

Resarch on Nan She Literature and Generation of New Literature

【作者】 贺莹

【导师】 田建民;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 从南社创始人陈去病、高旭、柳亚子的名字、身份、关系考察南社的革命性质,在第一次雅集时的人员关系显示了三位创始人各自所代表的势力,其势力的分化预示着柳亚子取得南社的领导权。将柳亚子作为贯穿南社发展的线索,叙述南社的重大史实,史论结合,人与史并重。由南社考察现代文学的发生。新文学的发生固然与梁启超等晚清文学改良有着不可分割的联系,但是新文学是如何实现从梁启超的“诗界革命、“文界革命”、“新小说”到五四新文学、新文化的转变的,这段研究有大约20年的空白,在近代、现代的文学史上,承接黄、梁之后的文学界革命,直接跳跃至五四新文学运动,通过南社考察现代文学的发生,填补了由晚清文学到新文学的转折的空白。从语言方面考察南社与新文化运动的关系,南社对白话文普及作出了贡献,南社的白话理论与五四新文学有本质的不同,南社的白话理论是基于政治的需要,而五四新文化运动中的白话理论则是基于文学发展的自身要求。从小说观考察南社与新文化运动的关系,南社是晚清与五四夹缝间的百花齐放,南社的非政治化的小说观与晚清和五四都有不同。从启蒙观念考察南社与新文学的关系,南社的启蒙观是开启民智,新文化运动的启蒙观则注重“人”自身。以南社的诗歌创作作为考察对象,分析其诗歌的过渡性质。南社的诗歌创作具有鲜明的时代性,上承近代黄遵宪、梁启超的诗界革命的余蓄,显示出与传统的古典诗歌的不同风貌。南社的诗学理论吸收了诗界革命的“以旧风格容新意境”的主张,但是在创作实践过程中却发生了偏离。南社诗学观注重诗歌的功利性。其诗歌创作沉郁顿挫、深沉浓厚,富有慷慨之气、爱国情怀;呈现出浪漫主义的风格,具有新旧杂糅的特质,呈现出过渡文学的独特风格。南社的诗歌是时代之缩影,以诗见史,以史证诗,是近代风雨飘摇之中国的历史见证。通过对南社的最好的代表人物苏曼殊与五四新文化运动的主将郁达夫的小说的对比,阐释南社与五四新文学的共通点与分歧。郁达夫与苏曼殊有着艺术的共鸣,多情善感的个性,浪漫的文学风格是他们共同特征,自传体是他们共同的自觉选择,其小说与近代言情小说的传统一脉相承。郁达夫与苏曼殊的女性观在表现形式上相同,但是却有本质的区别。郁达夫女性观为否定男性自身价值的女性崇拜观,而苏曼殊的女性观则为融合佛教观念的男权主义女性观。

【Abstract】 Nan She is revolutionary Character by Analyzing Name, identity, relationship of founders such as Chen Qubing, Gao Xu and Liu Yazi. When their first meeting, their influence has been displayed by all the people who attend the meeting. The distribution of influence foreshows Liu Yazi’s gaining leadership of Nan She in the future. Liu Yazi is the clue of the development of Nan She to illustrate its history. Discourse is as important as the comment,Nan She is the most important organization in the modern literature history. Its revolution character could be studied via the names, identities and the relations of the founders such as Chen Qubing, Gao Xu and Liu Yazi. Nan She was formally established in 1909. This paper set forth the reason that why Liu Yazi became the leader by illustrating the conflicts in this organization and the relationship between the people who attended the Hu Qiu meeting. The spiritual leader, Liu Yazi, went through“revolution”and“be revolutionized”before establishing his leadership in Nan She. However, his dispute with Zhu Yuanchu over“Zong Tand”and“Zong Song”resulted in the fallen of Nan She. This thesis sorts out the process and the reasons of Nan She’s inner splitting up of power by analyzing Liu Yazi and the chores in it.This paper deals with the generation of modern literature through studying Nan She. The origination of New Literature has a great connection with the literary reformers such as Liang Qichao in late Qing Dynasty. But, the study on the transformation from his“revolution in poetry”,“revolution in literary works”and“new novels”to New Literature and New Culture in the May 4th Movement period remains untouched. This thesis fills a gap in the transition from the late Qing Dynasty to New Literature in the May 4th Movement period through studying the origination of Nan She modern literature. This paper analyzes the connection between Nan She and New Culture Movement by studying languages. They have difference in vernacular writings in nature. Nan She made a great contribution to the popularization of vernacular writing. Its Vernacular Theory is based on the need of politics, whereas the Vernacular Theory of the New Culture Movement is in accordance with the development of literature. Referring to novels, its works, which had a non-political point of view were flourishing and had a great difference with the late Qing Dynasty and New Literature in the May 4th Movement period as well. As for the enlightenment, the theory of Nan She is to enlighten the public, while the New Culture Movement paid great attention to human beings.This paper studies the poetry of Nan She so as to analyze its transition character. Its poetry has a great nature of times. It inherits the characteristics of Huang Zunxian and Liang Qichao but has different features with the classic poetry. Nan She’s poetics absorbs the theory of the new artistic conception in old style, but it diverts in the process of invention. It has a great utilitarian nature. Its poetry in a whole is gloomy, frustrating, deep, and full of patriotic sentiments as well as romantic. All these features are symbols of its transitional characteristics. Nan She’s poetry is an era in miniature. History can be seen through reading these poems, but conversely they are evidence of history, especially the unstable period of China.This thesis analyzes the similarities and differences between Nan She and New Literature by comparing the novels of the representative of Nan She Su Manshu and Yu Dafu in the New Literature in the May 4th Movement. Both are sentimental and love romantic style. They write autobiography. To a large extent, they are the same in tradition. Although the manifestation of perspectives on women is the same, they have essential distinctions. Yu Dafu’s feminist approach is women adoration which is based on the denial of the value of men, whereas Su Manshu’s feminism is a male chauvinism based on the Buddhism conception.

【关键词】 南社新文学发生过渡文学
【Key words】 Nan SheGeneration of New Literarytransition literary
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期