

【作者】 马峰燕

【导师】 吴松弟;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 历史地理学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 宋代是我国城镇以及商业发展的重要阶段,以往学界大多关注县级城镇的研究,对县级以下的市镇的研究不够深入。由于此类市镇占城镇数量的大多数,对其研究的缺乏,必然影响对宋代城镇整体面貌的认识。导致研究不足的主要原因,可能是缺乏县以下市镇的资料。其实在《宋会要辑稿·商税杂录》中,保存着北宋中期两个标准年代(1040年和1077年)的全国的县及其以下设商税征收机构的城镇与商税数额。如能研究明白这些城镇的地理位置,结合其他文献材料,或可解决县以下市镇研究的资料问题。利用这些数据,可以深化对宋代市镇、城乡经济以及交通等方面的研究,对拓展宋代城镇空间分布研究的广度和深度有重要价值。由于类似涵盖全国范围、且具有两个标准时点的县以下各市镇的商税数据,在历代甚至明清都比较罕见,利用《宋会要辑稿·商税杂录》研究宋代城镇数量、商税与空间分布的意义,远远超出宋代。本文旨在用历史学、历史地理学、经济学等学科的理论与方法,在明确《宋会要辑稿·商税杂录》未知商税征收点空间位置的基础上,对北宋中国东南地区城镇的数量、商税与空间分布的地域特征作全面而深入的研究,复原了北宋中期两个标准年代东南地区城镇的分布格局,并对其变化作了细致的分析。本文主要从以下3个层面入手,研究了北宋东南地区城镇的数量、商税与空间分布的地域特征。1、围绕北宋商品经济的发展,从自然环境与人文环境两个方面对北宋东南地区的农业、工商业等多种行业作了全面的考察,提出影响宋代商税、城镇分布的可能因素。2、复原北宋中期东南各地两个年代的城镇数量及其变化情况,并分析商税变化与城镇所在地的区域经济、地貌、交通等因素的关系,以揭示各地区城镇与商业发展的空间差异。3、根据城镇的数量、人口规模和商税规模,总结北宋东南城镇发展的阶段。同时,依据城镇的分布密度,分析城镇分布的空间结构,提出传统城镇商业市场腹地影响的有效范围,分析北宋东南城镇发展的地域特征,并认为北宋两浙路和江南东路的城镇商业的快速发展与其能有效地将周围居民纳入有机会从事商业交易的空间范围内有直接关系。

【Abstract】 Song is an important stage in the development of towns and business of our country, most of academic researches concerned about were the towns of county seats in the past, and the studies on the following towns of county level were not deep enough. As these towns accounted for the majority of cities and towns, the lack of its research, will inevitably affect the understanding about the overall appearance of the towns in the Song Dynasty. The main cause of inadequate, may be the lack of data of below the county towns. In fact, the amount of commercial taxes of the county seats and below the county towns in the Mid-Northern Song Dynasty, which was belong to two standard moments (AD 1040 and AD 1077), has been saved in the "Commercial Tax Record in Song Hui yao". If we can come to understand the geographical location of these towns, and with other literature materials, maybe we can resolve the problem of the information of below the county towns. Using these data, we can deepen the research on towns, urban and rural economic and traffic in the Song Dynasty, and there will be important value for the expanding the breadth and depth of the research on the spatial distribution of cities and town in the Song Dynasty. As similar materials are also very rare in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, using of the "Commercial Tax Record in Song Hui yao" is of great significance for the research on the number, commercial taxes and spatial distribution of towns in Song Dynasty.This Article aims to use the theories and methods of history, historical geography, economics and other disciplines, on the basis of understanding about the location of unknown towns in the "Commercial Tax Record in Song Hui yao", for a comprehensive and in-depth study on the geographical characteristics of the number, commercial taxes and spatial distribution of towns in Southeast region of China in the Northern Song Dynasty. The Article has recovered the distribution of the southeast towns in the mid-Northern Song Dynasty, and made a detailed analysis of its changes.This Article is starting from the following three levels to study the geographical characteristics of the number, commercial taxes and spatial distribution of towns in Southeast region of China in the Northern Song Dynasty.1. Focus on the development of commodity economy in the Northern Song Dynasty, the article made a comprehensive study on southeast agriculture and industry and other industries of the Northern Song Dynasty, from both natural and human environment, and proposed some possible factors for affecting commercial taxes and town distribution in the Song. 2. To recovery throughout the number of towns and its changes in the southeast in the two standard years of Mid-North Song, and analyze the relations between the change of commercial tax, the regional economy, landscape, transportation and other factors, and in order to reveal the spatial differences of town, regional commerce development.3. According to the number of cities and towns, population size and scale of commercial tax, this article has made a summary about the development stage of the southeast cities and towns in the Northern Song Dynasty. Moreover, this article tried to study the spatial distribution structure of cities and towns, based on the density of the distribution of towns. The article proposed the effective range of the heart of the traditional commercial market town, and made an analysis about geographical characteristics of town development in southeast Song. And the article advocated that the rapid development of liangzhe (两浙) and jiangdong (江东) has a direct relationship with the towns, where the surrounding residents have the opportunity to engage in commercial transactions within the space.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期