

The Research on Xiejia during Ming-Qing

【作者】 胡铁球

【导师】 王家范;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 历史社会学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 “歇家”涉及到明清的商业、赋役、词讼等各个领域,甚至部分问题延及到民国,因此在博士期间无法系统地完成其研究,本文仅就“歇家”以下几个问题作一初步的简略探讨。1、“歇家”概念及其异名考略。“歇家”最初的基本含义是“客店”,更确切的说是提供“住宿”服务的一种经营方式,但“歇家”不仅是一个经营方式,也可指一个特殊群体,故其可指代为经营方式,也可指代为人,是人与经营方式高度集合的一个词,这也是其与客店类称呼一个重大差别。“歇家”介入商业、赋役、司法等领域,都是利用人们的流动所需要的“住宿餐饮”服务环节而延伸出来的,随着其延伸功能不同,其延伸的别名也甚多(当然其别名形成不仅仅是这个原因)。“歇家”在赋役、词讼领域共同别名有“保歇”、“歇保”、“保家”、“安保”、“保户”、“保识”、“歇店”、“歇户”、“主户”、“积歇”、“饭店”、“饭家”等等。而“歇家”在赋役领域中特有的异名有:“引户”、“住户”、“雇长”、“仓歇”、“仓鼠”、“区甲”,“看夫”、“联夫”、“火夫”等等。而“歇家”在贸易领域中可称之为“歇店”、“歇户”、“客店”、“园亭”、“牙家”、“侩家”、“牙歇”等等,其内涵,基本上是“客店”与“牙行”合一的经营方式,其沿袭了古代邸店、塌房等诸多经营方式于一体,形成了集客店、经纪人、仓储、贸易甚至运输、借贷于一体的新的商业运营模式,笔者把这种经营方式称之为“歇家牙行”经营模式。2、“歇家”主要构成人员。“歇家”在不同领域,有不同的人员构成。充当仓场的“歇家”多是官僚、皇亲勋戚、内官、士绅豪富、胥吏衙役的家人及其仆人或与其有利益关联的商人所构成。充当县乡“歇家”的人员非常复杂,主要有以下几类:“市棍”、“市猾”类;“书吏”、“册书”类;“胥吏衙役”、“里差(图差)”类;“土棍”、“绅衿”类;“里役”类。在词讼领域,充当“歇家”的,多是绅衿、豪棍、衙门胥吏、讼师等。在贸易领域,充当“歇家”多是“牙商”、“牙保”,但这些“牙商”、“牙保”多是由乡绅富户或官僚、皇亲勋戚、内官、胥吏衙役的家人及其仆人的所构成。3、设立“歇家”这种职役的衙门考略。仅据笔者所知,设立“歇家”这种职役的衙门有:“国子监”、“法司(指京城中的法司)”、“兵营”、“京通仓库”、“盐场”、“船政”、“税关”等。笔者依次称为“国子监歇家”、“在京法司歇家”、“兵歇家”、“京通仓役歇家”、“盐场歇家”、“船政保家”、“税关歇家”等。4、“歇家”诞生的制度变革背景考略。“歇家”在县乡、词讼、仓场等领域中的强大的包揽势力,有其深刻的变革背景,其中收归和弱化粮长、里长权力的变革,即粮里制度衰落以及充当粮长、里长自身力量的衰微,是“歇家”蓬勃发展的社会基础。而“比限”制度建立及其弊端,则是推动“保歇制度”形成的根本性原因。不仅如此,在制度变革中,“歇家”人员构成也发生变化,因“追征”的需要而形成的“图差”,就是清代歇家重要来源之一。5、“县乡歇家”考略。几乎全国各地都存在“歇家”包揽赋役、词讼的现象,实际上他们才是真正的乡村控制者,因其复杂性,难以一时全部梳理清楚,本章仅仅梳理了各省“县乡歇家”的基本状况,及其在各省发展的原因、势力和人员构成,略微论及了“歇家”与乡民、政府之间的复杂关系。假设延伸研究,将是一个极其复杂的系统。这将是笔者随后几年努力的方向。6、“仓场型歇家考略”。本章分三部分来写,即京通“仓役歇家”考略;民运系统与“歇家”关系考略;仓场“歇家”的流变原因及其性质考。就第一部分而言,明代京通两仓所设置8个类目的仓役中,有两类是“歇家”。因“仓役歇家”掌控着税粮完纳过程的关键环节,故仓官仓吏与其关系非同一般,其在仓场舞弊行为亦是最为严重。“下官歇家”在为旗军提供住宿服务的同时,还有追寻、勾摄、监禁挂欠旗官等等职责,故其有时能把持粮运。第二部分,主要论述了五大民运系统,即南京仓储系统、北京内库等仓储系统、水次转运及预备仓系统、边仓系统、各布政司在省城、府城等地建立的各类存留粮的仓库系统与歇家的关系。第三部分,主要论述了“歇家”在仓场,从“服务”到“包揽”再到“保歇”制度建立的流变过程,以及在仓场的“歇家”性质核心不在于其作为纳户的中间服务组织而存在,而是作为中贵、勋戚、官僚、乡绅、胥吏衙役等权力集团在财政市场上追逐利益的体现者而存在。

【Abstract】 Xiejia’s business involved in many fields in Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty, such as commence, taxes and forced labor, legal cases and so on. And even some of the problems extended to the period of the Republic of China. So the study of Xiejia couldn’t be systematically finished in a short time. The thesis only is an initial and brief study on the following problems of Xiejia.The first is the textual research on Xiejia’s concept and aliases. The initial and basic meaning of Xiejia was inn. More precisely, it’s a mode of operation to provide residential service. It’s not only a mode of operation, but also a special group. It’s a word highly collected people and operational mode, which is great different from inn. Xiejia’s involving in the fields of commence, taxes, forced labor and judicature, was an extension of accommodation and catering services, which needed because of people’s mobile. With the different functions of its extension, it had many aliases. Of course, it’s not the only reason the aliases formed. In the fields of taxes, forced labor and legal cases, Xiejia had common aliases such as Baoxie, Xiebao, Baojia, Anbao, Baohu, Baoshi, Xiedian, Xiehu, Zhuhu, Jixie, Fandian, Fanjia and so on. In the field of taxes and forced labor, Xiejia had some special aliases such as Qushu, Yinhu, Zhuhu, Guzhang, Cangxie, Cangshu, Qujia, Kanfu, Lianfu, Huofu and so on. In the field of commence, Xiejia had some aliases such as Xiedian, Xiehu, Kedian, Yuanting, Yaxie and so on. Its basic meaning was an operational mode collected Kedian and Yahang, which followed the ancient operational modes of Didian and Tafang, and formed a kind of new operating model in commence field that collected the functions of inn, broker, warehousing, trade, transport and borrowing. The author called it Xiejia-Yahang operating model.The second is about Xiejia’s major component personnel. In different fields, Xiejia had different composition. Xiejia who acted as warehouses, usually could be composed by bureaucrats, royal relatives, eunuchs, gentries, the powerful rich, the family members and servants of petty officials. The staff of Xiejia in counties and villages was very complicated. It mainly had following categories, such as Shigun and Shihua, Shuli and Ceshu category; Xuli-Yayi and Lichai category, Tugun and Shenjin category, Liyi category and so on. In the field of legal cases, Xiejia’s personnel mainly could be Shenjin, Haogun, Xuli-Yayi and Songshi etc. In commence field, Xiejia’s personnel mainly could be Yashang and Yabao, made up of powerful gentries, the rich, bureaucrats, royal relatives, eunuchs, or the family members and servants of petty officials.The third is the textual research on Yamen which founded Xiejia. Only according to what the author had known, there were some Yamens which founded Xiejia such as Guozijian, Fasi in the capital, Bingying, Jing-Tong warehouses, Yanchang, Chuanzheng, Shuiguan etc. The author called them in turn Guozijian-Xiejia, Fasi-Xiejia in the capital, Bing-Xiejia, Jing-Tong-Cangyi-Xiejia, Yanchang-Xiejia, Chuanzheng-Xiejia, Shuiguan-Xiejia etc.The fourth is the textual research on the background of the system reform in which Xiejia was taken birth. Xiejia’s great power in the fields of counties and villages, legal cases and warehouses, had its deep background of system reform. Among them, the reform of reverting and weakening Liangzhang’s and Lizhang’s power, that is to say, the decline of Liang-Li system and the decline of Liangzhang’s and Lizhang’s own strength, was the social infrastructure of Xiejia’s vigorous development. The establishment of Bixian system and its disadvantages were the fundamental causes which promoted the formation of Baoxie system.The fifth is the textual research on Xiejia in counties and villages. The phenomenon of Xiejia’s controlling taxes, forced labor and legal cases, existed almost all over the country. In fact, they were the real power that controlled the counties and villages. Because of its complexity, it’s difficult to distinguish clearly in a short time. So in this chapter, only the basic situation of Xiejia in counties and villages in provinces, the reasons for its development in provinces, forces and personnel were distinguished. The complex relationship among Xiejia, villagers and the government was slightly covered. Extending the study, it would be a very complex system.The sixth is the textual research on Warehouse-Xiejia. This chapter was divided into three parts, whose titles were the textual research on Jing-Tong-Cangyi-Xiejia, the textual research on the relationship between non-governmental transport system and Xiejia, the textual research on the reasons of Warehouse-Xiejia’s reform and characters. In the first part, among the eight kinds of Cangyi set in two warehouses in Jing-Tong in Ming Dynasty, two kinds were Xiejia. Cangyi-Xiejia controlled the key link in the process of paying grain taxes, so the relationship between the warehouse officials and Cangyi-Xiejia was unusual. Their corrupt deeds were the most serious. Xiaguan-Xiejia provided residential services for Baqi-Army. At the same time, it had duty to search, capture and imprison the owing Baqi officers. So at sometimes it could dominate the grain transport. In the second port, it discussed the relationship between five non-governmental transport systems and Xiejia. The five non-government transport system were Nanjing storage system, Beijing royal storage system, water transport and preparatory storage system, frontier storage system and retentive grain storage system established by the government in provincial capitals. In the third part, it mainly discussed the changing process of Xiejia in warehouse field, which changed from service to Baolan, even to the establishment of Baoxie system. Also it discussed Xiejia’s core nature in warehouse field, which didn’t exist as middle service organizations for Nahu, but existed as the reflection of the interests which the power groups of eunuchs, royal relatives, bureaucrats, gentries and petty officials pursued in the financial market.

【关键词】 歇家变革县乡仓场
【Key words】 Xiejiareformcounties and villageswarehouse