

A Research on Zhang Zhidong’s Poetics Theory and Poem Creation

【作者】 祝伊湄

【导师】 刘永翔;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 张之洞不但是近代著名的政治家,而且是一个诗学造诣颇深的诗人。他论诗主兼宗唐宋,提出“宋意唐格”的主张,既学唐诗之音节雅缓,又学宋诗之理趣盎然。于唐学李、杜、韩、白,于宋学欧、王、苏、陆,于本朝则师法王渔洋和姚惜抱,不喜长吉、郊、岛、山谷与本朝陈散原、袁爽秋等人之作。张之洞诗皆从儒家正统经旨而来,古体得太白之超逸,少陵之沉郁,香山之铺排,东坡之豪放;近体学玉溪之婉丽,半山之精严,东坡之条达,渔洋之神韵,古今体诗得力于东坡者最多,而能熔铸各家自成其清切雅健之面目:古体雄奇而不放恣,砉然向然,莫不中音;近体精妍而不纤弱,雅洁整饬,音色调和。二者均达到了很高的艺术水准。其诗既维护封建秩序,又同情劳动人民,对晚清时局有深刻的反映,显示了他忧国忧民的荩臣本色。研读其诗,不惟能见其人,即于清末的社会状况亦能有更深入的了解。

【Abstract】 Zhang Zhidong was not only a famous statesman of late Qing Dynasty,but also a poet of very high standards.He insisted poets learning from the Syllables of Tang poetry and intrinsic truth of Song Dynasty.He advocated "songyitangge".He looked on Li Bai, Du Fu, Han Yu, Bai Juyi of Tang Dynasty and Ouyang Xiu, Wang Anshi,Su Shi and Lu You of Song Dynasty as his teachers. In Qing Dynasty, he learned from Wang Yuyang and Yao Nai.He didn’t like Li He,Meng Jiao,Jia Dao,Huang Tingjian,and Chen Sanli,Yuan Chang of Qing Dynasty.Zhang Zhidong’s poems were based on the Confucian thesocial.His guti poems included Li Bai’s chaoyi,Du Fu’s chenyu,Bai Juyi’s pupai, and Su Shi’s haofang; his jinti poems contained Li Shangyin’s wanli,Wang Anshi’s jingyan, Su Shi’s tiaoda,and Wang Yuyang’s shenyun. And mostly benefited from Sushi in both guti and jinti.And he amalgamated them all into his own qingqieyajian style.When he created poems, he’d taken a very cautious approach,in order to be not too hard and not too faible.guti xiongqi but not fangzi, jinti jingyan but not xianruo. Very neatly and strong. Both guti and jinti achieved a high level.He was on behalf of the land lord class,but he showed his sympathy to poor people.It proved he a loyalist to Qing Dynasty. To study his poems, We can learn in depth not only who he was,but also how the late Qing Dynasty running.

  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】6
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