

【作者】 刘鹏

【导师】 陈引驰;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 中国中古的僧尼传记长久以来是学者描绘早期佛教史的案头必备材料。一系列的研究表明,僧尼传记在宗教、史学、文学、思想、语言等领域均有其价值。而如此具有复杂特性的传记作品仍然值得我们作进一步研究。本文即以梁代两部重要的僧尼传记——《高僧传》和《比丘尼传》为研究对象,尝试从新的角度进行讨论。在方法上,既有别于传统实证主义的研究,也不同于后现代叙事学的分析,而是另辟蹊径,以具体的个案为切入点,结合整个历史的背景,考察不同的“话语权力”如何渗透进僧尼传记的书写。具体而言,分别从王者、士大夫和僧史家这三大方面的“话语权力”着手,看它们在中古僧尼传记里面如何汇聚,如何形成僧尼传记的叙述和思想。本文首先以僧权面临王权挑战为背景,分析僧尼传记如何回应这种挑战,描绘佛教徒心目中的理想王权。转而从文本的世界进入到现实的世界,探讨梁武帝的王权意志对僧尼传记写作的促动和影响。在王权对僧尼传记的冲击过后,本文将视点转移到六朝吴越士人的观世音信仰上,考察知识精英如何利用自已的声音将他们的佛教信仰传递给大众。最后讨论的是僧史家权力与僧尼传记的关系。一方面从编排和叙述的角度看僧史家如何建构中土佛学体系;另一方面则从故事修辞的角度来分析梦境叙述如何被僧史家用以“阐释”历史,制造宗教神秘气氛。本文的附录讨论僧尼传记中的疾病叙述,这些叙述透露出佛教对疾病的看法。通过对僧尼传记的“话语分析”,本文尝试从更多的角度来拓展对中古僧尼传记的研究,并由此反思佛教历史的“形成”方式。

【Abstract】 As is manifested in our scholarship, Buddhist hagiographies have long been the basic sources of Buddhist studies of medieval China. The complication of these hagiographies provide possibilities of interpretations from all different perspectives such as that of religion, history, literature, history of ideas, as well as linguistics.Focusing on the two most influential texts of the period, Biographies of Eminent Monks and Biographies of Nuns, this research investigates the power of discourses in the making of hagiographies. Specifically, it illustrates how the powers of sovereign, literati, and Buddhist historians have shaped the narratives and ideas in Buddhist hagiographies. Part one tackles the relationship between the power of sovereign and its impact on Buddhist hagiographies. It shows how the hagiographies depict ideal rulers faithful to Buddhism to react on the challenge from the highest power in the mundane world; yet the case of vegetarianism movement under the orders of Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty manifests how royal authority regulated monastic lives and the accounts about them. Part two moves to literati’s Guanyin belief in Wu and Yue areas during medieval period. By examining the literati’s connections to Buddhism, their transmission of Guanyin belief, and the reasons those literati did so, the research shows the way literari’s voice permeated the hagiographies. Part three focuses on the power of Buddhist historians and analyzes their effors to edit and narrate lives of eminent monks. Also, it draws attention to the dream narrative in hagiographies, which apparently has become a narrative strategy. The appendix concerns about the illness narratives in Buddhist hagiographies, which form the knowledge of illness of Buddhism.This research takes a new look at Buddhist hagiography and attempts to expand its study, which finally leads us to rethink the making of Buddhist history.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】I207.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】420