题编号2006BAJ02A03)的研究分课题,旨在进一步完善城市居住区照明理论与设计方法,为居住区照明的体系化研究提供更为科学的依据。文章首先通过对天津、长沙、郑州三座城市30个居住区夜间室外照明情况的调查,使用实地物理测试与居民走访调查的方式,重点研究我国城市居住区光环境的现状和问题。探讨城市居住区光环境的特点,分析近年居住区室外照明发展的情况,并根据居住区光环境的要求和当地的实际情况,提出改进建议。其次在利用文献对比方法找出与居住区室外光环境相关评估指标群的基础上,通过建立指标群和指标群分解的方法初步得到评价体系,而后使用“模糊德尔菲法”筛选居住区室外光环境评价体系中的评估因子,从而推导出“居住区室外光环境”评价体系框架,并运用“层级分析法”得出综合评价指标权重值。最后在“居住区室外光环境评价体系”的基础上,重点从人的自身光环境需求出发,使用二元语义分析法对主观调查结果进行分析,结合现场调研的实验研究数据,建议了由居住区居民安全性、健康性、便利性、舒适性及可持续性等五部分组成的城市居住区照明设计标准,并将“容积率”引入该标准建议,使其具有更强的可操作性。本研究工作所建立的研究方法、技术路线及取得的成果,不仅对城市居住区,也对我国众多面临照明建设的城市广场、商业区、公园,以及立交桥、道路交通汇合区等区域的城市照明设计具有重要的指导意义和参考价值。本文创新点:1、以文献分析与实地调查研究为基础,深入剖析了我国城市居住区光环境发展现状、自身特色及未来发展方向,确定居住区光环境评价及照明设计标准研究体系及方法;2、论文以居民自身对光环境的需求及照明本身特殊性出发,架构了城市居住区光环境综合性的质量评价指标体系;3、论文通过现场调研与主观评价相结合的方法,提出了城市居住区照明设计标准建议值。

【Abstract】 This article is a subentry research of the Science & Technology Supporting of 11th Five-Year Plan. Research on digitization of urban residential sreas "(Authorized Number 2006BAJ02A03 ).It is for the purpose of consummating the residential areas theory and the design method, and provides a more modelling basis for the residential areas lighting digitized system.Firstly,through the investigation of lighting conditions of 30 residential areas in TianJin,ChangSha & ZhengZhou,the article reflects the existing problems of luminous environment of residential area in the city. By comparison of the different characristics of luminous environment in three cities as well as analysis on the improvements made on the lighting situations recent years.Secondly,studying the extra ventricular luminous environment of residential area in china city,and finds the related indicators groups by literature reviewing. It sieves out the appropriate assessment factors for extra ventricular luminous environment with Fuzzy Delphi method,and deduces the assessment formula of extra ventricular luminous environment of residential area in china city.Thirdly,studied quality function deployment(QFD),a method based on two-tuple linguistic was proposed to obtaine subjective sensation quantity from the corresponding objective physical quantity. By using this formula and unifies the experimental data of scene investigation,it suggested the urban residential areas lighting design standard which including lighting safety,healthy,conveniences, comfortable & sustainable five parts.The study methods, work frame and interrelated conclusions in our researches would make sense as a guidance and reference not only to residential areas, but also squares, business sections, parks, overpasses and intersections facing lighting projects in China. .

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期