

【作者】 张红娟

【导师】 郜元宝;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 建国初期的上海作家队伍是上海当代文学的开拓者之一,它处在历史巨变的转折点上,继往开来,其之于上海当代文学的作用不容后人小觑。本论文从史料出发,通过具体的记述与分析,对建国初期上海作家队伍的建构过程进行了必要的梳理,在此基础上总结出建国初期上海作家队伍在构建过程中显示出的总体趋势。本论文以时间先后为序来组织全文。除了绪论和结语,论文共分五章。第一章题为“建国前上海作家队伍的状况”。对于建国前上海作家的相关内容,本章主要把与建国初期上海作家队伍建构有一定联系的部分加以记述和分析。从抗战胜利后上海作家队伍的特征、抗战胜利后上海作家队伍的再次变动等几个方面在叙述的基础上进行阐释。第二章题为“建国初期上海作家队伍的草创期”。本章记述了上海作家队伍的现状和主要特征、中华全国文艺界协会临时工作委员会和上海市军事管制委员会文化教育接管委员会文艺处领导的上海作家队伍,记述了进入上海前文艺处进行的准备工作、进入上海后文艺处所做的主要工作,分析了这一时期上海作家队伍的文艺方针等内容。第三章题为“建国初期上海作家队伍的发展期”。本章记述了上海作家队伍的现状和主要特征、中华全国文学者协会上海分会组建经过、和上海作家队伍有关的一些组织机构、上海作家队伍在确立工农兵文艺思想过程中开展的相关思想改造活动、上海作家队伍的实践活动以及上海作家队伍的主要创作情况。第四章题为“上海作家队伍的巩固期”。本章记述了上海作家队伍的现状、和主要特征、华东作家协会的成因、华东作家协会的成立过程、华东和上海文联的改组以及文艺辅导工作。华东作家协会的成因包括“华东”的来由和“作家协会”的成因两个部分。第五章题为“上海作家队伍的成型期”。本章记述了上海作家队伍的现状和主要特征、中国作家协会上海分会的成立原因、中国作家协会上海分会的成立过程、中国作家协会上海分会加强领导工作。中国作家协会上海分会的成立原因主要与华东区撤销有关。对于上海作家队伍的分化,本文从“胡风反革命集团案”和“反右”运动对作家的队伍的影响这两个方面进行分析。最后在“结语”中,本节主要勾勒了建国初期上海作家队伍在构建过程中显示出的总体趋势,它包括上海作家队伍的政治指导思想日渐加强、上海作家队伍的组织机构在日渐完善、上海作家队伍的专业性在日渐弱化、上海作家队伍日渐强调其业余辅导作用、上海作家队伍的区域性在增强、上海作家队伍日渐关注新生力量的成长等几个方面。

【Abstract】 Shanghai authors’troops during the initial post-liberation period are one of pioneers of the Shanghai contemporary literature. They were living in historic turning era. They played very important role in the Shanghai contemporary literature. This dissertation elaborates how to build Shanghai writer troops during the initial post-liberation period, then summarizes general trend of the Shanghai authors’ troops in the early days of the People’s Republic of China.This dissertation consists of five chapters.The first chapter discusses the Shanghai authors’ troops before liberation. There are some conditions and causes of the Shanghai authors’troops in the particular period. The Shanghai authors’ troops were made up of some sorts of people. They had lots of characters after the War of Resistance Against Japan. The Shanghai authors’troops changed again when Shanghai was about to be liberated.The next four chapters work together to clarify how to establish the Shanghai authors’ troops during the initial post-liberation period. The second chapter explains the literature and art department. Centering on literature policy and characters of the Shanghai authors’ troops. The Third chapter records and expounds the Shanghai branch of The Chinese Association for literature. The fourth chapter records and explains The Association for Writer of East China. The fifth chapter deals with the Shanghai branch of The Chinese Association for author.The concluding remarks summarize general trend of the Shanghai authors’ troops in the early days of the People’s Republic of China. There are four trends. In the first place, it was increasingly strengthened that the Shanghai authors’troops knew political policy. In the second place, it was improved in the organization of the Shanghai authors’ troops. In the third place, the professional requirement of the Shanghai authors’ troops was weakened. In the fourth place, the Shanghai authors’troops sthengthened the coaching acting. In the fifth place, the Shanghai authors’troops were concerned about the new rising force.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】I206.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】282