

Research on Sports Slogan

【作者】 孙继龙

【导师】 石岩;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 中国堪称标语大国,标语已应用于社会生活中的方方面面,也包括体育领域。体育标语是标语在体育及相关领域中的具体应用,如竞技训练的激励与倡导、赛场看台情绪的发泄、社会体育的引导及动员、学生终身体育思想的养成及体育产品的广告宣传等与体育事业相关领域的诸多方面。回顾历史,人们耳熟目染的体育标语不胜枚举,20世纪40年代抗战期间的“锻炼体魄,好打日本”、新中国成立之初的“锻炼身体,保卫祖国;锻炼身体,建设祖国”等,至20世纪70年代,在“友谊第一,比赛第二”的倡导下,中国以发展竞技体育叩开了与世界交流的大门,同时也树立了我国在国际上的影响与地位。“同一个世界,同一个梦想”更是向世人展示了中国在新的历史发展时期所取得的成果。“天天健身,天天快乐”、“好体魄,好生活”、“全民健身,你我同行”等体育标语的提出,是对毛泽东“发展体育运动,增强人民体质”体育思想的推进与发展,更是映衬我国时代发展的需要,体现新时期我国体育发展的新思路,促进了我国从体育大国向体育强国迈进策略的贯彻与实施,符合新形势下的科学发展观。在备战2008年北京奥运会期间,全国人民以无比高涨的热情投身于为促进体育事业发展的运动中,体育标语的应用更是达到高潮。应用于人们生活中各领域的体育标语之内涵、理论基础、存在问题及改进策略的探讨成为本文的研究动力。本文通过文献资料的收集、整理及逻辑分析三个阶段,结合多学科知识,选用多学科中应用的研究方法、以内容分析法为主要研究方法,借鉴质性研究的思想,经过适当的抽样调研、建库、编码、检验等过程,将纯粹的文字通过一定的科学的量化手段,运用频数统计方法,对应用于不同领域中的体育标语进行对比分析,从理论与实践方面对体育标语进行宏观及微观层面的解析,得出的主要结论如下:1.体育标语的概念界定为:应用于体育领域中,对体育活动或体育相关事业具有宣传造势的短句或字符。具有广义与狭义之分,同标语口号一样,具有纲领性和鼓动性,但同时也具有自身特点,以一定的视觉形象体现视觉语言符号,其内涵体现因其具体应用领域不同而具有不同的意义。2.体育标语具有时宜性、职能性、复杂性、导向性及模糊性等特征。时宜性体现在体育标语反映社会时代的发展;职能性体现在不同职能部门在发布体育标语的同时,也是其职能范畴的职责表达;复杂性体现在体育标语的使用及传播途径等方面;导向性体现在体育标语的内涵具有明确的倡导及宣传方向;模糊性主要表现在社会不同领域体育标语的应用方面。3.体育标语在各领域应用过程中、还存在着内容、语法形式、载体、设置场所、适宜场景、传播途径、评价及反馈等诸多影响因素,它们相互依存、相互影响,共同影响着体育标语功能与作用的发挥。4.对体育标语的解读不仅仅是对其表层意思的表述,更是对其掩盖在字里行间中的文化及哲学价值观的解析,只有基于语言学、文化学、价值哲学及传播学视野下的多维度及多指标的选择,才能建构较为科学的体育标语评价体系。5.部分体育标语在现阶段的应用过程中还存在着内容、形式、管理及组织传播方面的问题,在内容方面主要体现为内容失当、内容形式化、内容雷同化及异化等四类问题;形式化方面主要体现为内容不具有针对性以及载体形式;管理方面主要体现为法制不健全、后效利用性及有效性管理等;组织传播方面主要体现在组织传播不通畅。本文作者认为,只有通过对其内容、形式载体、组织传播等方面进行规范化管理,才能更好地利用体育标语的宣传倡导作用促进体育事业的发展。6.体育标语承载着和谐社会中的体育价值观,只有实现体育标语的和谐发展观,体现以人为本的思潮,符合人的审美情趣及社会责任的公益化倾向,提高科技含量,体育标语才能真正被人们所认识、关注、理解和接受,起到应有的宣传与激励作用。7.体育标语以视觉语言符号体现其内涵,倡导规范,同时又行使着言语行为之责。从管理学视角可见,其以可视化的形式,实现目视管理的功能,任何语言的应用都是信息与文化的传播和交流,从体育标语的发展历程可见,体育标语也反映出一种文化的传承,不同时期的体育标语呈现一定历史背景下主流的体育价值观,同时也对体育事业发展起到一定的引领作用。8.应用于不同领域的体育标语以不同的表现形式表达不同的内涵体现,同时具有不同的功能与理论设置倾向。根据体育学的研究领域,本文将体育标语划分为竞技领域、学校及社会领域,分别对之进行探析。首先,应用于竞技领域的体育标语主要包括训练场(馆)体育标语和竞技赛场体育标语两类。(1)训练场(馆)体育标语主要发布在训练场馆内外及周围区域,其内容体现备战策略、激励及技战术要求等,它们以可视化载体行使目视管理功能,对运动员的训练过程起到微观管理作用;(2)赛场体育标语主要以看台体育标语为研究对象,赛场看台体育标语,是以观众或球迷发布为主,它们是看台文化组成中的物化部分,也是球迷观赛过程中的情绪认知的外显载体,通过看台体育标语研究,有助于研究赛场观众的情绪认知,同时探讨标语与近年来看台上不和谐成因的关系,对净化赛场不良习气、引导文明观赛、促进赛事产业发展可提供一定的理论参考。其次,应用于学校中的体育标语,是伴随着国家体育教育政策的出台、校运动会的召开及其他相关体育活动的开展而出现,不同教育层次的体育标语设置与教育理念和学生身心发展相适应,主要是贯彻国家教育理念、执行体育教育方针、倡导终身体育思想,能对学生的“德、智、体、美、劳”全面发展起到促进作用。再次,体育标语除应用于竞技领域、学校领域外,还普遍应用于城市户外宣传、企事业单位体育活动、媒体广告、军事训练、农民体育活动及残疾人体育活动中。对社会领域中体育标语的应用研究,由于资料的收集及研究能力,主要以应用于城市户外、企事业单位及发布于媒体三大体育标语为研究重点。(1)城市户外体育标语是伴随着国家体育政策的发布、城市体育活动的开展而出现,主要分布在街道、公园、社区、商店及其他公共场所。随着社会的发展,为国争光的爱国精神、艰苦奋斗的奉献精神、精益求精的敬业精神、勇攀高峰的创新精神、团结协作的团队精神已成为现代城市“奥运精神”的核心理念,并体现在近几年各地体育活动中的各式标语中,这些体育标语有助于贯彻全民健身理念、促进社会及城市的和谐发展;(2)企事业体育标语对促进企事业职工文化的发展起到推动作用,有助于增强企事业凝聚力。“更快、更高、更强”的奥林匹克精神,已转化为体现企事业发展中的注重效率(更快)、质量(更高)以及生产力发展(更强)的诸多体育标语中,这种精神成为现代企事业发展的核心思想。此外企事业体育标语在促进企事业文化发展的同时,也敦促企事业领导改变职能观念,承担更多的社会责任;(3)媒体体育标语主要指以电视、网络、报刊等媒体为发布载体,其内容主要分为公益倡导类和商业广告类,公益类体育标语旨在传播和强化民族精神及倡导社会文明,广告类体育标语借体育标语的隐喻功能,推销商品并树立企业品牌形象;(4)应用于社会其它领域,如军事训练标语,其目的是为了备战、提高部队战斗力和服务于人民。农民体育标语是为了提高农民身体素质、生活与娱乐水平。应用于残疾人健身中体育标语,是宣传社会助残意识,培养和激励残疾人自强和敬业精神。本文在进行本土化研究的基础上,同时通过有选择性地与部分其他国家体育标语的应用对比分析,可以简略地推断出体育标语在应用领域及设置理论基础等方面存在着类似,但在语言风格的设置、载体形式的体现及应用语境等方面不尽相同。

【Abstract】 China is called the great slogan nation, slogans applies to the social life’s many aspects, including sports field. The sports slogan is a slogan which concretely applies to the sports and related fields, including the athletics training instruction, the athletic field stand mood abreaction, the social sports initiative and mobilization, the school lifelong physical thought fostering and the sports product propaganda and so on.From "the exercise body and spirit, good attacked Japan" in the 1940s Sino-Japanese War period, "to exercise the body, defended the motherland, exercised the body, constructed the motherland" in the beginning of new China, to "friendship first, competition second" in the 1970s, China went to the world by, at the same time athletics sports also promoted and set up our country athletics sports status in the world. "One world, one dream" demonstrated Chinese achievements which obtained in the new historical development period to the common people all over the world. "Daily fitness, daily joyful"," good body, good life" and "all people body-building, your and me" promoted our country leader’s the sports guiding principle of "developing sports, strengthening people’s physique" is our country sports development new mentality in the new time, reflected the need to our country time development, also promoted our country implementation which is from a sports big country to a sports strong country, conformed to the scientific development concept under the new situation.In preparation for 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the whole nation people with the incomparably enthusiasm joined into the movement which developed the promotion sport cause, the sports slogan’s application reached the high tide. Sports slogan concealed and applied in various domains in the sports life, under its wording connotation essence, establishment rationale, extant questions and improvement strategy discussion became this article’s research power. In research process of this paper, through three stages which are the literature material collection, reorganization and the logic analysis, unified multi-disciplinary knowledge, selected multi-disciplinary applications research techniques, took the content analytic method as the main research, profited from the thought of nature research, undergoes suitable sampling investigation, storehouse, code, examination processes and so on, studied the pure writing with certain science’s quantification method, constructed and analyzed sports slogan application in different domains with the frequency statistics’ method, carried on macroscopic and the microscopic stratification plane analysis from the theory and the practice aspect to the sports slogan, the main conclusion is as follows:1. Sports slogan’s conception is limited as applies to the sports domain, short phrases or characters which support to the sports and sports related domains, divided into special and general theory, has the programmatic quality and agitational which is same as slogan, reflects certain visual image by a kind of vision verbal symbol, also has own characteristics. Its connotation has different significances because of different concrete application domains.2. Sports slogan has appropriate to the occasion, function, complexity, explorative and fuzziness characteristic and so on. Sports slogan reflects society time development is appropriate to the occasion; different functional departments have their function category expression during issuing sports slogans is function; the complexity mainly manifests sports slogan’s using and disseminates aspects; the explorative displays in the sports slogan connotation’s explicit initiative and the propaganda direction; fuzziness main surfaces in social different domain sports of slogan application aspect.3. Influencing factors of sports slogan application in various domains also has the content, the grammatical form, the carrier, the establishing place, the suitable scene, the dissemination way, the appraisal and the feedback and so on. Their relationships depend on each other, promote mutually, they simultaneously influence sports slogan’s function exertion. 4. Sports slogan’s explanation is not only the surface meaning expression, but the deepest level manifestation is analysis covered by the cultural property and the philosophy values. Only though establishing multi-dimensions and multi-objective choices under the linguistics, the cultural science, the value philosophy and the dissemination study field of vision, we can construct more scientific appraisal system to the sports slogan application.5. Many sports slogans application process in the present stage also exist some questions in the content, the form, the management and the organization dissemination aspect. Content aspect mainly exists four questions which are improper content, content formalization, content assimilation and dissimilation; form aspect mainly manifests that many sports content do not have direction, simultaneously the formalized question also manifests in the carrier format; management aspect mainly manifests that the legal system is not perfect, the result use and the valid management; organization dissemination aspect mainly manifests in unobstructed organization disseminates. Through standardly managing from content, form carrier, organization dissemination, we can promote sport cause’s development by using sports slogan propaganda initiative function better.6. Sports slogans load sports values in the harmonious society. Only achieving the sports slogan harmonious development conception, manifesting the humanist ideological tendency, conforming to person’s esthetic appeal, the fining language style, being fastidious about the rhythm and the community responsibility public welfare tendency, raising their technology content, they can be knawn,understood and accepted truly by people, then sports slogans can play the role of proper communication and agitation.7. The sports slogan manifests its connotation by vision verbal symbol, manifests its initiative standard characteristic, is effect to the speech act. Seeing from the management science angle, sports slogan realizes its visual management funcation by its visualization form. Any language’s application is the information and culture’s dissemination and communication. Seeing from sports slogan’s longitudinal development course, sports slogan also reflects culture lineaging.Sports slogans in the different time have not only reflected time mainstream sports values under certain historical time background, simultaneously also guided and anticipated the development of sports.8. Sports slogans which apply in the different domains express different connotations by different manifestations, simultaneously have different functions. According to sports study research area, we divide sports slogan research into athletics domain, school and social domain; carry on the exploration analysis separately.First, sports slogans in athletics domain mainly include sports slogans in training venues and in athletics athletic field:(1) sports slogans in training venues mainly issue to inside and outside venues and peripheral region, content manifests preparing for the strategy, physical ability and skill requests, exercise the visual management function by visualization carriers, plays the micromanagement role to athlete’s training process; (2) sports slogans in the athletic field mainly refers to sports slogans on the stand which issued to audiences or the fans, they are composition transformation part in the stand culture, the research is mainly fans’mood cognition apparent carrier when watch a sports contest in the process, is helpful in studies of athletic field audience’s mood cognition, simultaneously discussed on relationship of slogan and stand unharmonious origin in recent years, provide certain theory reference to purify bad habit in athletic field, to guide civilized watching a sports contest, to promote the development of sports event industrial.Next, sports slogan applied in the school edition and teaching is following national sports educational policy releasing, games’ convention and related sports development appearing, sports slogans establishment, education ideas and of the student body and mind development different education levels are adaptive, mainly implement the national education ideas, carry out sports educational policies, promote lifelong physical culture thoughts, can promote fully developing of students’morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor.The sports slogan not only applies in athletics domain and the school domain, but also applies generally in the urban outdoors propaganda, the Enterprises and institutions sports, the media advertisement, in the military training, the farmer sports and the disabled person sports. The research key of sports slogan using in the social domain, amainly uses in the urban outdoors, the Enterprises and institutions and in the media, because of the material collection and research ability:(1) Following the issuer of national sports policy and the development of city sports, the urban outdoors sports slogan appears, which mainly distribute in the streets, parks, communities, stores and other public places. In recent years, with the development of the society, the patriotism of winning glory for the country, the arduous struggle sacrificing spirit, the hard working dedication,the excellence professionlism,the innovation spirit of scaling new heights, and the team spirit of unity and cooperation are the core idea of "the Olympic Games spirit", manifests in various types of slogans of various prefectures supporting Beijing Olympic Games, which can implement all-people body-building idea and promote the development of society and the urban; (2) Business sports slogan can promote the improvement of the business staff culture, and enhance the business cohesive force. The Olympics spirit enterprise sports slogan initiated ----"faster, higher, stronger" has become the idea that enterprise should pay great attention to the efficiency (quickly), the quality (higher), the productive forces (stronger), which also becomes the core thought of modern business development. When business sports slogan promote business culture development, it also urges business leader change function idea and undertake more community responsibilities; (3) the media sports slogan mainly refers to the slogans issued on television, network, newspapers and periodicals and other media. They can divides into the public welfare initiative class and the commercial advertizing class. The public welfare class sports slogan is aimed at disseminating and the strengthening national spirit and the initiative society civilization. The advertisement class sports slogan take advantage of the sports slogan metaphor function to sell commodity and set up the enterprise brand image; (4) Applies in social other domains, like the military training slogan, its goal is to prepare, increase the army battle efficiency and serves the people. The farmer sports slogan is to improve the farmer quality, the life and the entertainment level. Applies fitness the sports slogan in the disabled person, is propagandizes the society to help the disabled consciousness, raises and drives disabled person striving to improve and the professional dedication.Based on localization study, by comparing selective application of domestic and international sports slogans, we can briefly conclude that their application field and theoretical basis are similar, but are not same in the language style setting, carrier forms of expression or application of different contexts, etc.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期