

【作者】 周运中

【导师】 周振鹤;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 历史地理学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文研究历史时期(远古到清朝)苏皖地区(今江苏、安徽两省境内)文化地理变迁的过程及原因,并试图划分不同时期苏皖地区文化区,总结演变规律。苏皖地区是中国南北文化的过渡区和融合区,是中国文化中心南渐的唯一完整序列标本地,苏皖地区的文化地理比较复杂,因此研究苏皖地区历史文化地理变迁有很重要的意义。绪论部分不仅申述了选题及结构安排的原因,还介绍了苏皖地区自然地理概况,概述了高层政区的变迁、各县设置原因、县治区位选择、各地区政治中心的建立、地区中心时序的历史地理意义。绪论最后还回顾了本课题的研究史,认为本文的研究很有必要。苏皖地区依山负海,跨江越淮,各地文化环境差异较大,历史上文化变迁也很剧烈,需要研究的问题很多,但是前人的研究也非常成熟。本文选取了一些前人没有完全解决的问题,又提出了一些新的问题并加以解决。主要问题有:上古秦汉时期文化地理“朐缯线”的形成、汉唐时期社会地理变迁、汉唐间佛道地理分异的原因、宋元江淮文化的变迁原因、宋元江淮方言各片的形成、宋元江南新兴民间信仰的起源、明清江南平原(苏州、松江、常州三府)的文化分区、清代淮扬地区的文化地理变迁、明清通泰地域文化的形成、明清皖中南地区文化地理变迁、灾荒对明清淮北文化的影响。结论的第一部分总结方言区和自然区、政区的关系,第二部分总结学术区、宗教区和自然区、政区的关系,第三部分是文化区的划分及其关系。结论第一部分指出:苏皖各方言区的分布都是东北——西南走向,和中国官话、东南方言的东北——西南走向一致。因为历史上方言地理变化的动力来自中原地区,每次来自北方的战乱在江苏内陆造成的破坏大于同纬度的沿海地区,所以形成了斜向分布的方言圈层。本文认为苏皖地区方言区和自然区、行政区的契合程度都很低,远远不及东南的浙江、福建等地,最后总结了苏皖各县境内方言分区的六种类型。结论第二部分指出:学术区一般是一个府的地域,或者相当于一组县的地区。宗教区要大得多,新兴的宗教往往产生于边缘地带,而且也可能在内外边缘地区跳跃发展。边缘地区的文化之所以有强烈的非正统性,除了交通闭塞的原因,还有时代文化更迭的惯性原因。长江、运河构成的交通十字线不仅是苏皖地区的文化传播的核心线路,也是中国最重要的文化廊道。江淮地区的运河、长江边上的文化中心等级和政治中心的等级基本一致,各府治即是府内最重要的文化中心。江南市镇发达,所以县城非一县的经济中心,自然也不能成为唯一的文化中心,甚至不是最重要的文化中心。越到晚近,江南的文化中心越多,淮北的文化中心越少,淮南的文化中心相对均衡。结论第三部分指出:苏皖地区上古秦汉时期为淮北、江淮、吴、山越四大文化区,六朝隋唐时期原山越文化区演变为吴、建康、新安三个文化区地域,后两者在明清时期演变为南京、徽州文化区。宋元时期江淮文化区分为淮西、淮东文化区。明清时期淮东分为淮扬、通泰两个文化区,淮西文化区分为安庆、庐巢两个文化区,吴文化区分为苏常、松虞、宣池三个文化区。松虞、通泰、安庆三个新兴区主要以沿海和丘陵地区的开发为经济基础,以长江、运河及其他河流为交通条件,徽州却主要是因为外部的商业而兴起。最后制作了明清苏皖十大文化区分区原则表,这些划分原则同样适用于以前的历史时期。根据文化区的形成时间、特色强度、对周边文化区影响的强度,我们还可以把苏皖地区的文化区分为原生型、融合型、中介型、新生型四类。苏常、淮北文化区是原生型文化区,淮扬、南京是融合型文化区,庐巢、宣池是中介型文化区,徽州、安庆、通泰、松虞是新生型文化区。因为苏皖地位以平原为主,没有太多文化交流的障碍,而且近世以来繁荣的商业又不断打破自然地理的限制,影响苏皖地区文化地理形成的因素,主要不是自然原因,而是人文原因。远古时期的山东文化和江南文化就有很多相似之处,江南的良渚文化北上江淮及淮北,中原的王油坊文化也南下江淮和江南,那时的江淮地区就是南北文化交融之地。本文不仅关注文化区之间的区分,更加关注各地的文化交往。历史上苏皖各个文化区交往十分复杂,所以本文最后结合十大文化区的位置,制出“明清苏皖十大文化区类型及关系示意图”。各文化区根据上述的四种类型以不同的形状表示,各文化区之间的联系以箭头表示,根据方向、路线、水陆区分又分为五种箭头,使人一目了然。本文还根据“明清苏皖十大文化区类型及关系示意图”进行分析:南京文化区处在图中的中心位置,这个区位是产生南京文化区的根本原因。江苏境内有5个文化区,安徽境内有4个文化区,另外有1个文化区跨两省。江苏文化区之所以多,主要是因为海陆差异的刺激、政治中心的带动及交通干线的影响。各个文化区和其他文化区交往路径的方向、数量都可以根据此图进行分析,还可以在这张图的基础上制作动态的文化地理变迁演示图。以上文化区类型的划分原则也可以应用到其他地区的研究中,其他地区的研究也可以制作相应的“文化区类型及关系示意图”,这幅图也可以看作中国文化地理的一个缩影,因此本文的研究对于文化地理学的创新具有一定意义。

【Abstract】 This article researches the courses and the reasons of the cultural geography variances in Suwan areas (Today’s Jiangsu province and Anhui province), and tries to carve up the cultural zones in different ages. As the transition and amalgation areas of the north culture and the south cultures of china, Suwan areas is the only sequential sample of the south-ward shift of the culture center of China, and the cultural geography in Suwan Area is very complicated, so it is very necessary to make researches.The exordium firstly explains the reasons for subject selection and structure arrangements, and then summarizes the variances of the high level administration distracts, the reasons of the county setup, the selecting of the capitals, the foundings of the political centers, and the historical geography significance of regnal center sequences. The exordium reviews the studies of this subject lastly, and points out the necessary to make this research.There are plenty of questions need to be studied since Suwan areas have varies of regions and great changes of culture in the history. There have already been abundance of studies, so this article probes into the questions that are not entirely resolved and brings out new questions to be discussed. For example:the geographical differentia of Buddhism and Taoism during Han and Tang Dynasty, the causes of the changes of Jianghuai culture during Song and Yuan Dynasty, the causes of formation of every dialect zone in Jianghuai during Song and Yuan Dynasty, the origin of new civilian religions during Song and Yuan Dynasty, the cultural zones in Jiangnan Plain during Ming and Qing Dynasty, the particular culture in Tongtai Area(Nantong and Taizhou),the changes of Anhui Province’s cultural geography of the middle and the south of Anhui province during Ming and Qing Dynasty.The conclusion summarizes the relations among the dialect zones, the nature zones and the administration distracts, the relations among the academic zones, the religionary zones and the administration distracts respectively, and analyses the compartmentalization of the culture zones and the relations between each.The northeast-southwest distribution of language geography of Suwan Area matches the distribution characteristic of the mandarin and the southeast dialect, since the change impetus of dialect geography arises from the Middle China and the wars from the north destroy the inner area much more serious than the coastal areas of the same latitude. This article reckons that the dialect zones match the nature zones and the administration distracts much less than Zhejiang and Fujian etc, and sums up six types of the dialect zones in the counties of Suwan.An academic zone of Suwan Area is equal to a fu or a few counties, while a religion zone is much bigger. New religion usually arises in the edge, and likely to develop by skips.Despite the obstruction of the traffic, the inertia of the culture change also makes the culture of the marginal area heterodoxy. The Yangtse River and the Grand Canal form the core routes for culture exchanging. The level of the culture center along the Yangtse River and the Grand Canal in Jianghuai areas matches the level of the political center there, as the capital of the refecture is the significant culture center at the same time. The capital of the county can’t be the only culture center in Jiangnan areas, since the capital doesn’t obtain the decisive status as to the economy, while the towns are advanced. The culture centers increase in Jiangnan areas as the time goes, while the culture centers decrease in Huaibei, and stay balanced in Huainan.During ancient times and Qin Han Dynasty, there are Huaibei, Jianghuai, Wu and Shanyue culture zones in this area. Shanyue culture zone eventually develops into Wu, Jiangkang and Xin’an culture zones from Six Dynasties to Tang Dynasty, and the latter two evolves into Nanjing, Huizhou culture zones during Ming and Qing Dynasty. There are ten culture zones:Huaibei, Huaiyang, Nanjing, Tongtai, Luchao, Anqing, Xuanchi, Huizhou, Suchang and Songyu, during Ming and Qing Dynasty, and they can be divided into four types. A picture is made to show the ten culture zones’ sites, types and nineteen relationships among them at last.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】K928.6
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】2814