

A Study on International Exchange and Cooperation of Chinese Higher Vocational and Technical Institutes

【作者】 黄华

【导师】 戚业国;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 中国高等职业技术教育从1980年沿海中心城市的短期职业大学起步,经过30年的快速发展,取得了令人瞩目的成就,成为实现中国高等教育大众化的生力军。后发外生型的高职教育从诞生起就与中国改革开放同步;外向型经济发展模式加速了为产业界培养一线技能人才的中国高职教育与国际职教界的交流与融合;中国加入WTO,教育服务贸易在各国的兴起更为这种交流与合作增加了新的动力;同时,规模和质量不断提升的高职院校也越来越自觉地意识到国际交流与合作对院校发展、人才培养的作用。国际交流与合作一直是中国高职教育发展的一项重要内容,但没有得到理论界的足够重视,较少系统的研究。因此有必要认真总结改革开放以来,中国高职院校国际交流与合作的历程,借鉴国际上成功的经验,准确把握我国高职院校国际交流与合作的现状,从而为推动高职院校国际交流与合作提出可操作的建议。本文针对我国高职院校国际交流与合作进行专门研究,以“历史回顾——国际比较——现状分析——个案研究——对策建议”为研究路径和逻辑线路展开。论文首先从历史的视角较为详细地回顾、梳理了中国高职院校国际交流与合作三十年来所经历的政府完全主导,政府为主、民间为辅和官民并举的发展历程,并总结分析了高职院校国际交流与合作的特点和经验。论文从资源利用、专业建设及课程改革、特色发展、内涵建设、内部管理机制改革等维度明确指出国际交流与合作是推动中国高职院校发展的有效途径。紧接着,论文就国际交流与合作的理论问题进行阐述,重点介绍理论界对于院校层面国际化发展的战略制订、国际化策略及发展路径的理论框架,为后文个案研究提供理论准备和分析框架。论文从政府、社会和高职院校三个层面分析了高职院校国际交流与合作的动力机制,同时分析了七个影响因素。重点从改革开放的基本国策、外向型经济发展战略、技术引进吸引利用外资的需要、国家软实力的提升等四个角度指出政府是中国高职院校国际交流与合作的最主要推动力量。论文比较全面地介绍了美国、新加坡、印度、中国台湾地区高等职业教育发展过程中国际交流与合作的作用,较为详细地介绍了当前这些国家和地区在促进高职院校国际交流与合作方面的具体举措。从不同国家和地区的不同实践中都得出了若干可供我国高职院校国际交流与合作效仿或借鉴的做法及经验。论文采用问卷调查、深度访谈等研究方法,从院校机构设置,国际交流与合作的表现形式、影响因素、意义、现状评价、前景展望和中外合作办学情况等几个方面全面勾勒当前我国高职院校国际交流与合作的现状。数据显示影响我国高职院校国际交流与合作的因素中,领导观念和政策法规分别是影响最大的内外部因素,访谈结果进一步将领导分成创新型、适应型、跟随型和攀比型四类。有关中外合作办学的调研出人意料,“新建紧缺专业”、“引进原版教材”、“改进原有专业”、“培养锻炼师资”本是中外合作办学的本意,但是实际运行中,却收效甚微。论文通过搜集整理中国高职院校国际交流与合作在各个层面、各个领域的丰富实践,总结了当前中国高职院校国际交流与合作取得的成就、存在的问题及发展趋势。研究概括了当前中国高职院校国际交流与合作发展所处的五个阶段,分别是起步、交流、参与、合作、主导阶段,并总结了各阶段的典型行为及目标。论文选择以深圳职业技术学院、上海医药高等专科学校、四川国际标榜职业学院为个案,深入剖析了三所地域不同、区域经济结构不同、学校性质不同、专业覆盖不同、自身资源不同的高职院校,在国际交流与合作中的特色实践和典型经验,运用国际理论界比较成熟的理论框架分析对比了三所高职院校在院校国际化发展战略、国际交流与合作的策略、具体发展路径的异同。对于三个成功个案的剖析发现,领导作用、国际化项目的持续跟进、寻找双赢的合作基础、资源整合的力度是国际交流与合作取得实效的关键。这些共性和个性为处于不同发展阶段,具备不同内外部资源条件的高职院校提供理论借鉴和实践参考,帮助不同院校做出更加的理性的判断和选择。最后,论文就如何有效地促进我国高职院校国际交流与合作,从政府层面、高职院校层面和各方联动机制层面,提出了诸多建议。其中,政府层面重在提供制度支持,重点解决当前高职教育发展中与国际惯例不接轨的阻碍国际交流与合作顺利开展的体制障碍,加强高职院校国际交流与合作的经费支持、政策扶持和质量监控。院校层面重在确立组织发展战略,明确国际交流与合作的发展方向,选择适合校情的发展路径并采取有针对性的措施整合各方资源,使国际交流与合作成为学院整体工作的有机组成部分,修炼内功,提升合作能力。联动机制层面重在发挥区域、校际、职教集团、民间组织的互动作用,提高高职院校国际交流与合作的效率和实效性。

【Abstract】 In the past 3 decades, with rapid development and great achievement of higher education, Chinese higher vocational and technical education (CHVTE), which began from short-term vocational institutes in coastal central cities in 1980, has become a very important part of Chinese mass higher education. From its birth, CHVTE with second-mover advantage has been keeping pace with Chinese reform and open process. Due to the task of providing high-skilled talents at the production line for the industry community, the developmental pattern of export-oriented economy has speeded up international exchange and cooperation between CHVTE and the international vocational and technical education. Education service trade rising around the world has put new energy to the international exchange and cooperation. Meanwhile, with the development of the size and quality, more and more Chinese higher vocational and technical institutes (CHVTI) are clearly aware of the function of international exchange and cooperation in talent cultivation and institute development. International exchange and cooperation has been playing an important role in the development of CHVTE. But it doesn’t attract the enough attention and systematic research from the theoretical field. So it is necessary to conclude the history of international exchange and cooperation of CHVTI since the reform and opening policies, to draw on the successful experience internationally, to make clear the current situation of international exchange and cooperation of CHVTI, and then to put forward the operational countermeasures.This dissertation focuses on the research of the international exchange and cooperation in CHVTI and explores it step by step following the route of "Review-International Comparison-Existing Condition Analysis-Case Study-Countermeasure".From a historical perspective, the dissertation reviews and summarizes the CHVTI’international exchange and cooperation developmental process which is divided into three stages in the past 3 decades, and finally concludes its characteristics and experience. Five aspects promoting the development of CHVTI are discussed. They are resources utilization, unique development, actual strength building, reform of inner management mechanism, specialty construction and major reform. The dissertation discusses about the theoretic issues of international exchange and cooperation, and points out the current theoretical framework in international strategy planning, internationalization strategy and internationalization developmental route from the institutional level, which provides the theoretical foundation and analytical framework for later case study. The dynamical mechanism is discussed from three dimensions including government, society and CHVTI. Government is regarded as the most important power driving the international exchange and cooperation of CHVTI. In this chapter, focuses are put on the following four angles, the reform and opening policies, developmental strategy of export-oriented economy, soft power promoting, technology introducing and foreign capital utilization. The influencing factors are analyzed from seven aspects.The dissertation comprehensively introduces the function of international exchange and cooperation in the developmental process of higher vocational and technical education in America, Singapore, India and Taiwan. The current methods of promoting international exchange and cooperation in these countries and regions are also described. By means of analyzing experience and inspiration gained from these countries and regions, the dissertation is also helpful to provide a useful reference and experience in the level of operational strategy.Based on the questionnaires and deep interviews, this dissertation gives the whole picture of present situation of international exchange and cooperation in CHVTI. It presents statistics about structural establishment in CHVTI which is in charge of international exchange and cooperation. The statistics also shows forms, influencing factors, meanings, evaluation, future prospect of international exchange and cooperation in CHVTI. Meanwhile, the survey also presents the situation of Sino-foreign cooperation in running schools. The statistics tells us that leader’s notion, policies and regulations are the most influencing factors from inside and outside separately. The interviews show us that the style of leaders could be described as the following, creative style, adaptive style, shadowing style and unrealistic comparative style. This dissertation, based on collecting and classifying the rich practice at different levels and in different fields of CHVTI, concludes the main achievements, existing problems and developmental trend. On top of these, it summarizes the five stages which consist of initial starting, exchange, engagement, cooperation, dominance, their typical behaviors as well as aims of current international exchange and cooperation in CHVTI.The dissertation selects three institutes as the studied cases. They are Shenzhen Polytechnic, Shanghai Institute of Health Sciences and Sichuan Pivot Point College. Although three institutes are located in different areas with different economical structures, characters, majors and resources, they all have accumulated very typical practice and rich experience. By applying the theoretical framework, institutional international development strategy, internationalization strategies, internationalization route are compared and analyzed separately. The keys to three successful cases are leader’s role, continuing development of international program, win-win cooperative base and the reallocating resources. These commonness and individuality provide the theoretical and practical reference for other CHVTI which are in different developmental stages with different resources both inside and outside in order to help them make the rational judgment and wise selection.Finally, in order to advance effectively the international exchange and cooperation in CHVTI, a series of countermeasures are put forward concerning the aspects of the government, institutes and the linkage mechanism. For government, its key role is to provide system support, solve the obstacles in organizational system which are extremely inconsistent with international conventions and have impeded the smooth international exchange and cooperation and most importantly, provide the financial, policy support and quality assurance. For CHVTI, it is vitally important to enhance their inner dynamics to promote the cooperative capability with more emphasis on their organizational development strategy, international exchange and cooperation direction, suitable route based on the exiting situation, measures integrated all resources and integration international exchange and cooperation in the overall work of institutes. For linkage mechanism, the key role is to enhance the effectiveness of international exchange and cooperation in CHVTI by promoting interaction among different areas, institute alliances, nongovernmental organizations, institutes and authorities.

  • 【分类号】G718.5
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】4278