

【作者】 李彩霞

【导师】 李良荣;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 传播学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 自2007年“宠物食品中毒事件”爆发以来,中国产品接二连三地卷入国内外舆论漩涡,一时间,“中国制造”成为“危险产品”代名词,并引发了整个中国制造业信任危机。风险建构理论认为,风险不是独立于社会、文化历史因素之外的客观实在,而是社会文化、历史过程的结果。本研究以此为立足点,通过考察美国媒体对“中国制造”的建构,试图揭示当前“中国制造”所面临的风险是如何形成的,并在此基础上提出了应对风险的策略。本论文选取美国销量和声誉排名前列的《纽约时报》和《时代周刊》为样本来源,截取1991—2009年近20年为研究时段,对媒体上关于“中国制造”的报道做了全面的分析。首先,本文运用内容分析法,从这两大媒体“中国制造”报道议题、报道数量等方面入手进行分析,以期展现两家媒体所呈现之“中国制造”风险图景。在分析中发现:1)二者所建构的“中国制造”形象基本上都是负面的;2)在建构“中国制造”形象时逐步升级、逐步扩展:从产品到产业,从产业到政府,从经济到政治;3)貌似客观、公正、平衡,实则以美国为中心,将国家利益和美国社会的意识形态、价值观作为先导,最终将“中国制造”因质量问题而产生的风险置换为“中国政府制造”的风险。然后,本研究运用框架理论的相关观点分析了美国媒体建构“中国制造”风险的路径。美国媒体在建构“中国制造”的风险时主要使用了健康安全和国家利益这两种框架。这两种框架在风险的建构中相互影响,相互补充,国家利益框架为健康安全框架提供了“前置因素”,而健康安全框架反过来又巩固了国家利益框架的原有印象。二者如同一个“失衡的螺旋”不断扩大、升级。最后,在上述分析的基础上,本论文提出了应对风险的策略。认为,应对“中国制造”的风险首先要从战略上淡化“中国制造”概念。另外,更为重要的是,以“责任”为着眼点,构筑政府、企业与媒体的信任体系,重塑负责任的国家形象,使“风险”尚未形成现实之前就将其化解。

【Abstract】 Since the pet food contamination scandals in 2007, products made in China have been exposed on end to world opinions. "Made in China" seemed to be equivalen to "hazardous" at one time, which in turn, triggers the trust crisis to the whole manufacturing industry in China. The Theory of Risk Construction holds that risk is not an independent thing but the result of social culture and history. This dissertation starts from this view and tries to reveal how the risk of "made in China" comes into being and put forward some solutions through studying the image construction of "made in China" by media in the United States.New York Times and Time are two bestselling and reputated media in U.S.,and 20 years’(1991-2009) coverages on them are chosen as samples to study thoroughly "made in China" reports.Firstly, this dissertation gives a comprehensive review on the report subject and quantity about "made in China" through content analysis and finds out that the overall image is negative. Meanwhile, this research finds out the image construction by the two media drags in other things such as government, economics and politics.The image construction seems fair but is actually based on country benefits and ideology of U.S.,and finally converts from the risk of quality problems of "made-in-China" products to "Chinese government-made" risk.Secondly, the dissertation analyzes the approach through which U.S.media construct the risk image of "made in China" by news frame and reveals that healthiness and country benefits frames are mainly used.Meanwhile, the two frames construct and influence each other. For example, the country benefits frame provides the predisposition for the healthiness frame and accordingly the latter consolidates the former. The two frames continually develop and upgrade one another like "an unbalanced spiral"Finally, the dissertation puts forward some solution to the risk.This research proposes that we should weaken the concept of "made in China" tactically in the first place and then construct the trust system in media, enterprises and government by focusing on the responsibility. A responsible country image should be rebuilt so as to evade the potential risks before it comes into being.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】G219.712
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1289