

On the Collectively Strategic Leadership Ability and Its Fostering

【作者】 黄志明

【导师】 马钦荣;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 领导教育学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 [摘要]主管城市发展的党政领导班子的集体战略领导力,是目前及可见未来党的执政能力建设重点领域之一。对此,如何提供相应的领导教育及培训,是领导教育学面临的学科基本问题。围绕这一问题,通过以长三角中小沿海城市主官为例的研究,力求对领导教育学做出深度探究,就是本文的学术使命。关于党政干部的能力培养,现行最主要的指导文件是中共中央组织部干部教育局颁布实施的《干部教育培训工作条例(试行)》(2006.1,下称《干教条例》)。各地党委组织部门、政府人事系统1的干部培训工作,基本上也都是在《干教条例》的指引下结合本地情况展开的。本文立足对十六届四中全会(2004.9)《关于加强党的执政能力建设的决定》中关于五种执政能力的阐述2,十七届四中全会(2009.9)《中共中央关于加强和改进新形势下党的建设若干重大问题的决定》中关于凝聚力、团结、干部培训的阐述3,对现行领导干部教育进行了与时俱进的思考。通过学术回顾、哲学思考、综合考察、战略聚焦、力的合成(指“集体战略领导力”的合成)、学科视角六个步骤(即本文的核心六章)的调查与研究,本文认为现行的领导干部教育较为单一地聚焦于干部个体的领导能力培养;而在班子领导力(特别是集体战略领导力)培养方面,却迫切需要干教理论加以深化研究、政策法规做出新的指引。为此,本文提出了关于集体战略领导力的学术假说和培养设想,构成本文在学术和实践两方面的价值诉求。什么是集体领导,什么又是集体战略领导?它需要怎样的能力,如何培养这种能力?这是古今中外一切执政集团从中央到地方孜孜不倦的历史追求。在这种努力中,对领导干部的个人能力培养,是起点;对领导班子的集体能力培养,是目标。本文还认为,在我国,领导教育首先应该是以党政干部为培养对象,其中,对城市集体战略领导力的关注应极具现实的意义。这样,领导教育学就能够以其特有的学术内涵,对历史经验做合理传承、对学术成果做兼容并蓄、对现实需求做精准把握、对时代走势做正确判断,并成为某种专项的、极具可持续操作性的学科实践领域。通过本文展开的论证,一个现实急需并且前景广阔的培训领域展现在我们眼前——不断造就在建构集体战略领导力方面具有专业本领的高素质的领导干部。这个培训领域的进一步延伸,乃是一个更为广义的“高端集体领导者人力资源开发”大领域。耕耘这个领域,能够使得《干教条例》更加贴近真实、贴近现实、贴近务实,也使得领导教育更具生命力。

【Abstract】 Of the city-level top rank gov-leaders, their collectively strategic leadership ability (CSAL) has been one of the keystone-areas of developing CPC’s governing ability. For this reason, a primary challenge facing the Academy of Leadership Pedagogy (ALP) is how to offer this area an appropriate leadership educating and ability fostering. Focusing on this issue and with case study of the top rank of gov-leaders from medium-&-small sized coastal cities around Yangtze Delta, it is this paper’s academic mission to actively push the academy of leadership going ahead.Promulgated and implemented by the Cadre Education Bureau of CPC Center Organization Department and serving the CPC cadres educating and their leadership ability fostering, the most primary guide-line in the current is Cadres Educating & Training Byelaw [tryout version] (issued in Jan.2006, CETB, in short). Both branches of CPC-committees and Gov-councils at local-level and around the country are normally guided by CETB and, combining with their own local situation when currying out their task of cadres educating and/or training.The paper makes an updated review on the current gov-leadership education (GLE). The review is based on Five Ruling Capabilities elucidated by The CPC-Center’s Decision on the Development of Strengthening CPC’s Ruling Ability issued by the 4th Plenary Session of CPC’s 16th National Congress (Sep.2004.16-4th Plenary, in short), also basing on topics such as leader-team cohesion (LTC), leaders uniting and cadres training, all of them elucidated by The CPC-Center’s Decision on Momentous Affairs of Strengthening& Improving CPC-self Development in the New Situation issued by the 4th Plenary Session of CPC’s 17th National Congress (Sep.2009.17-4th Plenary, in short).By its five steps research—i.e. five chapters in the paper—of academic review, philosophic pondering, comprehensive investigation, power composing (of leadership abilities) and, finally, of subject perspective (of leadership academy), the paper argues that the current GLE focuses only on personal carder’s ability fostering while, regarding with CSAL, a clear and related guidance of fostering is imminently needed. Therefore, the paper puts forward its CSAL-related academic suggestion and fostering assumption, both of them are the targets of the paper’s value seeking academically and practically.So, what is collective leadership? What is collective strategic leadership ability (CSAL)? What kinds of segmented abilities are essential factors for CSAL? How to foster the CSAL of a leader-team? The paper finds all of these questions compose of an over time seeking goal persevered by every governing group at all times and in all places in the world, no matter this group is or was at the level of center government or at local level. During this seeking work, fostering carder’s personal ability is as same as a launch pad, while fostering team’s collective ability as a whole is rightly a goal.Further more, the paper believes it is, in today’s China, leadership education should first target at the gov-leaders rather than business ones and it is realistically significative to pay attention to the CSAL at city level. By this way, the ALP is able to feature its academic characteristic, correctly develop historic experiences, integrate academic achievements together, exactly identify gov-leaders’ real need of ability training and, finally, to become ALP’s exclusive practice field with strongly substantial practicable.Looking through the argumentation committed by the paper, what can be seen is a training picture reflecting both an urgent need in the current and a wide foreground in the future—to foster high-quality leaders equipped with strongly professional skills of developing their own CSLA. By enlarging this picture, there will be a more generalized grand field of ’human resource exploiture of top-level leaders’.Exploiting this field not only enables GLE to be closer to the true, the real and the practical situation but also to find out a new way for GLE to strength its own vitality.

  • 【分类号】D262.3
  • 【被引频次】2
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