

A Study on SEMG Features of Pistol-holding Arm of Chinese Elite Pistol Shooters and the Training Monitoring System Application

【作者】 刘敏

【导师】 李建英;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 射击运动在项群理论的划分中是一项表现精准类的运动项目,对运动员的击发技术动作的稳定性、规律性以及一致性有很高的要求,同时运动员的自控能力和抗干扰能力也是很重要的制胜因素。射击运动与其它运动项目之间相比的特殊性在于比赛过程中时间较长、技术动作完成姿势单一、运动员注意力要高度集中等。这就要求射击运动员具有良好的精力和体力;同时,射击运动员比赛成绩与天气、枪械、子弹、场地环境、服装又有很大关系。因此,影响射击比赛制胜的内在和外在因素较多。为了确保运动员在比赛中正常稳定发挥竞技水平,取得理想的成绩,首先要从强化射击运动员击发技术动作的成功四要素,即稳定性、规律性、一致性和果断性四个要素出发,要求从整个比赛过程中击发动作枪支晃动幅度、瞄准时间、击发时机的选择和把握、保持击发瞬间的高度一致。现代射击运动的发展,尤其是手枪项目,对射击过程中精确度的要求越来越高,竞争愈加激烈,比赛愈加残酷。射击项目是我国的传统优势项目,在每届奥运会上都取得了优异的成绩。众所周知1984年洛杉矶奥运会上射击运动员许海峰为中国取得奥运会首金,实现了我国奥运会金牌零的突破。2008年北京奥运会,我国男子射击运动员庞伟力压各国高手,在10米气手枪项目上一举获得金牌,从一个侧面反映出我国射击运动,尤其是气手枪项目的水平已处于巅峰。我国射击界对气手枪项目技术的认识比较统一,即“趋于稳定,达成自然击发”,强调击发过程的稳定性、一致性及稳、瞄、扣的协调配合等。气手枪项目是一项以静力性和耐力性运动为主要特点的技能类准确型的运动项目,本项目运动员要长时间单手持枪保持一种姿势,持枪臂局部肌肉会长期处于等长收缩状态,大负荷训练中还会有短时间的缺氧状态,非常容易造成局部肌肉产生疲劳,甚至过度疲劳,形成慢性劳损。目前对射击运动的科学研究已取得了巨大成就。就心理方面来说,对运动员比赛中存在的心理问题的发现、机制的探讨、解决问题的办法以及心理训练的方法都已经形成了完整的体系;应用生理生化的指标来反映运动员的训练的强度与训练量,以及运动员的机能状态和健康状态都取得了可喜的成效;生物力学专家对射击瞄准、扣扳机、身体平衡等做了大量研究,也取得了实质性的成果。但是从查阅的资料来看,运用表面肌电测试方法来研究射击项目特征的还不多,特别是对持枪臂用力特点的研究尚未见到。以往,由于研究手段的限制,对于定量研究手枪运动员击发过程中,各肌群的用力关系以及其规律还很少。随着计算机科学与材料科学的发展,小型化肌电测试仪器越来越便携,这使得对运动员完成技术动作的肌群进行定量研究得以实现。大负荷训练阶段对气手枪运动员的身体机能、技术水平及其整体竞技实力的提高起着不容忽视的重要作用。而肌肉收缩产生的肌力是一切运动的基础,射击也不例外。射击运动的特点都是肌肉特定收缩方式的表现,射击运动员良好的肌肉用力稳定性和一致性是取得好成绩的关键因素之一。表面肌电(SEMG)信号能够反映肌肉纤维放电活动规律,其记录简单,且具有无损伤、可重复的特点,能够监测运动员在完成动作时特定肌群在运动过程中的状态。关于大负荷训练后气手枪运动员持枪臂肌电的变化情况,目前尚无详细报道。本研究在广泛调查的基础上,主要采用表面肌电测试技术,平衡能力测试与激光瞄准测试技术为辅助方法,利用长期系统地跟踪部分省市备战全运会的集训队的机会,长期系统地跟踪部分省市备战全运会的集训队,进一步深化认识手枪射击项目的基本特征,为提高本项目科学化训练奠定了一定基础。开展了以下内容的研究:(1)优秀手枪慢射运动员击发技术表面肌电特征的研究;(2)优秀气手枪运动员持枪臂生物力学特征的研究;(3)优秀手枪速射运动员训练期间持枪臂肌群变化的研究;(4)基于数据挖掘的射击运动员技术训练监测系统的研制。本研究从认识论的角度,根据各队备战奥运会、全运会的实际情况和肌电图技术特点,综合运用了文献研究法、访谈法及数理统计法等研究方法,在训练实践中不断探索、验证和深化对优秀手枪射击运动员技术训练中表面肌电图特征的认识,得出以下结论:(1)在对手枪慢射运动员进行测试的过程中发现,三角肌前束、三角肌中束、斜方肌、桡侧腕伸肌是主要用力肌肉,肱二头肌、肱三头肌、指浅屈肌为辅助肌肉。二级运动员在射击击发过程中,三角肌前、中、后三束贡献率和振幅变化显著,这可能是影响二级运动员射击成绩的一个因素,也可能是二级运动员肌肉用力特点所在;一级运动员射击中桡侧腕伸肌的贡献率在击发前1秒和前3秒有显著性差异,而击发前2秒与击发前1秒没有显著性差异,说明击发前还是比较稳定的,不会影响射击动作的稳定性。从振幅变化看击发前3秒的比较都没有显著差异;国家健将级与国际健将级运动员参与射击的八块肌肉的贡献率和振幅比较稳定,没显著性差异。射击成绩的好坏可能与他们的心理状态或者与其他没测试的肌肉的不稳定性有关。从被试运动员射击时持枪臂的一致性分析来看,斜方肌和三角肌前束是影响枪与枪一致性的主要肌肉。利用肌肉振幅的变化更能反应肌肉用力的一致性情况。(2)我国气手枪运动员射击过程中,身体重心左右晃动小于前后晃动,且两个方向晃动幅度均较小;优秀运动员射击时身体重心晃动轨迹较短。我国气手枪运动员击发技术动作的瞄扣阶段,持枪臂各组肌肉的协调工作能力还需进一步训练;在击发过程中持枪臂的各组肌肉用力大小依次为:三角肌前束、斜方肌、三角肌中束、桡侧腕伸肌、肱三头肌、三角肌后束、肱二头肌、指浅屈肌;击发时持枪臂各肌肉的积分肌电值会逐渐提高,且呈平缓上升趋势;肌肉的疲劳因素对射击成绩的影响不大;水平较低的运动员主要用力肌肉的积分肌电值变化较大。我国气手枪运动员都选择在“第一稳定期”击发,说明其瞄准时间较短;在瞄准阶段枪支左右方向晃动的幅度小于上下方向晃动;优秀运动员射击时枪支的瞄道速率较大,击发前3秒枪支晃动轨迹较长;优秀运动员击发过程中枪支晃动的包罗面积比一般运动员小,在击发瞬间弹着点的差异值较小。运动员身体平衡能力降低时,一般会通过加大持枪臂肌肉用力,从而获得枪支的稳定性,但这种用力方式会造成运动员肌肉协调工作能力降低,破坏运动员持枪状态自然晃动的规律以及在击发瞬间的技术动作保持,最终造成低环数远弹的出现。(3)手枪速射训练中运动员各肌肉的quick analysis贡献率影响主要集中在斜方肌、三角肌前束和指浅屈肌三部分。手枪速射运动员举枪次数多,运动员的持枪臂与躯干的夹角偏小,导致斜方肌开始参与代偿用力。手枪速射训练中运动员持枪臂举枪次数较多,导致积分肌电有上升趋势,但肌电曲线趋势平缓一致性较强表明技术动作的稳定性较好。指浅屈肌起伏波动较大,可能对击发动作造成一点影响,从而妨碍命中10环的准确度。通过肌电技术测试分析手枪速射运动员在训练中的各项肌电指标的敏感范围,可以在以后的训练中判断负荷训练后技术动作情况,并提供客观和个性化的诊断依据。(4)在山西、河北等省市射击队备战2009年全运会的过程中,为其开发了射击运动员技术训练监测系统,将各个训练阶段及比赛中各项训练指标进行数据标准化,建立了纵向数据库,并应用于全运会备战的最后冲刺阶段。

【Abstract】 Shooting is an event of accurate performance and demands highly on shooter’s stability, regularity, consistency, self-control and anti-interference ability. Compared with other events, shooting is special as long time, less changeable gesture, and high concentration. Shooters should keep in excellent condition both mentally and physically. Besides the inner factors, the performance can also be in influence by the outer factors such as outfit, forum situation, weather, gun and bullet. In order to ensure a stable performance, shooters should decrease the influence of inner factors. The first thing is to strengthen the stability, regularity, consistency, decisiveness that is to keep the vibration range, aiming, shooting time choosing and shooting in high consistency during the first and last motion to get a satisfactory performance.The development of modern shooting especially the pistol shooting unceasing improved the accuracy require, which lead to more severe competition and fierce events. China has kept an advantage in shooting for a long time, and shooters have always been proving themselves in Olympic Games. It is well-known that Xu Haifeng won the first gold medal for our China in 1984 Los Angeles Olympic. In 2008 Beijing Olympic, Chinese shooter Pang Weili won a gold medal in Men’s 10m air pistol, which proves the leading position in shooting events especially in air pistol. In the air pistol field, it is widely accepted that shooting events especially the air pistol should emphasize on "keeping stability and shooting naturally"----emphasis on stability, consistency and coordination of holding, aiming and shooting. Air pistol is a technical accuracy event combined static with dynamic strength. As the shooters keep a gesture of holding gun with single hand for a long time, the muscles in pistol holding arm is always in long-period isometric contraction, which may lead to short-term hypoxia in heavy load training or even chronic muscle strain cause by over fatigue. The present scientific research has made tremendous achievements. In psychological part, methods to detect, analyze and solve shooters’psychological problems and psychological training methods have made a sound system. Physiological and biochemical index is applied to and proved to be efficient in reflecting the training intensity and volume, and shooters’functional state and health state. However, research on shooting features by SEMG is limited, and research on SEMG of pistol-holding arm has not been found in the previous literature.Limited by the research methods, it used to be difficult to make quantitative research on pistol shooters’muscle strain relationship and its rule. With the development of computer science and materials science, the miniaturized myoelectricity test equipments are easier to carry, which makes it possible to make quantitative research on pistol shooters’ muscles in the shooting process. Heavy load training period is significant in improving the physical functions, technical standards, and competition ability of air pistol shooters. Strength caused by muscle strain is the basic of all movements including shooting. The features of shooting are the certain ways of muscle strain, so the stability and consistency of shooters muscle strain is one of the key factors for good performance. SEMG signals can reflect regular discharging pattern of the muscle fiber, and monitor the state of certain muscles in action. It is safe, simple and repeatable. Detailed reports on SEMG variation of Pistol-holding arm of air pistol shooter after heavy load training has not been found.This research is based on wide and long-termed investigation of some municipal and provincial and shooting teams’ preparing for the National Games and takes the SEMG as main technique and balance ability test and lizard aiming test as the supplementary means. This research analyzes basic features of pistol shooting events and aims to lay the foundation for scientific training of pistol shooting. The research includes:(1) SEMG features research on the shooting techniques of elite slow fire pistol shooters; (2) biomechanics features research on the pistol holding arm of elite rapid fire air pistol shooters; (3) research on muscle variation after heavy load training of pistol holding arm of elite air pistol shooters; (4) research and produce of monitoring system of shooters’ technique training based on statistics.From the perspective of epistemology, this research analyzes the practical situation of shooting teams preparing for the Olympic Games and National Games and technical features of SEMQ combines the research methods of literature study, interview and mathematical statistic study, and gets a conclusion by exploring, testing and deepening the knowledge on SEMG features of elite pistol shooters in practical training. Conclusions are listed as below:1. In the process of elite slow fire pistol shooting, anterior bundle of deltoid, the middle bundle of deltoid, trapezius muscle and radial extensor muscle of wrist are main muscles; bicipital muscle of arm, triceps muscle of arm and are auxiliary muscles. Second-level shooting athletes’ have more obvious variation in contribution rate and amplitude of anterior, middle and back bundles of deltoid, which may be the main reason that influences the shooting performance of second-level athletes. For first-level athletes, the contribution rate of radial extensor muscle of wrist has obvious difference in 3 sec and 1 sec before shooting, but has no obvious difference in 2 sec and 1 sec before shooting, which shows that satiability before shooting ensures the stability of shooting performance. The contribution rate of eight muscles used in shooting of national masters of sports and international masters of sports keep stable. The shooting performance may be influenced by shooters’ psychological state or instability of other untested muscles. From the perspective of the consistency, anterior bundle of deltoid and trapezius muscle are the main muscles influence the consistency of gun. The variation in amplitude can more effectively reflect the muscle strain consistency.2. In our country, gravity center of elite air pistol shooters vibrate in front-back direction more than in left-right direction, and vibration in both direction in not obvious; Shooters with smaller gravity center vibration make better performance. Chinese female air pistol shooters need to improve their coordination of related muscles in aiming and shooting periods; muscles strained in pistol holding arm are(in maximum to minimum order) anterior bundle of deltoid, trapezius muscle, the middle bundle of deltoid, radial extensor muscle of wrist, triceps muscle of arm, back bundle of deltoid, bicipital muscle of arm, and flexor digitorum superiicialis muscle. In the process of shooting, integrated electromyogram (IEMG) of muscles in pistol holding arm increased gently, and the curve of less functional muscles rise slightly that have small influence on the performance change caused by muscle fatigue in shooting process. Average shooters have more obvious IEMG variation of main strained muscles. In our country, high level female shooters spend less time in aiming and choose the first stable period to shoot; in the aiming phase, the pistol vibrates in up-down direction more than in left-right direction. Shooters with better performance have bigger the scan speed of firearm, and make longer vibration line at 3 sec before shooting. Shooters with better performance have smaller including area of pistol vibration than average shooters; shooters with longer training year and better performance have smaller d-value of impact point in the shooting moment. Body balance ability, muscle coordination of pistol holding arm, and vibration of pistol are three factors influencing one another. When the body balance ability decreases, the muscles in pistol holding arm are strained to keep the pistol stable but decrease the coordination ability of muscles, which will broke the natural vibration pattern of pistol and stability of shooting movement and lead to low ring performance.3. Influence on the muscle contribution rate of air pistol shooters is mainly shown in three parts which are trapezius、the fasciculus anterior of deltoid and musclulus flexor digitorum sublimes. High frequency of pistol raising, small angle of pistol holding arm and body forces the trapezius strain to make force and the contribution rate of musculus flexor digitorum sublimis will raise obviously, but the smooth electromyogram curve and high consistency shows better stability of technical movements. Obvious vibration in musclulus flexor digitorum sublimes may influence the shooting movement and affect the accuracy of ring 10. By analyzing the SEMG index sensation range of predominant shooters in heavy load stage, technique motion situation can be decided in following training and provide object and personal diagnosis.4. When Shanxi, Hebei and other principal and municipal shooting teams are positively preparing for national games, the monitoring system of shooter technique training will be developed to standardize the training index of every event in every training stage and set up a hierarchical data base, and it will be applied in the last training stage in preparation for National Games.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期