

History, Evidence and Imagination

【作者】 张小忠

【导师】 张根华;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 史学理论及史学史, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 柯林武德(R.G.Collingwood,1889-1943)是20世纪一位多产的却遭人误解的哲学家、历史学家及考古学家。他的思想性格表现为繁富多变,又兼有转型时引领式的特征。他秉承了历史思想的理性主义传统,然与抽象思辨的历史哲学殊异的是,他构建的历史理性批判体系却扎根于考古学与罗马不列颠史的经验研究,力求实现哲学与历史学的融贯统一。近年来,柯林武德的未刊手稿与研究著作获得大量的出版,这激起了研究者的理论兴趣和实践探索。就国内研究而言,我们的研究虽然产生了不少的成果,然与西方同行研究相比,国内研究者仍有待于批判地吸收和借鉴他们的理论资源,藉此重新系统地评价柯林武德的贡献及现实意义。20世纪70年代之后,历史哲学深受“语言学转向”所带来的冲击,叙事主义的历史哲学将视线主要投向了叙事文本,历史叙述的审美层面、史学的修辞特性以及历史编纂的伦理内涵,这些构成了其思考的重要范畴。然而,叙事主义的历史哲学仍关心历史认识的逻辑、史学方法等问题,这些问题与分析的、批判的历史哲学存在着千丝万缕的联系。同时,历史哲学的转型亦深受史学实践的影响,政治思想史、考古学理论、历史人类学、微观的文化史研究拓展了历史哲学的思考范围,历史哲学呈现出多元的、以历史叙事为主线的研究态势,哲学的傲慢得以消减、尊重史学实践成了当下历史哲学研究的主要特征。作为分析的、批判的历史哲学家,柯林武德探讨了“构造性的历史学”、“先验的想象”、“历史证据”等问题,这些问题既与叙事主义的历史哲学关注的问题相关,又有助于纠偏后者在理论观点和逻辑上的过失。论文选取了“历史”、“证据”与“想象”作为此项研究的题眼,旨在从历史与逻辑的视角阐释柯林武德关于历史学性质的思考。就方法论而言,论文遵循以问题为中心的研究路数,结合了史学研究中的案例作为论证的基础。为此,论文写作主要遵循如下思路:第一章“柯林武德与西方史学观念的变革”,主要概述了柯林武德的生平、著作以及手稿编辑情况,侧重评析他的历史编纂学与历史主义的史学思想,藉此阐明形成其历史哲学的社会与思想语境。第二章“历史证据的理论与实践”,论文从跨学科的角度比较了证据所具有的功能与意义,重点考察了史学研究与司法领域的异同。论文试图发掘柯林武德的考古学和罗马不列颠史的研究经验,分析了“问答逻辑”对于历史事实、历史知识的客观性与真实性的意义,据此提出一种“元-证据”的概念。论文以“约翰·道埃之死”为切入点,分析了柯林武德何以选择侦探小说的原因,并从文化史的角度叙述了侦探小说的伦理内涵与方法论,藉此表明柯林武德对西方文明的忧思。第三章“历史想象与思想的‘重演论’”共分四节,分别考察了历史想象的认识论基础、“先验的想象”与历史叙述的关系,旨在辨识历史叙事与文学叙事的异同,并指出历史知识渗入了叙述者的审美旨趣与价值伦理观念。第四章“柯林武德中文形象的多重建构”,勾勒了柯林武德的历史哲学的接受史。论文从时间与逻辑的角度梳理了文献引介的路径与分歧,阐述了研究社群与中文学者所关心的几个命题。其后,以《历史的观念》的中译本作为个案,分析译本传播的历史性,并从诠释学的理论介入到他的史学思想的接受史。在批判国内、外研究成果的基础上,结语部分尝试重新评价柯林武德的历史哲学思想。

【Abstract】 R.G.Collingwood(1889-1943)who was misunderstood in 20th century, is an important prolific philosopher, historian and archaeologist. Embracing abundant and elastic thought, he promoted and led a critical and analytic research style when the transformation arose out of philosophy of history.On the contrary, lots of thinkers was still obsessed with grand theories of history. He was adhering to the historical tradition of rational thinking, and built a historical system of rational criticism, which was different from the speculative philosophy of history. Working at a rapprochement between philosophy and history, Collingwood pursued his empirical stduies of archeology and the history of Roman Britain. We are excited that Collingwood’s unpublished manuscripts and works have been published, which have aroused the interest of the researchers to explore his historical theory and practice. For domestic researcher, they have produced lots of texts. Unfortunately, The new achievements which Western scholars have made are not their subjects. Absorbing critically them, we may have a systematic approach to re-evaluating his contribution of history, philosophy and practical significance.Under the influence of "Linguistic Turn", Many philosophers of history in 1970s have turned their attentions mainly to the narrative text of historiography. The historical narrative level of aesthetic, rhetoric and ethical, which are important areas of their thinking. However, the narrative philosophy of history is still concerned about the historical understanding of the logic, historiography, and so on. These issues are inextricably linked with the analysis, critical philosophy of history. At the same time, the transformation of philosophy of history is also well accetped by historians. Many philosophers of history have expanded the scope of their research, including history of political thought, archaeological theory, anthropology and microhistory. there is a diverse line of historical narrative which based on practical research in philosophy of history. So, it reduces the arrogance of philosophy. More than, they also respect practice of history, which is the main features of the contemporary philosophy of history. As analysis, the critical philosopher of history, Collingwood discussed many matters of history, for example, construcive history,a priori imagination and historical evidence etc.Those questions are not only associated with the narrative philosophy of history, will also help correct the latter’s theoretical ideas and logical mistakes.The terms of "history", "evidence" and "imagination" are selected as subject of my project, aimed to explain the nature of history which Collingwood has discussed.As far as the method of study is concerned, my discussion will follow the historical problem-centered, and use the historical case as the basis for my argument.As a result, I will devote myself to Collingwood’s the masterpiece which is The Idea of History. My projcet will mainly deal with the following:In the first chapter, Collingwood and the western varying concept of history would be introduced Collingwood’s life and writings, and the problem of his manuscripts. Focusing on the relation between Historismus and his idea of historiogaphy, I will clarify the social and ideological context which formed his philosophy of history.The second chapter would approach theory and practice of historical evidence. My topics are the function and significance of the evidence between different disciplines, which would be compared from an interdisciplinary perspective, such as focusing on the similarities and differences between history and the judicial field. My project will explore the experience which Collingwood has carried out extensive research into the archeology and history of Roman Britain. At same time, the implication of subjects will be discussed, including the logic of Question and Answer, historical facts, the objectivity and truth of historical knowledge. In addition, I will propose a new concept of "meta-evidence" which encourages us to understand historiography. As to the death of John Doe, my project, from the point of cultural history, would analysis the reason why Collingwood chosen detective novels, and explore the ethics and methodology of it. Through the study, I discovered he was very worried about Western civilization.The third chapter which will examine historical imagination and the Re-enactment of thought, is divided into four sections. I will describe the epistemological foundation of the historical imagination, and analysis the relationship between "a priori imagination" and the historical narrative. What’s more, I will also identify the similarities and differences of narrative between history and fiction, so as to point out that historical knowledge encompasses the narrator’s aesthetic taste and value of ethics.In the fourth chapter, my topic is the multi-constructive image of collingwood in the chinese scholars eyes.I will outline the history that Collingwood’s philosophy of history was translated in china. The transmission of Collingwood’s works are introduced to illustrate the fact that Chinese scholars indirectly accepted conclusions which Soviet scholars have made. At same time, my project will discuss a few important propositions that Chinese scholars are concerned about. Subsequently, The Idea of History is to be the case which I will answer the question of historic translation. The Collingwood thought of history will be explored from the angle of hermeneutics.My project, which based on the research results of scholars at home and abroad, will finally try to re-evaluate his philosophy of history.

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