

The Summary Reviews of Yingzaofashi Study History

【作者】 成丽

【导师】 王其亨;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 宋《营造法式》是北宋崇宁二年(1103年)颁行全国的一部侧重于估工算料的法规性建筑营造技术典籍。自九十年前,即1919年初朱启钤在江南图书馆发现《营造法式》抄本并付印后,数代学者持续不辍地开展有关《营造法式》的研究,既开启了中国建筑史学的大门,更曾多方位、多层次地推进了该学科的深化发展。本文细致梳理现代以来《营造法式》已有研究和成果,全面考察相关研究主体、学术流派,从版本研究、实物测绘、术语解读、理论探索、多元化研究几个层面,对《营造法式》的研究历程、学术发展理路尝试进行系统分析和归纳,尽可能在总结研究目的、方法、成就和影响的基础上,彰显各个时期典型的学术思想和研究方法,审视因果,探寻得失,明晰当前存在的问题和今后可以深入的方向,为相关研究提供参考和借鉴,进而探索新的研究方法和理路,以促进《营造法式》研究的继续深入以至新的突破,为完善中国建筑史学框架乃至重振中国文化做出贡献。

【Abstract】 Yingzaofashi (营造法式) was an architectural book of regulations, majoring in assessing the project and counting the materials, which was issued for enforcement to the whole country in the second year of Chong Ning (1103) of Northern Song Dynasty. In the beginning of 1919, Zhu Qiqian found the copies of Yingzaofashi and reprinted it, and then the relevant research not only opens the door of Chinese Architectural History, but also promotes the deep development of this discipline from the multi-direction and multi-level.Through careful analyzing the modern research results of Yingzaofashi, this paper comprehensively study the relevant subjects and the academic schools. And, from many perspectives, such as the version research, the measured survey, the interpretation of terms, the theoretical exploration and the diversified research, we will systematically analyse and sum up the research process and the academic logics of Yingzaofashi. Also, as possible as on the foundation of the summary of research purposes, methods, achievements and impacts, we will demonstrate the typical academic thinking and research methods of different periods, look at the cause and effect, explore the gains and losses, and clarify the existing problems and the future direction, with the purpose of providing a reference for related research, exploring the new research methods and research logics, promoting the continual improving and deepening and making a breakthrough, and then contributing into improving the framework of Chinese Architectural History and revitalizing Chinese Culture.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期