

【作者】 孙宝印

【导师】 武寅;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 世界史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 明治政府建立之初就极为重视对报纸的管制,从1868年4月发布报纸需要“官许”的太政官布告以后,到1909年制定“集大成”的《报纸法》,一系列有关报纸的条例法规贯穿了整个明治时期,并且随着不同阶段政治经济军事外交形势的变化而相应作出调整。明治初年,为了不但在军事上,也在舆论上压倒佐幕派,明治政府制定的是借“官许”压制佐幕派报纸的政策;在立足渐稳、急需“与各国并立”的目标确立以后,明治政府又采取了鼓励和扶持报纸的政策,希望通过报纸传递政府意图并促进文明开化;再后来,当报纸日益与政治力量结合,成为政治论争乃至政治斗争载体的时候,明治政府开始对报纸总体上采取了限制及压制政策,此后在此基础上虽然作出了时紧时松的调整,但是防止及减少报纸对政府政策的阻挠和干扰,始终是明治政府制定新闻政策的宗旨。这一系列有关报纸的法律法规构成了明治政府新闻政策的主干。除了通过法律法规管制报纸以外,明治政府从一开始就试图用一种政策法律外的巧妙方式操控报纸。初期报纸政策的制定者木户孝允提出了表面与政府无关,实则为政府办事的办报“交易策略”,不同阶段的明治政府有意无意地继承了这一策略,采用政府“订购”、“机密金”甚至“收买”等多种方式扶持或拉拢报纸,并且采用一种“超然”的姿态以显示与这些报纸无关。这种法律外对新闻的干预成为明治政府新闻政策的重要辅助和补充。与此同时,明治政府还运用明治国家体制当中最核心最崇高的权力来管控报纸。它一方面通过宪法第8条有关“紧急敕令”的规定,使得政府拥有了借天皇大权发布超法律规定以限制言论的制度基础;另一方面通过《军人敕谕》、《教育敕语》等方式在全社会灌输遵从天皇绝对权威的思想,形成了超法律干预报纸的思想基础。最终使得象征国家利益的“皇权”与“国权”成为报纸难以触碰甚至主动维护的底线。这种对报纸的超法律干预,成为明治政府新闻政策的关键助推与补强。就这样,一系列报纸法规、诸多法律外干预手段以及借天皇大权的超法律干预,三者合一共同构成了明治政府新闻政策的主体。如果说不同阶段的报纸法规是其主躯干的话,起辅助作用的法律外干涉手段就是四肢,而超法律干涉的手段因为借用了天皇大权成为整个政策主体的心脏。这样一个五体俱全的新闻政策体系是随着近代天皇制政体的建立同步而逐步形成的,并对整个近代日本产生了持续的影响。

【Abstract】 At the beginning of the Meiji era, the restriction to newspaper was paid a great attention by the government. Since April, 1868, when Daijoukan declarated that the running of newspaper should get the official permission, till the Newspaper Law came out in 1909, a series of laws on newspaper being through the whole Meiji era, and they were adjusted by the situation of politic, economic and military. At the first, in order to overwhelm the Bakufu supporters not only on military, but also on public opinions, Meiji Government suppressed the newspapers of Bakufu supporters by the official permission. When settled the goal of standing with the western countries, Meiji government encouraged and supported newspaper, with the hope of transmitting the idea of government and promoting the civilization. Then, when the benefit of newspaper being with the politic parties, and becoming the carrier of politic debate or even the politic conflict, Meiji government began to restrict and overwhelmed the newspaper. After that, the policy changed sometime, tighter or looser, but guarding against and reducing the newspaper’s obstruction to the government’s policy was always being the principle when the Meiji government governing the press.This series of laws on newspaper were the main part of the Meiji government’s press policy. At the same time, Meiji government tried to use a clever way to control newspaper, not by the laws. The beginner of establishing the newspaper policy Takayoshi kido raised the trade plot, on appearance the newspaper had no relationship with the government, but actually it worked for the government. In different periods, Meiji government maintains the politics. The government used the method of ordering, secret money or even bribe in order to grow or hook in newspaper, and showing a detached gesture that the government has no relationship with the newspaper. This kind of intervening out of the laws became an important assistance and supplement of the press policy of Meiji government.And, Meiji government used the heartiest and the highest power of the national system to control newspaper. On one way, it used the eighth clause of Constitution which is about emergency decree, and the government had the foundations of the system to make rules above the laws under the name of Emperor to restrict public opinion, on the other hand, the government infused the thought of obeying the Emperor through the Military Decree and Education Rescript, and established the foundations of thought to intervene newspaper above the laws. In the end, the Emperor and the Nationa became the untouchable underline of newspaper. The intervening to newspaper above the laws became the important motive force and reinforcement of Meiji Government press policy.In this way, a series of newspaper laws and the intervening out of the laws or above the laws, constituted the press policy of the Meiji governments. If the laws on newspaper in different period were the body, the intervening out of the laws were the four limbs, because of using the power of Emperor, the intervening above the laws was the heart. The complete press policy was forming in pace with the establishing of the modern Emperor system, and influence the whole modern Japan.

【关键词】 明治政府天皇制新闻政策报纸
【Key words】 Meiji governmentEmperor systempress policynewspaper
  • 【分类号】G219.313
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】332