

Taxonomic Studies on Chinese Lejeuneaceae

【作者】 王健

【导师】 朱瑞良;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 植物学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 细鳞苔科Lejeuneaceae是苔类植物门最大的科,全世界约有90个属,1000余种,是构成热带雨林和亚热带原始森林的主要苔藓植物。但由于种类的繁多、分类及野外采样的困难(主要生于树干、树枝和叶面上),至今尚未开展全国性的系统修订研究。因此,开展我国细鳞苔科植物的专科分类研究,对揭示我国和世界苔类植物区系具有重要的科学意义。本论文在对国内外主要苔藓植物标本馆的87份中国细鳞苔科植物的模式标本和近6000份普通标本进行了仔细的查检基础上,结合对我国关键地区的的野外调查和补充采集,对中国细鳞苔科植物作专门的分类学修订,并分析中国细鳞苔科的区系成分和地理分布特点,主要研究结果如下:1.根据目前的研究,确定中国细鳞苔科植物有29属222种3变种:刺鳞苔属Acanthocoleus1种,顶鳞苔属Acrolejeunea6种,原鳞苔属Archilejeunea3种,尾鳞苔属Caudalejeunea1种,角萼苔属Ceratolejeunea2种,唇鳞苔属Cheilolejeunea23种,硬鳞苔属Chondriolejeunea 1种,疣鳞苔属Cololejeunea73种,管叶苔属Colura7种,双鳞苔属Diplasiolejeunea3种,角鳞苔属Drepanolejeunea18种1变种,镰叶苔属Harpalejeunea1种,细鳞苔属Lejeunea42种,指鳞苔属Lepidolejeunea1种,薄鳞苔属Leptolejeunea9种,冠鳞苔属Lopholejeunea8种,鞭鳞苔属Mastigolejeunea4种,假细鳞苔属Metalejeunea1种,耳鳞苔属Otolejeunea1种,黑鳞苔属Phaeolejeunea1种,皱萼苔属Ptychanthus1种,密鳞苔属Pycnolejeunea1种,尼鳞苔属Schiffneriolejeunea2种,多褶苔属Spruceanthus3种,狭鳞苔属Stenolejeunea1种,毛鳞苔属Thysananthus3种,瓦鳞苔属Trocholejeunea2种,鞍叶苔属Tuyamaella2种2变种,异鳞苔属Tuzibeanthus1种。对Ptychanthoideae亚科的所有种类及Lejeuneoideae亚科的大部分种类进行了详细的形态描述和分类讨论,并附图版80幅。2.发现1个新种:Cololejeunea subplanissima R.L.Zhu & J.Wang, sp. nov.o发现中国新纪录9种:弯叶顶鳞苔Acrolejeunea arcuata (Nees) Grolle & Gradst.、竖叶顶鳞苔细齿亚种A. securifolia (Endl.) Watts ex Steph. ssp. hartmannii (Steph.) Gradst.、锡金顶鳞苔A. sikkimensis (Mizut.) Gradst.、Lejeunea lumbricoides (Nees) Nees、麦氏细鳞苔L. micholitzii Mizut.、赫氏冠鳞苔Lopholejeunea herzogiana Verd.、阔瓣冠鳞苔L. latilobula Verd、Mastigolejeunea virens (Angstr.) Steph.和Schiffneriolejeunea polycarpa (Nees) Gradst.。3.发现并发表了1个新名称,即赖氏细鳞苔Lejeunea laii R.L.Zhu(≡Lejeunea ramulosa (Herzog) R.M.Schust.)。发现2个新组合:多棍细鳞苔Lejeunea barbata (Herzog) R.L.Zhu & M.J.Lai (≡Rectolejeunea barbata Herzog),吕宋细鳞苔Lejeunea luzonensis (Steph.) R.L.Zhu & M.J.Lai (≡Taxilejeunea luzonensis Steph.)。处理了1个新异名,即将Taxilejeunea subcompressiuscula Herzog归并为Lejeunea obscura Mitt.的异名。将直鳞苔属Rectolejeunea和整鳞苔属Taxilejeunea移出中国细鳞苔科植物区系。4.通过对细鳞苔科植物在我国各省区分布状况的统计和分析,发现中国细鳞苔科植物主要分布在岭南、华东、横断山区和云贵分布区,种类最丰富的三个省是海南、台湾、云南,分别为141种(63.51%)、119种(53.60%)和113种(50.90%),其中海南特有种类26种,台湾特有种类12种,云南特有种类8种。中国23种特有成分中有4种分布于海南,8种分布于台湾,11种分布于云南。5.通过对中国细鳞苔科植物的区系分析,表明:东亚成分所占比例最高,有84种,占总种数的37.84%,其中中国-日本成分最高,有35种,其次是中国特有成分23种,日本-喜马拉雅成分15种,中国-喜马拉雅成分11种。热带亚洲成分仅次于东亚成分,有64种,占28.83%。这两种成分构成了中国细鳞苔科植物区系的主体成分。

【Abstract】 The Lejeuneaceae, with about 1000 species in about 90 genera, is the largest family of liverworts (Marchantiophyta) and the most dominant group of the flora of tropical rainforests and subtropical natural forests. Owing to the largest number of species, difficulties in identification and sample collection (most species occur on tree trunks, branches or leaves), there is still no specific systematical study on Chinese Lejeuneaceae. Therefore, study on Chinese Lejeuneaceae’s taxonomy has important significance for revealing the flora of China and the world.By means of field investigation and supplementary collections,87 type specimens borrowed mainly from herbaria abroad and about 6000 specimens collected from China housed in Chinese herbaria were examined. The thesis aims to revise Chinese Lejeuneaceae’s taxonomy and analyse the flora’s components and the geographical distribution patterns. The main results are as follows:1. Based on the present study,222 species and three varieties belonging to 29 genera of Lejeuneaceae are recognized as occurring in China. Among them, one species in Acanthocoleus, Caudalejeunea, Chondriolejeunea, Harpalejeunea, Lepidolejeunea, Metalejeunea, Otolejeunea, Phaeolejeunea, Ptychanthus, Pycnolejeunea, Stenolejeunea and Tuzibeanthus, two species in Ceratolejeunea, Schiffneriolejeunea and Trocholejeunea, two species and two varieties in Tuyamaella, three species in Archilejeunea, Diplasiolejeunea, Spruceanthus and Thysananthus, four species in Mastigolejeunea, six species in Acrolejeunea, seven species in Colura, eight species in Lopholejeunea, nine species in Leptolejeunea,18 species and one variety in Drepanolejeunea,23 species in Cheilolejeunea,42 species in Lejeunea and 73 species in Cololejeunea. All species of Ptychanthoideae and most species of Lejeuneoideae were described, and 80 plates were presented.2. One new species(Cololejeunea subplanissima R.L.Zhu & J.Wang, sp. nov.) are described. Nine species(Acrolejeunea arcuata (Nees) Grolle & Gradst., A. securifolia (Endl.) Watts ex Steph. ssp. hartmannii (Steph.) Gradst., A. sikkimensis (Mizut.) Gradst., Lejeunea lumbricoides (Nees) Nees, L. micholitzii Mizut., Lopholejeunea herzogiana Verd., L. latilobula Verd, Mastigolejeunea virens (Angstr.) Steph. and Schiffneriolejeunea polycarpa (Nees) Gradst.) are newly recorded in China.3. One new name was proposed:Lejeunea laii R.L.Zhu (≡Lejeunea ramulosa (Herzog) R.M.Schust.). Two new combinations(Lejeunea barbata (Herzog) R.L.Zhu & M.J.Lai and Lejeunea luzonensis (Steph.) R.L.Zhu & M.J.Lai) are made. Taxilejeunea subcompressiuscula Herzog, nom. inval. is treated as a synonym of Lejeunea obscura Mitt.. Two genera (Rectolejeunea and Taxilejeunea) were excluded from the liverwort flora of China.4. Based on the analysis of the distribution of Lejeuneaceae in China, four regions (Lingnan region, East China region, Hengduan Mts region and Yunnan-Guizhou region) are main distribution regions of Lejeuneaceae in China. The provinces with larger number of Lejeuneaceae are Hainan (141 species,63.51%), Taiwan (119 species,53.60%) and Yunnan (113 species,50.90%). Twenty six species are known only from Hainan, twelve and eight species only from Taiwan and Yunnan respectively. Of all 23 species known only from China, four species are distributed in Hainan, eight species in Taiwan and 11 species in Yunnan.5. Floristic analysis revealed that East-Asia element is the largest element in the Chinese Lejeuneaceae flora with 84 species, accounting ca.37.84% of the total number of species of Lejeuneacea in China. Among East-Asia elements,35 species for China-Japan element,23 species are known only from China,15 species for Himalaya-Japan and 11 species for Sino-Himalaya. Tropical Asian element with 64 species, which is the second largest element, accouting ca.28.83% of the total number of species. The Chinese Lejeuneaceae flora is highly composed of the East-Asia element and Tropical Asian element.

【关键词】 PtychanthoideaeLejeuneoideae分类学区系
【Key words】 PtychanthoideaeLejeuneoideaetaxonomyflora