

【作者】 王新影

【导师】 周荣耀;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 国际政治, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 援助政策是欧共体/欧盟对外政策的重要组成部分,也是欧洲一体化发展进程的产物,带有深刻的欧洲一体化理念的印记。欧洲联合的思想,在欧洲已经存在了几个世纪:从查理曼帝国到哈布斯堡王朝,从拿破仑到希特勒,无数人梦想用武力和军事征服的手段实现欧洲大陆的统一。从圣西门的“欧洲合众国”方案,到边沁、雨果对欧洲统一的设想,无数思想家主张欧洲各国的合作发展,从而结束欧洲数百年来的战乱频仍。二战后,随着欧洲一体化自身的发展变化,以及外部国际环境的转变,欧洲一体化理念更是经历了深刻的调整和变化。这种变化也反映在欧共体/欧盟的对外援助政策中,并产生决定性的影响,这一点从欧盟不同时期的对外援助政策中即可发现。除此之外,欧洲一体化成员国的变化、内部机制的深化也都会对援助政策产生重要影响。同时,欧盟对外援助并不是单方面地受到欧洲一体化的影响,它也在很多方面推动了欧洲一体化的扩大与深化。最重要的是援助作为欧洲一体化对外部世界的一个反应,是开展与发展中国家关系的重要工具,也是在世界范围内推广其价值理念和社会模式的重要途径,并因此成为欧盟国际形象的重要组成部分。因此,分析欧洲一体化进程中的欧盟对外援助政策,对于更好地理解欧洲一体化有重要意义。本文在借鉴现有研究成果的基础上,尝试将“欧盟对外援助”这一欧盟对外政策工具与欧洲一体化的内在理念和发展进程联系起来。与现有的研究相比,本文不仅将欧盟作为一个多边援助方来分析它的援助政策,还将做下列尝试:第一,作为欧洲一体化的产物,欧盟对外援助与欧洲一体化的理念、发展进程等有哪些内在联系;第二,分析欧盟对外援助政策作为欧盟重要的对外政策工具,在欧盟对外关系中发挥了怎样的独特性作用;第三,欧盟对外援助的发展体现了哪些欧洲一体化理论;第四,欧盟对外援助对欧洲一体化的发展有哪些影响。本文通过对现有材料的梳理,在相对有限的研究成果基础之上,拟通过欧盟对外援助这一新的研究视角和路径来分析欧洲一体化的理念和发展进程,通过分析二者之间的关系来加强对欧洲一体化的理解。欧洲一体化理念一直在发展变化,它在不同历史阶段表现的特征,以及它对欧盟内外政策的影响,是个有意义且探讨不尽的课题。本文因篇幅有限,仅以欧盟对外援助作为切入点,以期对欧洲一体化有更加深刻的理解。

【Abstract】 Foreign aid policy is an important part of EU’s foreign policies, as the product of European integration and the useful tool of developing foreign relations. The idea of European integration has existed for centuries: from Charlemagne to the Habsburg Empire, from Napoleon to Hitler, many people dreamed of conquest by force to unify of the European continent. From Saint-Simon’s“United States of Europe”program, to Bentham and Hugo’s blueprint of European unity, many philosophers advocated the European cooperation to win the peace in Europe. Since World War II, with the development of European integration and changes in the external international environment, the idea of European integration philosophy has changed profoundly, that could be found from the foreign aid policies in different times.On the other side, EU’s aid policy is not affected by the European integration passively, and it also promotes the development of the European integration in many ways. For example, the foreign aid policy could promote the EU’s enlargement, intensification and the development of the concept of European integration. More important, aid policy, as the reaction to the outside world for the European integration, is the important way of promoting its values, ideas and social models worldwidly, particularly in those developing countries and new emerging ones, including the Central and Eastern Europe countries. It also constructs the core of EU’s international image, and enhances the“Identification”of European Union both in domestic and external world. In that case, the analysis of EU’s aid policy is quite significant for understanding the European integration process deeply.The dissertation will try to link EU’s aid policy, as a foreign policy, with the inner idea and process of European integration, in order to have a better understanding of the integration. Comparing to the existing studies, the paper does not only regard the EU as a multilateral donor, but also tries to make the following attempts: first, as a product of European integration, exposing the links between EU’s foreign aid policy and the idea, process of European integration; second, as an important EU foreign policy tool, analyzing the unique role of EU’s foreign aid policy in EU’s external relations; third, the European integration theories could be found through the development of EU’s foreign aid policy; Fourth, the impact brought by EU foreign aid for the development of European integration.This paper will adopt the new research perspectives of EU’s foreign aid policy to analyze the idea and process of European integration on the basis of the existing studies. The idea of European integration has been always changing, and it has different characteristics during many historical periods, whose impacts on EU’s domestic and foreign policies is a meaningful and endless topic. Because of the space limitations, the paper only adopts the EU’s foreign aid as a starting point, hoping to have a more profound understanding of European integration.

  • 【分类号】D85
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1240