

【作者】 张锟

【导师】 王巍;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 东夷文化在夏商周时期,经历了自身的形成、发展、演变及融入华夏系统文化的过程,与中原王朝的政治、军事、经济、文化联系始终影响着其自身的变迁,从一个侧面反映了华夏集团及夏商周王朝不断成长的历史。三代王朝的政治、军事势力不断地渗透和扩散到东夷所在的东方地区,对本地区的社会与文化发展进程造成重大影响,以国家力量为后盾的华夏集团逐渐形成了对东夷的优势和优越地位,在这一框架下展开了双方的关系,即东夷文化与人群的华夏化进程。夏商周王朝作为中原核心区的主导力量,在处理与四方人群的关系时,主要是从本身的政治、军事利益出发,经营四方的策略的制定和推行,着眼于确立自身的政治权威,消除安全威胁,保证稳定的资源汲取。东夷作为相对于权力中心的边缘人群,其自身的发展被日益纳入这一渠道。本文对东夷文化的研究,即从这一角度出发,利用考古资料,并结合相关的文献记载,考察东夷文化与人群在中心—边缘格局中的发展历史。论文共分为六章。第一章为绪论:主要内容包括对东夷文化研究历史的宏观回顾,对“东夷”概念的界定以及对本文研究重点和目的的说明。本文所界定的东夷是指在“中心—边缘”格局中东方文化与人群,即东方之“夷”,而不仅仅是东方之人。黄河中下游地区从龙山时代晚期至二里头文化时期,文化格局从多中心并立式转化为单中心式,夏王朝确立了自身的绝对中心地位,而四方则转化为四裔。“东夷”正是在这一背景下形成,其自身的发展则长期受这一格局的影响。第二章为岳石文化的考古学分析:在以往研究的基础上,分析了岳石文化的分期,年代,地方类型与来源,并对各类型与相邻文化的关系进行了初步归纳。岳石文化从二里头文化二期延续至早商文化二期前后,可划分为四期。根据目前的资料,将各地的岳石遗存归纳为四个地方类型,即照格庄类型、尹家城类型、郝家庄类型和安邱堌堆类型,各类型下还可能划分出不同的亚型,但限于材料的发现不再做出更细致的区分,本文对岳石文化的分析即建立在上述四个大的地方类型基础之上。第三章为岳石文化之后商周时期的东夷文化的分析:岳石文化之后东夷文化的发展序列,在以往的研究中,由于材料的限制,存在着模糊不清的现象。本文在尽量全面搜集资料的基础上,将商周时期的东夷文化区分为芝水二期遗存—珍珠门文化—南黄庄文化的发展线索,时代从早商三期一直持续至西周末年。以往的研究,大多集中于珍珠门文化,对芝水二期遗存的注意不够,或将其划入珍珠门文化。本文则将芝水二期遗存单独作为一类遗存,对其年代与分期进行了分析。第四章为对东夷文化发展历程的分析:按照岳石文化、芝水二期遗存、珍珠门文化和南黄庄文化的顺序对东夷文化与社会发展的特点进行分析。结合各类遗存所包含的特定内涵,利用相关的人类学理论阐释不同遗存所反映出来的具体历史内容。从山东龙山文化向岳石文化的转化开始,东方地区社会的发展出现停滞现象,从较为复杂的社会回复到相对简单的状态,“分裂式结构”成为东方地区长期持续的社会现象,“九夷分立”即是这种社会状态的反映。东夷各分支人群的政治发展水平长期落后于中原地区,缺少整合力量,在整体上无法与中原王朝相抗衡,逐渐陷入衰退状态。第五章集中分析东夷与夏商周王朝的关系:东夷文化每一次重大发展进程,均与中原地区的政治、军事形势的变动密切相关,外部环境的改变提供了东夷文化演化的动力。夏商周王朝所推行的对东方地区的策略,造成东夷文化发展的起伏,引发东夷文化表现形式的变化。夏王朝初年,从后羿、寒浞代夏至少康中兴的政治变动,导致夏王朝对东方地区的长期重点经营,在文献中留下了较多的记录,使夷夏关系史的记录构成夏王朝历史的重要组成部分。九夷分立局面的形成,即为夏王朝长期经略东方地区文化与人群的结果,影响了东夷社会的发展进程,造成了东夷社会不同于华夏王朝的特点,真正意义上的“东夷”出现在华夏的东方。夏商之际至商代早期,基于商与夷之间长期的文化联系,东夷在以商人为主导的政治、军事体系中占据了重要位置,东夷文化获得了空前的发展机遇,部分人群开始摆脱发展上的滞后性,东夷文化对外产生了广泛影响,进入了一个明显的上升期。早商文化三期前后,随着商王朝力量的强大,商夷关系主流转化为新的中心与边缘的关系,商王朝的政治、军事力量及商文化日益向东方地区扩展,引起东夷文化的演变,岳石文化演化为芝水二期遗存,东夷文化退缩至胶东地区。殷墟一期阶段,商王朝进一步鲁北东部地区扩张,围绕沿莱州湾的海盐资源,商与夷再次发生联系,商王朝东向扩张造成芝水二期遗存向珍珠门文化的转化。商周之际至西周中期,中原地区的政治变动为珍珠门提供了加强对外影响的机会,在鲁北地区广泛出现东夷土著文化的因素,并与商、周文化日益融合。西周中期,西周王朝将政治、军事影响扩展至胶东地区,使珍珠门文化向南黄庄文化演变,并被压缩至胶东半岛东南一隅,东夷文化日益融入周文化,东夷文化与人群最终完成了华夏化过程。第六章为结语:对全文主要内容进行总结,突出夏商周王朝与东夷关系的展开过程及影响,并对华夏化过程能够在东方地区顺利完成的原因略作探讨。

【Abstract】 The Dongyi culture in the period of Xia Shang and Zhou dynasties experienced the progress of formation , development , evolution and integration into Huaxia group culture .The contacting between Dongyi and dynasties of Xia Shang and Zhou in politics, the military, the economy and culture affected vicissitude of its own that reflected from a side the growth history of Huaxia group and the dynasties of Xia Shang and Zhou. The influence of Xia Shang and Zhou dynasties in politics and the military spread to the eastern area, which has the major impact on this area’s society and the culture development process. Huaxia group with nation strength as a backing had formed gradually superiority to Dongyi. Under this frame of superiority , Dongyi culture and crowd’s melting with Huaxia had been carried out .When dealing with the relations with other groups ,the dynasties of central plain as the leading force focused their minds on establishing own political authority, eliminating the security threat and guaranteeing stable resources deriving. Dongyi as edge crowd must adjust its own development to the strategy of core area. This dissertation on research of Dongyi culture based on archaeology material and the related literature record inspects the historical development of Dongyi culture and crowd in central - edge pattern.This dissertation is divided into six chapters.The first chapter is the introduction: The primary coverage includes macroscopic review of research history on Dongyi culture and the concept limits of“Dongyi”as well as studies key and goal of the dissertation. Dongyi in this dissertation refers to the Eastern culture and the crowd in the pattern of“the central - edge”, not only the people of the Eastern. From the later period of Longshan time to Erlitou cultural time in the area of Middle and lower Yellow River, the xia dynasty had established own absolute central position, at the same time the people in the surrounding areas had been transformed into the border crowds.“Dongyi”was formed under this background, which influenced the development of Dongyi in a long time.The second chapter is for archaeology analysis of Yueshi culture. It discusses the stages, the age, the types and the origin of Yueshi culture, and the relations between the various types of Yueshi culture and the neighboring culture. YueShi culture can be divided into four periods, from the phaseⅡof erlitou culture to the early phaseⅡof shang culture. According to the current material, Yueshi culture consists of four our types, namely zhaogezhuang type, yinjiacheng type, haojiazhuang type and anqiugudui type. various types may also differentiate different subtypes, the analysis of YueShi culture is based on the four big place types.The third chapter discusses Dongyi culture in the period of shang and zhou dynasties. DongYi cultural development sequence after YueShi culture was vague in the former research. Based on comprehensive collecting material as far as possible, Dongyi culture in the period of shang and zhou dynasties is divided into three stages from the early phaseⅢof shang culture to the late western zhou , including the phaseⅡof zhishui remains, zhenzhumen culture and nanhuangzhuang culture. Previous research, mostly focused on zhenzhumen culture, haven’t noticed the the phaseⅡof zhishui remains, or have considered it zhenzhumen culture. In this dissertation, the phaseⅡof zhishui remains is discussed as a kind of culture on the age and period stages.The fourth chapter is for DongYi culture development: cultural and social development characteristics of DongYi culture are analyzed. It discusses the specific historical content of various remains by the relevant theory of anthropology. During the transformation process between Shandong longshan culture and YueShi culture, there was a stagnant phenomenon of society in the eastern region, a complex society has collapsed. Segment structure became the social phenomenon of the eastern region. The branches of Dongyi had a lower level in political development and gradually lapsed into recession because of the lack of integration.The fifth chapter focuses on the relationship between Dongyi and Xia, shang and zhou dynasties. Every major cultural development process of Dongyi culture was closely related to the changes of political, military situation of the central plains, the external environment provides the power for the cultural development of Dongyi. Oriental region strategy of Xia, shang and zhou dynasties caused the ups and downs of DongYi culture development and changes in the forms of culture. In the early Xia dynasty, the political changes caused with“Houyi、Hanzhuo dai xia”and“shaokangzhongxing”lead to long-term war and political activities between Xia and Dongyi, leaving a mass of history records which constituted an important part of history.“Jiuyi”is the result of political activities of Xia dynasty in the Oriental area, the strategies of Xia dynasty influenced the development of society of Dongyi and made the differences between Xia and Dongyi, genuine "DongYi" appeared in the eastern China. From the turn of Xia and Shang dynasties to the early shang dynasty, based on the occasion of the long-term cultural contact between yi and shang, Dongyi occupies an important position in the political and military system dominated by shang people, and achieved unprecedented opportunities for development, Dongyi culture entered a obvious rising stage and produced widespread influences upon the foreign area. In the early phaseⅢof shang culture, with the growing of shang dynasty, the new relationships between the center and the edge became the mainstream for shang and yi. Shang dynasty expanded the military and politics strength to the eastern region, which caused the evolution of Dongyi culture, Dongyi culture transformed into the phaseⅡof zhishui remains and moved back to Jiaodong area. With the further expansion of shang dynasty to the north of Shandong in the phaseⅠof Yinxu culture, which aimed at obtaining the sea salt resources, shang dynasty got in touch with Dongyi again, at the same time the phaseⅡof zhishui remains began to transform into zhenzhumen culture. From the turn of shang and zhou dynasties to the middle zhou, political changes of central plains provided opportunities for zhenzhumen culture to strengthen the external influence in the north of Shandong, DongYi native cultural factors increasingly merged with shang and zhou culture. In the middle of western zhou, the political, military influence of zhou dynasty were extended to the jiaodong area. zhenzhumen culture transformed into nanhuangzhang culture that was compressed to the southeast corner jiaodong peninsula. DongYi and Huaxia group inally completed the merging course.The sixth chapter for main contents of full-text epilogue: to summarize the relationship between DongYi and Xia, shang and zhou dynasties, and the reason of success for Huaxia group in exploring the eastern region.

  • 【分类号】K871
  • 【被引频次】7
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