

Research on Preparation, Performance and Application of Expansion Joint Material

【作者】 刘杰胜

【导师】 吴少鹏;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 材料学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文针对传统密封材料耐久性差、易失效等缺陷,开展高性能硅橡胶密封材料的制备、性能和应用研究:1.制备出高性能硅橡胶密封材料,研究了增塑剂、催化剂、填料、增粘剂、扩链剂等组分对硅橡胶密封材料的表干时间、力学性能、交联密度、硬度、粘结强度等性能的影响,探明各组分对其性能影响规律,揭示了硅橡胶密封材料反应制备机理及其结构与性能之间的关系。2.采用参比法,揭示填料与硅橡胶间的相互作用和填料改性机理,并建立改性填料的模型。结合SEM等表征手段,探讨了填料改性前后硅橡胶材料变化,研究结果表明:填料经改性后,与硅橡胶相容性提高,混炼胶的储能模量、损耗模量和tanδ较改性前显著降低,"Payne"效应明显减弱。随着填料用量增大,填料在硅橡胶中的分散性变差,填料网络结构增强,填料与硅橡胶的相互作用减弱。引用Kraus方程更进一步证明了填料经改性后,填料与硅橡胶基料界面增强,相容性大大提高。3.系统研究所制备的高性能伸缩缝密封材料的性能,结果表明:硅橡胶密封材料具有良好的浸水稳定性、耐化学稳定性、抗疲劳特性、温度稳定性。提出抗渗性、力学性能、化学稳定性、疲劳特性、冻融循环稳定性、温度稳定性可作为其关键评价指标。4.以先进界面理论为指导,采用宏观和微观相结合的方法,探讨了有机硅密封材料与无机基材间的作用机理和界面状态对粘结强度的影响。提出硅橡胶密封材料与水泥等无机基材间的粘结作用主要包括化学结合力,嵌合力、氢键。硅橡胶与水泥等基材间的粘结作用主要是物理黏着和化学黏着的协同作用,使二者牢固结合在一起。5.结合硅橡胶的性能特点,将硅橡胶用于水工建筑物伸缩缝止水、水泥混凝土伸缩缝密封及沥青混凝土裂缝养护,并提出了其施工指南。

【Abstract】 The importance of expansion joints arises from their ability to facilitate construction and to minimize stresses from environmental changes by controlling cracking and by permitting vertical and horizontal movements. Expansion and contraction butt joints are regularly sealed by the placement and curing of an elastomeric adhesive sealant. Sealant plays important roles in the increase of service life and service property assurance of construction, due to its prevention of the rain water, sundries into the joint. The sealant used in the joints must be capable of withstanding repeated extension and compression as the temperatures change and the ideal characteristics of sealants should meet requirements, such as good elastic and adhesion properties, excellent weatherability and chemical durability. There are various types of joint sealants commercially available for use in the joint sealing, such as asphalt, polyurethanes and epoxies, and so on. Nevertheless, current durability with these joint materials is often too short to prevent sealing operations, because of the aging resistance and resistance to elements.In this study, the reason of the sealant failure was analyzed, and organosilicone material with ageing resistant and resistance to elements was proposed to be used as a sealant material. The accessory ingredients were added into the materials in order to meet the requirement of sealant better, and an organ silicone rubber as a sealant was prepared.1. The testing program was optimized from environmental and applied aspect. The preparation of reaction mechanism of SR was investigated, and the structure and properties of SR were presented. Effect of additives, such as fillers, platicizer and tackifier, chain extender on the properties of SR was investigated.2. The effect of filler modification on the dynamic property and its distribution in the SR was investigated. The mutual effect between the SR and the filler, and the mechanism of filler modification were investigated. The model of modified filler was built up. 4. Based on the discussion mention above, the optimized formula was put forward. The properties of SR, such as impermeability, mechanical, stability, fatigue property were discussed, and assessment indicator system of SR sealant was built up. The result indicated that the SR used as a sealant showed good stability, fatigue resistance.4. The mutual effect between the SR and the base material was investigated, based on the advanced interfical theory. The mechanism of the interface between the SR and the base material was revealed that it exist chemical bond, jogged mechanics and hydrogen bond. The good adhesive strength of the SR is attributed to the physical mechanics and chemical bond and the synergy.5. Silicone rubbers are built up from Si-O-Si bonds. Their resistance to moisture, excellent weatherability, thermal stability, oxidation resistance and low-temperature flexibility make this class of materials very attractive selection for use in the outdoor applications. In this study, the SR was applied in the joint sealing of the marine construction and the concrete pavement. Also, the SR was used to the crack maintenance of the asphalt concrete because of the outstanding property. The construction technology and specification was presented.

【关键词】 密封材料填料分散界面Payne效应
【Key words】 sealantmodified fillerdistributioninterface"Payne" effect