

【作者】 卢荣

【导师】 李元旭;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 国际服务外包,是指企业(尤其是跨国公司)将IT支持服务、人力资源管理以及业务流程等服务需求委托给他国企业来完成,以专注于核心业务,更好地实现企业经营目标的经济活动。随着全球范围内产业转移和价值链重组的不断深化,这一商业模式在世界经济舞台上扮演着日益重要的角色,服务外包或许将成为第三次全球化浪潮中最有发展前途的产业之一。当前金融危机所带来的世界范围的产业结构调整,将给国际服务外包产业带来更多机遇,在金融危机冲击下,越来越多的跨国公司为降低成本,将把更多的业务或流程外包给低成本国家和地区。全球服务外包飞速发展的宏观环境和产业经济条件,是信息技术革命和跨国公司功能嬗变;企业微观战略动因,则是成本节省和价值链重构。因此,金融危机背景下的国际服务外包产业,不仅没有应声而落,反而越发显现出其特有的优势与活力——市场总量大幅提高,全球区域逐渐扩散,业务内涵不断丰富。20世纪80年代以来,我国制造业通过抓住跨国公司生产体系国际转移的机遇,凭借成本优势,承接了大量的制造业外包业务。然而,这一经济增长方式的弊端也日益显现:经济增长与能源、资源和环境的矛盾逐渐加剧,经济增长对出口和投资的依赖日渐严重。承接国际服务外包,对于我国转变经济增长方式、改善出口依赖局面,以及保增长、促就业具有重大意义。从微观视角研究国际服务外包中发包企业和承接企业之间信任的产生和构建机制,其旨归在于为参与国际服务外包活动的中国承接企业提供管理建议。通过深入的文献研究和广泛的实地调研,本研究发现,当前中国发生的国际服务外包活动中,发包方(主要是跨国公司和外资企业)在伙伴选择、外包合作中处于强势地位和买方市场。中国承接企业在双方信任的构建中,处于绝对弱势地位——发包方和接包方之间的信任,处于严重的不对等和不平衡状态。要研究信任机制,帮助中国承接企业提高被信任程度进而获取更多的国际服务外包业务,反而必须从发包企业一方开展实证研究。有鉴于此,本文基于社会交换理论,研究国际服务外包中发包方对承接方信任的产生和构建的前因性机制。首先通过对社会交换理论的阐发和发展,从分析经济交换和社会交换区别入手,剖析了国际服务外包与制造业外包的根本性区别。在综合现有企业间信任实证研究文献的信任维度、社会交换理论和委托代理理论推论,以及实地调研的基础上,本文构建了国际服务外包中发包方对承接方信任的影响机制模型,并以在华服务外包企业为样本收集数据,利用结构方程模型和AMOS7.0分析软件检验本文提出的研究假设。实证研究发现:1、历史信息对信任有显著影响。具体体现在:以往的合作越成功,委托企业(发包方)对代理企业(承接方)的信任度越高;外包承接企业的声誉越高,发包企业对承接企业的信任度越高。2、国际服务外包中承接企业当前的状态、发包方和承接方之间的相互关系特征对信任存在显著影响。具体体现在:发包企业对外包承接企业能力/专业性的评估与发包企业对承接企业的信任是正相关的;发包企业对外包承接企业任务效能的评估与发包企业对承接企业的信任是正相关的;发包企业对外包承接企业合作善意的评估与发包企业对承接企业的信任是正相关的;发包企业对自己与外包承接企业之间沟通水平的评估,与发包企业对承接企业的信任正相关;发包企业对自己与外包承接企业之间价值观兼容性的评估,与发包企业对承接企业的信任是正相关的。3、过去的合作经验和承接方声誉对信任感知水平的影响,通过当前评价变量的中介作用。在十个中介关系路径中,有五个完全支持(完全中介)、三个弱支持(部分中介)、两个不支持(无中介效应)。结构方程模型分析的结论从整体上支持了中介模型的合理性。本研究的创新和理论贡献主要体现在以下方面:一是发展了社会交换理论并将其运用到国际服务外包企业间关系的研究中,从比较分析经济交换和社会交换出发,解释了国际服务外包与制造业外包之间的本质区别;二是研究内容的创新,无论是外包、服务外包、企业间信任,还是当前全球经济实践和理论研究领域的热点——国际服务外包,在这些单一领域内部均有学者进行研究,经典文献均有论述。但是将国际服务外包与企业间信任理论的研究结合起来,进行交叉研究、综合研究,则是本文对经济学、管理学、社会学理论以及前人实证研究成果的综合性、创造性运用和发展;三是通过企业层面的实证研究,证实了国际服务外包中企业间信任的存在性和重要性,并直接研究了信任的前因变量和产生机制。当然,囿于研究者本身的学术素养以及现实研究条件,本研究仍然存在诸多不足之处。对此,论文最后部分提出了本研究的局限性以及未来还需要深入研究的若干问题。

【Abstract】 International service outsourcing, is a business model that enterprise (especially multinational corporations) outsource its IT support services, human resources management or business processes such as demand for the service entrusted to other enterprises in different country, in order to focus on their core business and achieve the business objectives better. With the global industrial transferring and value chain restructuring deepening, this business model is playing an increasingly important role. Outsourcing may be the most promising industries in the tide of Globalization. The worldwide industrial restructuring, brought about by the current financial crisis, will bring more opportunities to international service outsourcing industry. Under the impact of the financial crisis, more and more multinational companies and financial institutions will outsoure their business process to low-cost countries and regions, in order to cut cost. Therefore, the financial crisis did not push the prices down, but demonstrate its unique advantages and vitality:a substantial increase in the total market, the gradual proliferation of regional, and constantly enrich the buseness connotation.Since 1980s, China’s manufacturing sector seize the opportunity of international transferring of production, by virtue of cost advantages, and hold a large number of manufacturing outsourcing business. However, this mode of economic growth increasingly present its shortcomings:the conflicts between economic growth and energy, between resources and the environment, are intensified, and the dependence of the economic growth towards exports and investment is becoming serious and serious. It is of great significance for China to undertake international service outsourcing, only in this way can China changes economic growth model and improve export dependency situation, to maintain growth, and promoting the employment. From the micro perspective, we can research the mechanism of trust better. The inevitable result is to provide management recommendations for Chinese corporations participate in the activities of international service outsourcing.Through in-depth literature study and extensive field investigation, we found that in the current international service outsourcing activities, the trustor(mainly multinational companies and foreign-invested enterprises) are in a strong position and a buyer’s market, and Chinese corporations are in the weak position. The trustor and the trustee are in a severe asymmetries and imbalances state. In order to study trust mechanism and help the Chinese enterprises to improve their level of trustworthiness, and to accept more business, it is necessary to carry out empirical research from the contracting party enterprise. Chinese enterprises in undertaking to build confidence between the parties, the in absolute weak position.This dissertation is based on social exchange theory, and research the trust mechanism between the trustor and the trustee in the circumstance of international service outsourcing. First, through the inheritance of social exchange theory, this dissertation analyse the differences of economic exchange and social exchange,and illustrate the fundamental difference between international service outsourcing and manufacturing outsourcing. Then we analyse the existing empirical research literature of inter-firm trust, social exchange theory and principal-agent theory, as well as on the basis of field research, this paper built an mechanism model of international service outsourcing in the party awarding the trust. This research selects more than 200 corporations in China as a sample to collect data, using Structural Equation Modeling and AMOS7.0, we test the hypothesis presented in this paper. Empirical research found that:1. Historical information has a significant influence on trust:the more successful the co-operation in the past, the higher degree of trust the principal towards the agent. The agent company’s reputation is positive to the degree of trust the principal towards the agent.2. The current state of the international service outsourcing enterprises, and the relationship between the principle and the agent are all. The assessment of the principle towards the agent’s capacity to undertake the outsourcing business is positive to the degree of trust perceived by the priciple; The assessment of the principle towards the agent’s efficacy to undertake the outsourcing business is positive to the degree of trust perceived by the priciple; The assessment of the principle towards the agent’s benevolence to undertake the outsourcing business is positive to the degree of trust perceived by the priciple; The assessment of the communication between the principle and the agent is positive to the degree of trust perceived by the priciple; The assessment of the value compatibility between the principle and the agent is positive to the degree of trust perceived by the priciple.3. The impact between the past experience of cooperation, the receiving party’s reputation and the perceived level of confidence, is depended on the intermediary role of the current evaluation of the variables. Among these 10 relationship path, there are six fully supported (full mediation), two weak support (partial mediation), two did not support (without an intermediary effect). Structural equation model analysis supports the conclusions that an intermediary form of the overall model is reasonable.The innovation and theoretical contributions of this study are mainly:First, the research develops the social exchange theory and its application to international service outsourcing enterprises. Through studying on the relationship among economic exchange and social exchange, this dissertation explain the essential difference between international service outsourcing and the manufacturing outsourcing; secondly, study content of innovation, whether outsourcing, service outsourcing, inter-firm trust, or international service outsourcing, there are many classical literature in any single field. However, what we need is theoretical study combined cross-study, and comprehensive study. This paper combined economics, management science, sociology, theory, and results of previous studies, and made many creative application and development. Third, through the enterprise level empirical research, this research confirms the existence and importance of trust in international service outsourcing enterprises, most important, this dissertation researched the generate mechanisms of the antecedent variables.Of course, regardless of some academic attainments, the study still remains many shortcomings. In the last part of this paper, the author presents the limitations of this study and several issues that need to be studied in the future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】F279.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】2058