

Reconstruction of Chinese Rural Financial Service System

【作者】 卢钦

【导师】 康书生;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 世界经济, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 “农业发展,农村进步和农民增收”是我国全面建设小康社会进程中的重大问题。建设社会主义新农村事关“三农”问题的有效解决,而有效的农村金融体系是支持社会主义新农村建设,解决“三农”问题的重要保障,关键之所在。然而,目前的农村金融体系还没有成为农村经济发展的“助推器”,在某些方面反而制约着农村经济的发展;农村金融机构不但没有为农村经济“充血”,反而源源不断地将农村资金输向非农领域,金融资源向城市高度集中。我国农村金融体系中存在的问题已经引起了党中央和国务院的高度重视,中共中央、国务院连续七年出台了支农惠农的中央一号文件,推出了一批关于农村金融改革的措施,农村金融体系的功能正在逐渐发挥出来。但农村金融体系的深层次问题仍有待解决,资金配置效率低、市场运行机制受阻、农村经济主体融资困难等改革过程中暴露出来的诸多问题需要进行重新审视,农村金融体系改革任重道远。因此,深化农村金融改革,完善农村金融体系,显著增强其为“三农”服务的功能,应成为社会主义市场条件下统筹城乡发展,促进城乡一体化,实现国民经济又好又快发展的战略性机制与基本途径。研究现有农村金融体系的主要问题,探索重构一个有利于农村经济可持续发展的农村金融服务体系,是社会主义新农村建设中亟待解决的问题。本文通过透视农村金融体系发展,借鉴国内外农村金融研究成果,采用多种分析方法对农村金融体系重构的理论基础进行分析。全文分为九章,第一章回顾了我国农村金融体系现状、改革与发展历程,分析农村金融体系存在的问题;第二章运用农村金融供给与需求的均衡理论和政府对金融干预理论,对全国农村金融供需现状、失衡表现及因素进行分析;第三章以河北省邯郸市为例研究了农户信贷供求现状问题,分析了邯郸市农村信贷供求存在的现实问题;第四章介绍了国外农村金融信贷经验以及对重构我国农村金融服务体系的启示;第五章阐述了商业性金融在“三农”经济的地位;第六章阐述了政策性金融对“三农”发展支持的必要性;第七章论述了合作性金融的理论基础、改革进展状况及对“三农”服务的有效形式;第八章讨论了民间金融发展问题,提出了若干改革的方向;第九章从运行机制、功能监管、支付结算体系、农村信用体系建设和农村金融存款保险制度等方面对农村金融服务体系支持系统进行阐述,提出了改革措施。在理论分析的基础上,提出了“三农”金融支持及金融体系构建的合理模式与具体路径。本论文的主要创新体现在:除对农村金融体系进行系统研究阐述外,对农村金融体系的支持服务系统进行研究分析,创新地提出农村金融体系的运行机制、功能监管、支付结算体系、征信体系和存款保险制度,这是区别于其它一般论著的。在理论分析的基础上,提出“三农”金融支持及金融服务体系构建的合理模式与具体路径,构成了本文的主要成果资源。一个完善的农村金融服务体系,对改善“三农”经济发展,促进社会主义新农村建设目标的实现至关重要。从国内外农村金融服务体系发展规律看,农村金融服务体系不是一成不变的,其改革发展应适应“三农”经济的发展,与国家农村经济发展目标相吻合。农村金融服务体系的发展和改革并非是固定模式,而是在改革实践中摸索前进的,全面总结和分析农村金融服务体系的经验与不足,借鉴国外农村金融发展改革的成功经验,遵循农村金融服务体系演变的一般规律,构建全新的农村金融服务体系,将为全面建设社会主义小康社会奠定良好的金融基础。

【Abstract】 “Agriculture development, progress of rural area and income-increasing of peasant”is an important topic during process of affluent society construction. Construction of new socialist countryside is closely related to solve issues related“agriculture, countryside and peasant (ACP)”, and effective rural financial system play an important role in supporting construction of new socialist countryside, also in solving " ACP " issue.However, present rural financial system has not yet become a booster of economic development in rural areas, in some respects it restricts development of rural economy, present rural financial institutions has not supported rural economy well, but an endless stream of funds from rural transported to industrial and commercial enterprises of towns, so that the financial resources is highly concentrated to town. The problem of China’s rural financial system has draw great attention from the central committee of the communist party of china and the state council. A series of policies to support and benefit agriculture that came from the documents of central committee of China for seven consecutive years came into being and a number of rural financial reform measures were proposed by Chinese government and functions of rural financial system are gradually revealed. However, there are many problems stay to be solved such as inefficiency of funds deployment, difficulty of financing from rural economic subject.It is significant for studying existing problems of rural financial system and exploring reconstruction of environment conducive to sustainable development of rural financial service system. Through observing rural financial system and borrowing both domestic and international ideas, present research analyzed theoretical basis of rural financial system reconstruction by using variety of analysis. This study including nine chapters: At the first chapter, we reviewed status of China’s rural financial system reform and analyzed its problems. In the second chapter, we analyzed demand and supply of rural financial status, performance and factors of imbalance of whole country. In the third chapter, problems of rural credit supply and demand in Handan City were analyzed and peasant credit supply and demand situation of Hebei Handan was investigated as a case study. Chapter IV introduced experience of foreign financial and credit and Enlightenment of reconstruction of rural financial service system. The fifth chapter described economic status of commercial finance in "ACP". The necessity for support from financial policy to "ACP" was mentioned in sixth chapter. The seventh chapter introduced theoretical basis of cooperative finance, its reform progress and effective form on the "ACP". Chapter VIII discussed problems of private financial development, put forward some directions for reform. In chapter IX, we described support system of rural financial service system from operating mechanism, functional regulation, payment and settlement systems, rural credit system and rural financial deposit insurance system and put forward reform measures. At last, we put forward idea of financial support for "ACP", specific path of rational model for financial system construction.The innovation of this paper: In addition to describing rural financial system,we also analyzed support system of it, proposed the operating mechanism, function control, payment and settlement systems, credit information system and the deposit insurance system, which is different from other studies. Results are putting forward the "ACP " financial support system and reasonable financial services, system mode and the specific path based on theoretical analysis.A perfect rural financial service system plays an important role in improving the "ACP " economic development. According to domestic and international development law of rural financial service system, it changed with the "ACP" economic development, and matched with goals of state rural economic development. Rural financial service system development and reform are not in unchangeable pattern, they are improving through practice. And it is necessary to have a comprehensive summary and analysis for experience and shortcomings of rural financial service system, to learn successful experience from foreign countries and to follow the general laws of rural financial service system evolution. Construction of a new rural financial services system should be a solid financial foundation for constructing a well-off society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期