

Study on Hazardous Waste Logistics Location Routing Problem Model Based on Multi-objective Programming

【作者】 万凤娇

【导师】 张庆年; 杨家其;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 物流管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在过去的二十多年里,人类开始不断的意识到了环境问题,考虑到了人类活动给环境带了长期影响。特别是,危险废弃物运输和处理处置过程中带来的风险已经吸引了大众的眼球。因此,为了降低处置过程中发生事故后造成的后果,应将处理处置设施定位在人口较少的区域。另外,为了降低运输风险,需要确定从危险废弃物产生点到处理或处置设施的合理的较为安全的路线。然而,处理处置设施的选择可能会影响到路线的确定,甚至影响整个运输风险。因此,设施选址和路线安排是相互联系的,要集成考虑这两个方面。鉴于以上原因,本论文研究了危险废弃物物流选址-选线集成优化问题,以期丰富和完善物流系统规划理论和方法,从而为政府部门的科学决策提供可参考的理论依据。论文是在借鉴国内外危险废弃物物流选址-选线问题研究现状的基础上,结合当前我国危险废弃物管理中存在的现实问题,运用多目标规划理论、系统理论及现代智能算法的相关知识,采用理论和实例相结合,定性和定量相结合的方法,探讨了危险废弃物物流选址-选线问题。主要研究内容分为三个部分:第1部分是文献回顾。广泛的搜集和整理与本论文相关的国内外研究文献,包括物流选址问题的研究、车辆运输路线安排问题的研究、集成物流选址-选线问题的研究、危险废弃物物流选址-选线问题的研究和国内外危险废弃物风险评价的研究,较为深入的掌握了这些方面的研究现状和动态,为论文后续的研究工作打下了基础;第2部分是论文的主体。首先评价了城市危险废弃物物流的风险,包括危险废弃物运输中的风险评价和危险废弃物处理处置中的风险评价,给出了危险废弃物运输总风险的计算公式,并通过实例进行验证。针对危险废弃物处理处置设施的风险的确定,提出了模糊综合评价法;其次,在对集成物流管理系统理论、组合优化理论、LRP相关问题进行阐述的基础上,建立了带时间窗约束的随机多仓库LRP问题的数学模型,设计了求解LRP的禁忌搜索-蚁群混合算法,并给出了算例说明模型和算法的应用;最后,针对危险废弃物所具有的特性,建立了区别于LRP的HWLRP数学模型,并继续应用已设计的禁忌搜索-蚁群算法求解HWLRP,并通过算例验证模型和算法的有效性。第3部分是为全文的研究总结和展望。在总结全文主要研究结论的基础上,指出了论文的创新点和论文研究的不足,并提出了进一步研究的方向。本论文研究所得出的结论和成果是对现有的物流系统规划理论和方法的完善,所建立的数学模型可为实际的环境保护工作提供指导作用,并为政府部门的科学决策提供了可参考的理论依据,具有现实的意义。

【Abstract】 In the past two decades, human has began to aware of enviromental problem and their activities has affected enviroment. In particular, the risk of hazardous waste transportion and disposal process has attracted the public’s eyes. Therefore, in order to reduce the accident consequence, the hazardous waste disposal sites should be located in the less population area. In addition, in order to reduce transportation risk, it needs to select safer route from hazardous waste generation point to disposal facilities. However, the location of hazardous waste disposal facilities may affect the determination of route and even affect the entire transportation risk. Thus, the hazardous waste facilities location and routing are interrelated, it needs to integrate this two aspects. Considered on the above reasons, this paper researches on the combined location and routing problem of hazardous waste logistics(HWLRP), in order to enrich and improve the logistics system theory and methods, and provide a theoritical basis for the government’s scientific decision-making.On the basis of the previous related work of hazardous waste location routing problem(HWLRP) and considered the real problem of hazardous waste management, this paper applies multi-objective planning theory, system theory and modern intelligent algorithm, adopts theoretical methodology combined with practical methodology, quantity methodology combined with qualitative methodology, discusses the hazardous waste logistics location routing problem. The contents are divided into three parts.The first part is literature review. Many literature related with the research topic are searched and sorted out, including logistics location-allocation problem, vehicle routing problem, location-routing problem, hazardous waste logistics location-routing problem and hazardous waste risk assessment. The author has mastered the actuality and dynamic of the research and this will be the basement of the following research;The second part is the main part of the thesis. First, it evaluates the risk of hazardous waste logistics, including hazardous waste transportation risk assessment and hazardous waste disposal facility risk assessment, then it gives the total risk formula to calculate the transportation risk and gives an example to verify it. It also proposes the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to assess the facility risk. Second, based on the elaboration of integrated logistics management system theory, portfolio optimization theory and related issue of LRP, the author establishes the mathematical model of capacitated, time limited, stochastic and multi-depot location-routing problem, designs a tabu search and ant colony system approach for the problem,and then gives an example to illustrate the application of model and algorithm. At last, considered the characteristics of hazardous waste, it establishes the mathematical model of hazardous waste logistics location-routing problem which is different from location-routing problem, and continues to apply the tabu search and ant colony system algorithm to solve the HWLRP, gives an example to illustrate the model and algorithm’s effectiveness.The third part id the conclusion and the prospect of future research. Based on the conclusion of the thesis, the innovation and limitation of the research is pointed out, and the prospect of future research is put forward.All conclusion from the thesis is a valuable supplement for the existing logistics system planning theory and methods. All the models in the thesis can give guidance for the actual environmental protection work, and provide a theoritical basis for the government’s scientific decision-making. The research has its theoretical and practice meaning.

  • 【分类号】F224;F253.4
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1638
  • 攻读期成果