

【作者】 刘蒙之

【导师】 殷晓蓉;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 传播学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在我国图书市场由计划经济向市场经济转型的过程中,因为诸多历史因素,国有图书出版业在图书产能、品种结构与发行终端上都一时无法满足图书市场的巨大需求,于是首先从图书出版业下游的零售环节出现了第一批民营小型书店和书摊,作为新华书店系统的“补充”力量用以解决广大读者“买书难”的问题。这些小型书店依靠灵活的机制和追逐利润的热情,有一部分逐渐发展成为规模化的民营图书发行公司,及至在2003年获得了“总发行权”,开始与新华书店“平起平坐”。几乎与此同时,更有诸多民营图书发行公司在谋求资本增值的商业理性和“刊布经典”的人文理想之双重因素作用下向图书出版的核心领域——“图书策划”渗透,逐渐诞生了一批在教育出版与大众出版领域富有竞争力的民营图书文化公司,引领了当代教育理念革新与大众阅读的潮流。至2009年,我国民营图书出版业已蔚为壮观,发行领域有民营零售网点11万家,从事图书出版策划业务的民营图书文化公司有3万家,民营图书出版业已成为我国图书出版业名副其实的“新兴力量”和“重要组成部分”。本文以改革开放以来的民营图书出版业为研究对象,将其放置在我国改革开放和图书出版制度变迁的时代大背景下进行审视,通过对民营图书出版业的发展历史与动因、产业布局与现状、大众出版领域的出版创新、民营图书出版业与国有图书出版业的商业互动、民营图书出版业的历史贡献等诸多问题的聚焦来探讨民营图书出版业现象。研究中力求瞻前顾后,经纬交织,从历史的纵向和现实的横向展开全面剖析。本研究的基本框架如下:第一章是绪论,绪论部分介绍了本研究的现实背景、主要问题、研究意义、分析思路和研究方法等。第二章结合时代背景回顾了改革开放以来民营图书出版业的发展历程。第三章采用截面研究的方法,首先分析了民营图书出版业基本的产业布局,然后重点对策划和发行两大环节中的代表性民营图书公司进行了评介。大众出版的发达程度代表一国图书出版业市场化程度的高低,民营图书出版业在大众出版领域最为活跃,业绩最为突出,创新了我国图书出版商业化的运作模式。故第四章专门辟出用以分析民营图书出版业在大众出版领域的商业探索。第五章探讨了民营图书出版业和国有图书出版业的商业互动。改革开放以来,民营图书出版业和国有图书出版业之关系先后经历了补充、冲突和合作为主要特征的三个重要阶段,民营图书出版业是国有图书出版业革新的重要驱动因素。第六章分析了改革开放以来民营图书出版业的发展动因,在广泛的历史情境下对促进民营图书出版业发展的多元变量进行了分析探讨。第七章也是本研究最后一章评价和分析了民营图书出版业的历史作用、经营管理、进一步发展的制约因素以及发展路径等问题。改革开放以来,民营图书出版业对于提高我国图书出版业的质量和效益,促进图书出版业资源和生产要素的优化配置,实现投资主体的多元化,缓解图书出版业投资不足,进行图书出版业产业结构调整等方面具有重要的作用,但是也存在诸多问题,亟须有所提升。第七章在前面分析的基础上,也着重对一些制约民营图书出版业发展的重大理论问题进行了讨论,并就民营图书出版业未来发展提出若干政策性建议。改革开放以来,我国民营图书出版业的发展及其作用有目共睹,然而由于长期处于“灰色地带”,其在政治地位、社会形象、行业声望甚至媒体建构方面都处于弱势地位,由此影响民营图书出版业下一步的发展与我国图书出版产业整合的进度和质量,损伤我国图书出版业的整体价值。我国图书出版业想要做强做大,就应本着尊重历史、尊重现实、尊重规律的原则,释放民间的出版先进生产力,激发民间图书出版原创力,从认识和实践两个方面解决好民营图书出版业的问题。认识是实践的先导,鉴于此,本研究力图把质化研究与量化研究结合起来,试图追溯其历史,探究其动因,分析其机制,剖析其本质,明确其作用,讨论其地位,希冀为民营图书出版业的发展和我国图书出版产业做强做大,达到“大繁荣”,实现“走出去”有所裨益。

【Abstract】 In the transforming process of China’s book market from planned economy to market economy, due to a number of historical factors, state-owned book industry can not meet the huge demand of book market in terms of book production capacity, variety structures and distribution terminals.Therefore, the first batch of small bookstores and bookstalls appear in the downstream retailing process of the book publishing industry to serve as the "backup" force of Xinhua Bookstore System to solve readers’"difficulties in buying books".Supported by flexible mechanism and profit-seeking passion, some of these small bookstores become stronger gradually and develop into non-governmental-owned distribution group companies in scale, who were awarded the "general distribution right" and thus "on equal footing" with Xinhua Bookstore. In the meantime, a great number of book companies, driven by the dual factors, i.e. the commercial rationality of seeking capital appreciation and humanistic ideal of "publishing classics", even penetrate into "book planning", the core domain of book publishing, form a batch of book planning companies with competitive-edge in educational publishing and mass publishing sectors and pioneer in current educational philosophy innovation as well as the trend of mass reading. However, the crucial "publishing channel" remains a pending problem.Up to 2009, non-governmental book industry prevails in China. There had been 110 thousand non-governmental-owned bookstores,30 thousand of which are book companies related to publishing and planning businesses,accounting for half of the book publishing industry in China and becoming real "new emerging force" and "important integral part" of book publishing industry in China.In 2001,China joined in the WTO and foreign capital began to be pumped into book publishing industry;with the deepening and development of press and publishing system reform in China, the competitive-edge of stated-owned book industry is broken through and enhanced. Under new historical background and industrial environment, non-governmental book industry plunges into an unprecedented industrial sea change.Aiming at non-governmental book industry and by placing it into the macro background of a time when reform and opening up as well as transformation of book publishing system occur, this research discussed and analyzed the issue of non-governmental book industry by focusing on such matters as the history and momentum as well as industrial layout and current situation of non-governmental book industry, publishing innovation in mass publishing sector, industrial interactions between non-governmental and stated-owned book industries as well as the historical contributions and problems of non-governmental book industry.I will strive to make this research both by retrospection and outlook, to interlace them together and to analyze thoroughly by unveiling it from history longitudinally and from reality transversely.The basic framework of this research is as follows:The first chapter introduces the background, theoretical framework, subject matter, significance, normal form, analytical thoughts and approaches of this research.The second and sixth chapter, in combination with the background of time, looked back to the multiple historical momentums of the course and rapid development of non-governmental book industry since reform and opening up.The third chapter adopts the sectional research method to analyze the basic industrial layout of non-governmental book industry first and then describe the current situation of some typical non-governmental book companies. The fourth chapter specifically probes into the commercial exploration of non-governmental book industry in the mass publishing sector. The development of mass publishing indicates the marketization of book publishing in a country, and the non-governmental book industry is the most active in mass publishing sector, achieved outstanding performance and innovated the commercial operational mode of book publishing of China.The fifth chapter probes into the interactions between non-governmental and stated-owned book industries. Since the reform and opening up, the non-governmental and state-owned book industries experienced three major stages characterized as supplementation, conflict and cooperation successively and the non-governmental book industry serves as the important incentive for the innovation of state-owned book industry.The seventh chapter discusses problems including the historical role, strong points, shortages and improving measures, etc.for the development of non-governmental book industry. Since the reform and opening up,non-governmental book industry plays a significant role in improving the quality and efficiency of China’s book publishing, promoting the book publishing to transform to intensive management, facilitating the optimization of book publishing resources and production elements distributions, achieving the diversification of investment subjects, easing the underinvestment of book publishing and implementing industrial restructuring of book publishing, etc. However, there are also lots of problems in dire need of enhancement.The final conclusion part places stress on the discussion of some significant theoretical problems constraining the development of non-governmental book industry and brought forth several constructive suggestions on the development of non-governmental book industry in the future.Since the reform and opening up, the development and role of China’s non-governmental book industry are quite obvious. Nevertheless, as being situated in the "Grey Zone" for a long time, it is on a disadvantageous position in terms of political status, social image, industrial reputation and even media construction,which thus affected the further development of non-governmental book industry as well as the progress and quality of publishing industrial integration in China and damaged the value of China’s book publishing as a whole.To make China’s book publishing stronger, we must, in the principle of respecting history, respecting reality and respecting regular patterns, release the advanced productivity of non-governmental publishing, wake the creativity on book publishing and solve the problems of non-governmental book industry both in terms of cognition and practice, for cognition is the forerunner of practice.In the light of this, the research strives to combine qualitative research and quantitative research, make an all-round examination of the existence and evolvement process of non-governmental book industry under the broad context of political, economic, legal, cultural, social, educational and publishing industry development, try to trace back to the history,probe into the momentum, analyze the mechanism and nature, make the roles clear and discuss its status in the hope of benefiting the goal that the non-governmental book industry and China’s book publishing would get stronger, achieve the "boom" and "walk out"

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】G239.2-F
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1393