

Lotus Treasury World: the Huayan Pure Land Belief―from Eastern Han Dynasty To Tang and Song Dynasty

【作者】 释见辟(冯心慧)

【导师】 魏道儒;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 宗教学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文《华藏世界:华严学的净土信仰——从东汉到唐宋》旨在梳理华藏世界成为中土佛教徒终极目标的历程。主要有两方面的收获:一方面在千年积淀中梳理出华严学的净土信仰丰富的变化历程。二方面是发掘其不变的宗旨。同时解答两个问题:第一、华严学本身的净土信仰是什么?与其他净土信仰(如弥陀净土)有何相关与区别?第二、华藏世界具备什么样的特质使其流传千百年,迄今仍备受信众崇敬?学界向来关注的中国净土信仰主要有三类:一、弥陀净土信仰,二、弥勒天宫问法信仰,三、华严与弥陀信仰融合历程。而在华严学研究方面,则多从“义学”角度探究,较少从“净土信仰”的角度切入。本文在前人的基础上另辟蹊径,有三项特点:第一,突破以前研究“华严与净土融合”的框架,直接探索华严净土信仰。第二,突破以前单纯研究翻译经典和注疏典籍的局限,把经典与不同时代的人物以及实物遗存结合起来研究,视野更为广阔。第三,从人文关怀的视角考察不同历史时期积淀的宗教文化遗产,具有十分积极的现实意义。具体作法如下:先还原佛教本身对净土的定义,再结合形而上的义学体系与具体的净土信仰,运用此“义理与信仰”不二的新视角,加以参照行者生平与临终的理想归宿。以此方法助于发掘中国华严学中的净土信仰发展历程与不变之信仰宗旨,乃至于佛教徒的终极世界观与宇宙观,现世修炼与来世追求等信仰生活。本文内容由三章组成。第一章净土类别与华藏世界义:从人文关怀、宗教比较及佛教净土要义等宏观的框架中,逐步聚焦到本文探讨中心。依序为探讨“追求理想归宿”的本质、比较佛教净土与天国等其他宗教的理想归宿,剖析佛经净土义三面向(表象、真相、实质)与净土说法五类型(他方、人间、悲愿、唯心、法界),归纳行者净土信仰有三类型(往生、建设、当下),最后是界说“华严净土信仰”。第二章《华严》典籍净土义的译介历程:华藏世界义的初现、此义的开显、此义增进往生净土义等三时期。第三章中国华严净土信仰历程:以华严学四时期(《华严经》译介、《华严》经论研究、华严立宗、华净禅融合)的程序为时间纵轴,梳理出华严净土信仰有四阶段的历程,即华藏实相世界观的酝酿、发展、成熟及圆融等四阶段。最后以两大历程综理(华严典籍译介与华严净土信仰)、三大信仰特色(生命时空无碍、修行取向无碍、利他实践无碍)及圆融无碍精神等三方面总结本文研究。结论有:1.《华严》具备佛经净土三面向与净土说法五类型,故华严净土信仰能够涵盖净土信仰三类型,因而流传迄今。2.《普贤行愿品》发挥的关键作用具有两面性:贤净融合纽带与华藏世界观成熟标志。3.华严法界圆融净土信仰继续被禅门宗师发扬光大。4.从“法界人中像的题名演进”到“莲华藏世界海图”的出现,华严图像由“一即一切”的佛身含藏法界表现形式,扩大为宇宙全景。5.华藏世界义不仅对中国佛教影响深远,也赋予中国育德体系超然性意义与实践系统,在历代社会的和谐关系构建与改革进步作出贡献,有重要的现实意义等诸多创新论点。

【Abstract】 The purpose of the present study is to discover the course of the Lotus Treasury World into becoming the Buddhists’ultimate aim. Two main aspects gained from the study are the changing course of the Huayan Pure Land faith during the thousand-year accumulation and its unchanging aim. The study also sought to answer the following questions: 1) What is the faith of Huayan Pure Land itself and what is the correlation and the difference between it and other faiths of Buddha lands, such as the Amitabha Pure Land? 2) What characteristics does the Lotus Treasury World have that have allowed the faith to circulate for thousands of years and still be esteemed by Buddhists today?Academic research about Pure Land faith is usually divided into three kinds: the Amitabha Pure Land, the Maitreya Pure Land, and the fusion history between Huayan and Amitabha Pure Land. The academic research of Huayan usually cares more about metaphysical analysis than concrete Pure Land faith. Based on pre-academic research, the present study tries another approach which gives it three fingerprints: 1) Breaking through the study frame of fusion between Huayan and Pure Land to directly research Huayan Pure Land Belief. 2) Breaking through the limits of the mere study of sutra translation and exegesis to research by combining sutra, practitioners in different times, and historical relics for a broadening view. 3) From the humanistic angle to observe the accumulation of religious cultural heritage of different historical times with positive realistic significance. The practice is as follows: First, restoring the definition of Pure Land in Budddhism, second, researching by the combined angle of the metaphysical analysis and the concrete Pure Land faith, and then taking the ideal reborn place of Huayan practitioners’choice at ordinary times and approaching their ends as reference. Through this new method, it is helpful to find not only the developing course and unchanging aim of Pure Land faith in Chinese Huayan study, but also the ultimate worldview, life practice and the next life pursuing of Buddhists.This text consists of three chapters:Chapter 1 Pure Land Categories and Lotus Treasury World Meaning: Looking gradually into from the macroscopic frame of humanistic concern, religious comparison and Buddhist Pure Lands’central meaning to the focus of the dissertation. The contents are as follow in order: discovering the essence of pursuing the ideal reborn place, comparing the Buddhist Pure Land and other religious ideal places, such as the Kingdom of Heaven, analyzing three aspects of Pure Land meaning in the Buddhist sutras (representation, reality, essence) and five categories of its preaching (world elsewhere, man’s world, compassion vow, mind only, reality realm), generalizing Buddhist practitioners’Pure Land faith into three patterns (being reborn, development, present moment), and last defining Huayan Pure Land Belief.Chapter 2 The Course of Translation and Exegesis of Huayan sutra: three developing periods of Huayan Pure Land meaning―its sprout, its manifestation and its enriching to be reborn in Pure Land.Chapter 3 The Course of Huayan Pure Land Belief in China: taking the four developing periods of Huayan study(the translation and exegesis of Huayan sutra, the study of Huayan sutra and explanatory treatise, the foundation of Huayan school, the fusion of Huayan, Amitabha, and Ch’an)as the time ordinate axis, to generalize the four progressive phases of Huayan Pure Land beliefs (Lotus Treasury Reality worldview incubating, growing, maturing and mutually interpenetrating without obstruction).The study concludes with analyzing the course of Huayan Sutra translation and its Pure Land belief together, its three belief qualities (infinite space-time of life, boundless orientation of Buddhist practice, endless practice of altruism) and its spirit of mutual interpenetration without obstruction. The results of the study lead to the following innovative points: 1) The reason why Huayan Pure Land belief is still circulating to date is that the Huayan sutra has three aspects of Pure Land meaning and five categories of preaching and thus it contains three patterns of practitioners’Pure Land faith. 2) The key role of the Chapter on the Practical Vows of Samantabhadra from the Huayan sutra has dual character– the fusion bond between Huayan and Amitabha Pure Land, and the mature mark of Lotus Treasury Worldview. 3) Ch’an masters still carry forward mutual unobstructed Pure Land faith of Huayan Reality. 4) From the evolutionary naming of Dharma-realm Buddha statue to the emergence of the Oceanic Contemplation Picture of the Lotus Treasury World, the Huayan images enlarge the expressive form of the Dharma-realm in Buddha’s body symbolizing“one is everything”to the universe panorama. 5) Lotus Treasury worldview not only influences Chinese Buddhism profoundly, but also endows the Chinese moral cultivation system with transcendent significance and a practice system, thus it contributes to a harmonious relationship and progressional reform of the society for generations and has important significance in the world today, etc.

  • 【分类号】B948
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