

【作者】 李燕

【导师】 刘士国;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 民商法学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 虽然法律上有“禁止性别歧视”的原则,很多情况下性别与法律权利无关,但在某些法律关系和法律概念中,性别还是很重要的因素。人的性别传统上一般是依据人出生时的生物特征由接生人员作出“男性或女性”的确认,法律文件也随之确认。大多数人认同自己的生物性别,法律对生物性别的确认就没有问题。但也有些人会认为自己出生时被赋予的生物性别是“上帝的错误”,他们认为自己本该是异性,迫切希望变更性别。随着变性人的增多,因性别变更引起的纠纷也日益增多。由于我国法律对性别变更的权利、变性手术的规制、性别变更的法律确认等问题缺乏明确的规定,对变性人在户籍、婚姻家庭、就业、医疗、社会保障等诸多方面的权利也没有明确规定,变性人的权利难以得到保护。本文通过对国外性别变更相关问题的立法、判例、理论学说及我国现状的研究与分析,从尊重、保护变性人人格权的角度,对性别变更的法律基础、性别变更的医疗法律问题、性别变更的法律确认、变性人的婚姻家庭法律问题、变性人反就业歧视法律问题进行系统研究,对我国相关制度的具体构建提出框架性建议。本文除“序”外,共有五章及结论,基本内容如下:第一章论证性别变更权利的法律基础。首先,通过研究人权国际公约的条文、欧洲人权法的条文及欧洲人权法院的判决、变性人国际组织《性别权利国际法案》的条文、国际奥委会的变性运动员新政策,得出结论:性别变更权利首先是人权,变性人是人类,应享有基本人权;其次,通过对美国宪法及我国宪法的分析,提出性别变更权利是宪法权利,宪法上的自由权、平等权、人身权是其基础,最后研究了性别变更权利的民法基础,指出性别变更权利属于人格权、绝对权。第二章研究性别变更医疗法律问题。性别变更医疗本身是医患双方私法自治的范畴,但由于性别变更医疗特别是变性手术的高度伦理性、高风险性及后果的不可逆性,国家法律必须对变性医疗进行规制。本章研究了“变性人法律与就业政策国际联合会”制定的《变性人医疗法律标准》,对变性手术的法律规范问题尤其是变性手术的条件进行了比较研究,结合我国变性手术医疗与司法现状,针对我国卫生部《变性手术技术管理规范(征求意见稿)》,建议删除限制患者权利的条款,如患者应提交无罪证明、事先到公安部门备案同意、性取向不能为同性、患者未在婚姻状态等条款。同时应谨慎引入市场机制,建立起变性医疗保障与医疗保险制度。第三章探讨了性别变更的法律确认问题。历史上各国采用的性别变更法律确认标准有三种:生物学性别确认标准(即不承认变性人的性别变更)、医学性别变更确认标准(即经过医学治疗如变性手术后,符合生物学标准即承认性别变更)、自我认同性别确认标准(不需考虑医学治疗不需考虑生物标准,仅按变性人自我认同的性别予以确认)。不以变性手术为条件、采用自我认同性别确认标准,是最符合变性人利益的法律标准,已被一些现代发达国家所采用,应是法律发展的趋势。我国目前尚不具备采用自我认同性别确认标准的条件,但可逐步放宽医学性别变更确认标准中变性手术的种类要求,可允许变性人选择一种或几种变性手术,尽量减少对身体侵袭性大的生殖器手术在法律确认性别变更中的决定作用。在将来整个社会发展到各方面条件具备时,也应采用自我认同性别确认标准。在性别变更涉及的法律文件的修改方面,除了应规定户籍、身份证等法律文件的性别变更条件程序外,还应和国际接轨,在出生证明管理办法中也应制定变性人变更性别的条件和方法,建议采取英国模式,颁发新、出生证,还应对原证保密。第四章研究了变性人的婚姻家庭法律问题,包括变性人的结婚、离婚法律问题、亲属关系法律问题、对子女的监护法律问题、变性人的生育与收养法律问题。提出变性人有结婚的权利,婚后变性不应以先离婚为法律条件,变性后也不适用离婚,可规定变性为婚姻关系终止的原因。变性人有通过人工生殖技术或收养生育、抚养孩子的权利,离婚后的变性人也有探望子女的权利,不应以变性人身份为由剥夺变性人的抚养权、探望权。第五章研究了变性人反就业歧视法律问题。针对变性人的就业歧视,从民法角度侵害的也是变性人的人格权。本章从立法角度梳理了美国变性人反就业歧视的法律体系,结合美国判例法对制定法的解释、发展,对美国联邦宪法、残疾人法、公民权利法案等在变性人反就业歧视诉讼中起重要作用的法律及其历史发展进行研究,也对变性人反就业歧视的州法律和地方行政命令进行了介绍及评析;从司法角度对美国变性人反就业歧视诉讼中涉及的在福利、卫生间的分配、骚扰、降级、解雇、推定解雇以及报复等歧视内容及在诉讼中的证明、法律依据等问题进行了逐个剖析;结合我国变性人反就业歧视的立法与司法现状,借鉴美国立法、司法经验,按我国己参加的国际公约要求的义务,针对我国法律制度的不足,提出我国应制定反就业歧视法律法规,在其中明确规定禁止对变性人进行就业歧视;在完善立法前,由法院在诉讼中通过法解释保护变性人不受就业歧视;建立反就业歧视的宪法诉讼模式,在未建立宪法诉讼模式前,可采用民事诉讼主张人格权的保护。本文创新点主要包括:1、对性别变更的法律基础、性别变更的医疗法律问题、性别变更的法律确认、变性人的婚姻家庭法律问题、变性人反就业歧视法律问题进行系统研究,尚属首次,有弥补空白之效。2、性别变更权利是未被法律明示的性别权的内容,是人权、宪法权利、民事权利。作为宪法权利,其对应的是国家应通过立法确认、保护该权利的义务;作为民事权利,其对应的是其他民事主体不侵害该权利的义务,在医疗场合下对应的是医生的义务。3、不以变性手术为条件、采用自我认同性别确认标准,是法律发展的趋势。我国目前尚不具备采用自我认同性别确认标准的条件,但可逐步放宽医学性别变更确认标准中变性手术的种类要求,可允许变性人选择一种或几种变性手术,尽量减少对身体侵袭性大的生殖器手术在法律确认性别变更中的决定作用。在将来整个社会发展到各方面条件具备时,也应采用自我认同性别确认标准。4、婚后变性不应以先离婚为法律条件,变性后也不适用离婚,可规定变性为婚姻关系终止的原因。变性人有通过人工生殖技术或收养生育、抚养孩子的权利,离婚后的变性人也有探望子女的权利,不应以变性人身份为由剥夺变性人的抚养权、探望权。

【Abstract】 Although there is the principle of "prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender"in the law and there is no relation between gender and legal rights, gender is a significant factor in certain legal relations and legal concepts. The announcement of gender is made on the basis of biological characteristics by the birth attendant and then entered onto legal documents. Most of us will be satisfied with the assignment that we received moments after our birth, the legal recognition is correct. However, some people who will think the gender assignment at birth is God’s wrong hope to change the gender. The disputes relevant to gender transition raise with transgender people increasing. There is neither provision which expressly deals with right to change gender, rules of sex reassignment surgery and gender recognition nor with transgender rights in household register, family, employment, health care and social security aspects, the transgender rights are hard to get legal safeguard.This dissertation explores legal issues on legal basis of gender transition,medical care to gender transition, legal recognition for gender transition, transgender family, nondiscrimination policy in employment systematically at the angle of respecting and protecting transgender personal rights though research and analyze foreign legislations, cases, theories and current situation in China on gender transition issues.This dissertation is divided into 5 chapters.Chapter I explores the legal basis of right to gender transition. Firstly reviews the articles of human right international convention, articles of European Convention on Human Rights, case ruling of European Court of Human rights, articles of International Bill of Gender Right and the new transgender athlete policy of International Olympic Committee, gets a conclusion that the right to gender transition is firstly human rights.Secondly, analyzes the constitutions of America and China, argues that the right to gender transition is constitutional right which basis are right to freedom, right to equality and personal right. At last explores the civil law basis of the right to gender transition, argues that it belongs to personal right and absolute right.ChapterⅡdeals with the legal issues on medical care of gender transition.The medical care of gender transition itself depends on autonomy in private law, but the state must make laws to regulate it because it’s of high ethic, high risk and no possibility to reverse. This chapter reviews Health Law Standards of Care for Transsexualism made by International Conference on Transgender Law and Employment Policy, compares the requirements for sex reassignment surgery, combines with the medical and judicial situations in China, proposes to delete the articles which will impose restrictions on patients in Sex Reassignment,such as the articles "the patient should submit the no-crime certificate", "the patient should obtain the agreement of police department in the record in advance", "the patient’s sexual orientation should not be same sex","the patient should not have a marriage"and so on. At last proposes to set up medical security and medical insurance systems under market systems prudently.ChapterⅢdiscusses issues on legal recognition of gender transition. Reviews three models of legal recognition of gender transition:the Biological model, the medical model and the self-identity model.Suggests that the self-identity model adopted by some developed countries is the best model which is in line with the interests of transgender and is and will be the trend of law development. There is no condition for China to adopt this model, however, we can relax the requirement for the categories of sex reassignment surgery in medical model, transgender may choose one or several category of surgery, the determining role of genitals surgery in recognition of gender transition should be lessened. When every condition meet requirement in the future, we should adopt the self identity model for legal recognition of gender transition. In addition, we should establish the legal system of amending the gender designation on their birth certificate besides on besides on household register and identity document. The England model in which new birth certificate is issued and the old one is kept as a secrete should be referenced.Chapter IV is directed mainly toward transgender family legal issues which includes transgender marriage validity, divorce, custody to children and giving birth or adoption. Proposes transgender people have right to get marriage, divorce should not be required as a precondition before gender transition and divorce procedure should be applied after gender transition, gender transition should be specified as a reason to end the marriage. Transgender people have the right to reproduce or adopt children though artificial reproduce technology or adoption. Transgender parent has the right to raise and visit child after divorce which should not be deprived just because of the transgender identity.Chapter V explores the legal issues on how to protect transgender employees from discrimination. Starts out with an overview of American legislative system as well as a discussion of the cases interpreting and developing the statutes, analyzes both American federal constitution, Disability Law, Civil Rights Act and the state laws, administrative orders which played the significant roles in protecting transgender employees from discrimination and their history developments. At judicial angle analyzes the cases contents relevant to benefits, restroom assignment, harassment, demotion,termination,constructive discharge and retaliation,as well as the testimony and the legal ground. Then combining with current legislative and judicial situation in China, suggests to make up nondiscrimination laws expressly prohibiting discrimination against transgender employees. Courts should protect transgender employees from discrimination though interpreting laws before the laws are perfected. The constitutional procedure should be established to deal with discrimination cases.In terms of research innovation, there are four aspects in this paper:1.It’s the first time to systematically research legal issues on legal basis of gender transition,medical care to gender transition, legal recognition for gender transition, transgender family and nondiscrimination in employment, which may have effect to make up for a deficiency.2. The right to change gender is content of gender right which is not yet to express in the law. It is human right, constitutional right and civil right. As constitutional right, it’s corresponding country’s obligation is to establish law to recognize and protect this right. As civil right, it’s corresponding other civil subjects’obligation is not to infringe on this right.3. The self-identity model of gender recognition without requirement for sex reassignment surgery is the trend of law development. There is no condition for China to adopt this model, however, we can relax the requirement for the categories of sex reassignment surgery in medical model, transgender may choose one or several category of surgery, the determining role of genitals surgery in recognition of gender transition should be lessened.When every condition meet requirement in the future, we should adopt the self identity model for legal recognition of gender transition.4.divorce should not be required as a precondition before gender transition and divorce procedure should be applied after gender transition, gender transition should be specified as a reason to end the marriage.Transgender people have the right to reproduce or adopt children though artificial reproduce technology or adoption. Transgender parent has the right to raise and visit child after divorce which should not be deprived just because of the transgender identity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期