

【作者】 高长见

【导师】 陈泽宪;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 刑法学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 轻罪、重罪的区分是很多国家刑法典对犯罪的法定分类,我国则没有法定分类意义上的轻罪概念和轻罪制度。我国刑法典规定的犯罪,大约相当于国外刑法典规定的“重罪”部分,而国外“轻罪”的那部分犯罪,在我国主要是由劳动教养和行政性的治安管理进行处罚。本文在过去研究的基础上,对建立我国的轻罪制度进行了比较系统的研究,全文共分5章。第一章主要介绍了学界对轻罪制度的研究现状,研究轻罪制度的意义及轻罪的概念等。第一节对轻罪制度的研究现状进行了分析,并阐述了研究轻罪制度的理论意义和实践意义。第二节对“轻罪”概念进行了界定,并简略介绍了国外轻罪制度,及其与保安处分和违警罪制度的区别。第二章研究了刑法中的轻罪制度的理论价值,主要分析了轻罪与行政权的控制、刑法的罪刑均衡原则、刑法的法益保护机能、刑法的明确性原则之间的关系。轻罪制度有利于控制行政权的滥用,也有利于在立法层面贯彻罪行均衡原则和完善对法益的保护。定性区分犯罪与行政违法行为能够更好的体现刑法的明确性原则,而建立轻罪制度有利于解决定性界分犯罪与行政违法行为所造成的轻微犯罪行为与严重犯罪行为都被笼统的视为犯罪造成的弊端。第三章研究了建立中国轻罪制度的必要性。这种必要性主要体现在改造劳动教养制度、合理界分行政违法行为与犯罪、贯彻宽严相济刑事政策、与国外刑法保护范围协调等方面。第四章对建立中国轻罪制度的障碍和困难进行了分析。建立轻罪制度遇到的主要障碍有三个:建立轻罪制度造成的犯罪圈扩大、有犯罪前科、犯罪“污名”负面影响等问题;建立轻罪制度带来的与现有刑法理论体系的协调问题;科学、合理的界定轻罪的范围问题等。本章的三节分别围绕上述三个问题展开了论证。第五章对中国轻罪制度的具体内容进行了设计。该章对建立我国轻罪制度的具体形式进行了分析,主张以单行的《轻罪法》形式建立轻罪制度。而《轻罪法》主要应包括三类行为:劳动教养处罚的部分行为;《刑法》分则部分章节规定的法定刑最高为3年有期徒刑的轻微犯罪;需要予以犯罪化的部分危害行为,例如危险驾驶、见死不救等。轻罪的程序应当以简易、快速为原则。为了解决建立轻罪制度后的犯罪前科对轻罪犯罪人的不利影响,应当建立轻罪的前科消灭制度。

【Abstract】 The distinction of Misdemeanor and felony is the statutory classification of crimes in many countries’Penal Code, but there is no misdemeanor concept and system in the sense of statutory classification in China. Crimes in China’s Criminal Code is about the equivalent of the felony section in criminal codes in many other countries, the misdemeanor part of the crimes are mainly regulated by re-education throught labour and administrative punishment in China. Based on previous studies, this paper carried out a systematic study of the establishment of misdemeanor in China. This paper is divided into five chapters.The first chapter introduces the status of academic research on misdemeanor system in China, and the significance, concept of misdemeanor system. Section one analyzes the academic research on the misdemeanor system, and described theoretical and practical significance of misdemeanor system. In section II the concept of misdemeanor was defined and, also briefly introduced the foreign misdemeanor system and its differences with security measures and violation.The second chapter studies the theoretical value of misdemeanor system. I analyzed the relationships between misdemeanor system and the control of the administrative power, the principle of balance between crime and punishment, the legal interest protection function of criminal law, the principle of clarity of the criminal law. Misdemeanor system will help to control the abuse of administrative power, and also conducive to implementing the principle of balance between offenses and punishment and in legislative level and the protection of legal interests. The establishment of the system will also help to resolve the drawbacks brought about by qualitative distinguishing of crime and administrative violations.Chapter III talk about the necessity of the establishment of misdemeanor system in China. The necessity is mainly reflected in followings: reform of re-education through labor system; Reasonable distinction of administrative violations and crime; carring out the criminal policy of combining punishment with leniency; coordination of the scope of protection by criminal law in intellectual property with internation standards.Chapter IV analyzes the obstacles and difficulties on the establishment of misdemeanor system in China. The obstacles are mainly as followings: over-extended expansion of the crimes scope, the problem of criminal records, and the issue of negative impact of criminal "stigma", which all caused by the establishment of misdemeanor; the difficulties of coordinating misdemeanor system with existing criminal theory; scientific and reasonable defining of the scope of misdemeanor.In Chapter V, the specific contents of China’s misdemeanor system was designed. The chapter advocated an independent "misdemeanor law" system as the mode to establishing misdemeanor system in China. "Misdemeanor law" should mainly include three type behaviours : part of the violations punished by re-education through labor system; minor offenses in Criminal Law which the maximum statutory sentence is 3 years; dangerous behaviours that need to be criminalized, such as dangerous driving, oblivious to others sufferings, etc. The procedure of misdemeanor cases should follow the principle of summar and fast. In order to solve the adverse effects of criminal record caused by establishment of misdemeanor system, criminal records repealing system should be established.

  • 【分类号】D924.1
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1289