

【作者】 杨方

【导师】 朱文华;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在中国现代、当代的文艺史上乃至整个意识形态的历史上,周扬(1907-1989)是一位极具影响的人物,其人生沉浮可以说是“中国近当代文艺史和意识形态史的缩影”。本文把周扬一生的思想文化活动及其相应的特点分成六个阶段予以考察。第一章“翩翩浊世美少年”,重点研究周扬知识体系的童年渊源以及其少年时代的坎坷求学路,并分析“五四”精神、尼采哲学等对其的影响。这个阶段为周扬以后的思想文化活动打下了较扎实的文化与思想基础。第二章“如火如荼的左联时代”,主要研究周扬“左联”时期的思想文化活动。分析周扬为什么是一个有争议的“左联”负责人,即鲁迅所谓的“奴隶总管”;以及“左联”这同一营垒里产生矛盾漩涡——两个口号之争的原因以及对周扬的影响。本阶段周扬理论上最大的功绩是:引进“社会主义的现实主义”口号,并在两个口号之争后反省“题材决定论”,强调“艺术需要形象思维”。第三章“红色延安:毛泽东文艺思想代言人”,着重探讨周扬结缘毛泽东后人生的新历程;峥嵘鲁艺成为周扬这个未来的中国文艺界领导之成长摇篮。首先分析周扬身体力行文学批评新原则——社会历史的批评方法之利弊。然后指出他承继“左联”时期的原则“文学从属于政治”,坚持文学为时代为政治服务,使文学进一步成为政治的工具。再分析周扬主持鲁艺整风中初步形成周扬式的“运动模式”。周扬在整风结束后一跃成为“注经式”阐释者——毛泽东文艺思想的代言人,由此奠定了他在中国革命文艺界的领导地位。本章最后分析了周扬本阶段的理论成果——民族形式论;并辨析了其理论根源与成果。第四章“功过交织的十七年”,建国后周扬掌管全国文化意识形态,参与十七年间文艺政策的制定,是毛泽东文艺思想的权威阐释者。本章重在分析周扬十七年间的功过,首先分析周扬的功劳:他为新中国文化事业筚路蓝缕,筹办主持了第一次文代会;还是颇有实绩的戏剧改革者。他主持编写高校文科教材,还主持编写第一个文艺界纠“左”文件——“文艺八条”。在评述周扬的“功”中也辩证分析其对“左”的倾向有一定的反省与抵制,但其在纠“左”时有顾虑与反复,调整也是局部的、有限的。其次分析周扬的过失,他对从政治问题到刑事案件的胡风案的造成有不可推卸的责任;虽然他是被动地参加反右运动,但是他积极主动地深化文艺界反右运动,造成文艺界不少的冤假错案。1963年周扬还弃车保帅,批“三条汉子”。但是周扬在运动中也有作为“保护伞”的另一面,在不危及自己地位的情况下保护了某些文艺界的人士。本章着重分析周扬运动前后行为与思想上的矛盾冲突即“两面”性,重点分析他的文艺思想与毛泽东文艺思想的不同之处,如他提出“文艺为最广大的人民群众服务”,以及他不再提文艺为政策服务;还有他对个人崇拜、用群众运动的方式搞学术批判等一系列“左”的倾向都有所反思与批评。但周扬的复杂性或者“两面”性突出表现在每次运动中都紧跟运动步骤,抛弃或否认自己的理性思考。所以本章重在分析其“两面”性形成的复杂原因以及危害性。第五章“文革恶梦”,周扬在“文革”伊始被定为“文艺黑线”的“总头目”,从1966年起作为“敌我矛盾”被关押,于1975年经毛泽东批示为“人民内部矛盾”获释出狱。本章分析了周扬的监狱生活以及其思想的变化、理性的反省以及本性的逐渐回归。第六章“新时期风云”,首先分析复出后周扬有限的反思:他始终坚持文学与政治的密切关系,不情愿放弃“文学为政治服务”的口号。并重点探讨周扬探讨马克思理论所引起的轩然大波:先分析周扬探讨“异化”的思想与理论基础,再辨析探讨“异化”之利弊,后分析“异化”探讨成为政治事件的原因。本章最后辨析周扬文艺理论体系的核心——“现实主义”,分析定于一尊的“社会主义现实主义”概念的内部矛盾;再进一步辨析“革命现实主义”加“革命浪漫主义”文学理论的时代背景以及其实质;最后分析新时期周扬对“现实主义”的反思以及其局限。周扬一生不断在政治风云中跌宕起伏,历史的生活已经成了其个人的生活。周扬始终怀抱为革命而文学、为政治而文学的信念,并为这他自认值得牺牲一切的理想奉献其所有。无论周扬在何种程度上实现了其理想,真正有意义的是周扬能够献身于其信仰的价值观,并且为之战斗了一生,虽然周扬遭遇了很多的悲剧,但他是悲剧中的英雄。

【Abstract】 In modern, contemporary art history and the whole ideology of history, Zhou Yang (1907-1989) is an influential figure, Its ups and downs of life can be said that "Chinese contemporary art history and ideology in recent microcosm of the history." This paper, the ideological and cultural activities of Zhou Yang’s life and their corresponding characteristics are divided into six phases to be investigated.The first chapter, "dancing meaning of Innocent and young men," Zhou Yang of knowledge focuses on the childhood origins, and the ups and downs of their youth to study road. And analysis the spirit of Nietzsche’s philosophy on it. Zhou Yang and lay a more solid foundation of culture and ideology.Chapter II, "Left full swing era". Zhou Yang, the main study, "Left" period of ideological and cultural activities. Zhou Yang, a controversial analysis of why the "Left" responsible person, that Lu Xun’s so-called "slave Explorer"; And "Left" that the same camp where a conflict spiral - two slogans of the struggle of the causes and impact on Zhou Yang. Zhou Yang theory, this stage is the greatest achievement: the introduction of "socialist realism" slogan.Chapter III "Red Yan’an: Mao Zedong Thought spokesperson," focuses on life after Mao Zedong, Zhou Yang fates got tied to the new course; Zhou Yang, the first of a new principle of practicing literary criticism - criticism of social history, the advantages and disadvantages. Then pointed out that he inherited, "Left" principle during the "literature subordinate to politics," insisted literature for the age of politics to literature to further a political tool._Lu Yi of Zhou Yang presided over the initial formation of the rectification of Zhou Yang-style "campaign mode." Zhou Yang became the end of the rectification, "Note by the style" interpreters the spokesman Mao Zedong Thought, which form the foundation of his revolutionary literary and art circles in China’s leadership.Chapter IV "merits and demerits of cutting 17 years," Zhou Yang in charge of the national culture after the founding ideology.This chapter focuses 17 years of merits and demerits of Zhou Yang, Zhou Yang, the first analysis of the credit: his new China culture arduous. He presided over the preparation of university literature books, also presided over the preparation of the first arts and correct "left" file "Art of eight."His criminal case from the political to the Hu Feng case resulted not shirk the responsibility; Although he is a passive participation in the anti-rightist campaign, but he actively deepen the anti-rightist campaign literature and art, literature and art a lot of injustice caused by false wrong case.Zhou Yang of this chapter analyzes the before and after exercise behavior and ideological conflicts that "both sides" There he was the cult of personality, the way out with a mass movement and a series of academic criticism of the "left" have the tendency to reflection and criticism.. Therefore, emphasis of this chapter to analyze the "sides" of the reasons for the formation of the complex and hazardous.Chapter "Cultural Revolution nightmare," Zhou Yang "Cultural Revolution" was the beginning as the "black line art" and "general leader".This chapter of Zhou Yang’s prison life and change their thinking, rational reflection, and nature gradually returning.ChapterⅥ, "New situation," Zhou Yang after the first of back reflection is limited:he always insisted the close relationship between literature and politics. And focus on Zhou Yang of the uproar caused by Marxist theory: first analysis of Zhou Yang of "alienation" of the ideological and theoretical foundation. Analysis of literary theory end of this chapter at the core "realism", is scheduled for an analysis of "socialist realism" concept of the internal contradictions.Zhou Yang continued his life in the ups and downs in the political situation, history, life has become his personal life.Zhou Yang, the extent to which both achieved their ideal of a meaningful commitment to their beliefs Zhou Yang to the values, and fighting for his life,while Zhou Yang suffered a lot of tragedy, but he is the hero of the tragedy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】I206.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】511