

Research on the Green Innovation Model of the Industrial Cluster Development as the Example of Wuhan City Circle

【作者】 杜静

【导师】 罗新星;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 在经济全球化与区域经济一体化的前提下,如何解决人类工业活动对自然生态环境的不可逆的负外部性,实现产业与生态环境的均衡,如何达到经济发展与资源节约型、环境友好型社会建设的和谐发展,需要重视产业集群创新与自然生态共生的理论研究与实践探索,对此本文以武汉城市圈为例,提出了产业集群发展的绿色创新模式,通过揭示产业集群与产业生态系统、新型工业化之间的内在关联,系统考察了产业集群绿色创新的基本内涵、发展形态、运行机理、激励与学习机制等,以武汉化工新城园区建设为实证分析,探讨武汉城市圈产业集群绿色创新的主要问题及其对策选择。主要研究内容与创新点表现在以下几个方面:首先,提出了产业集群发展的绿色创新模式。与产业集群的传统模式相比较,绿色创新模式是不同于对传统的以资源消耗和环境污染为特征的产业集群模式,并对这种“资源-产品-废物”的线性发展模式进行深刻反思,从而构建出的符合新型工业化要求的发展模式。产业集群绿色创新依据生态学、环境科学、系统科学等基本原理和集聚经济理念,在自然系统承载能力以内,对特定空间上的产业集群系统、自然系统与社会系统之间进行耦合优化,以实现特定区位上经济、社会、生态环境三者之间的整体协调与和谐发展。其次,提出了产业集群发展绿色创新的两种形态及其成本推动、效益拉动、环保需求以及微观行为创新等运行机理。产业集群绿色创新的两种形态,即生态工业园区模式和虚拟集群模式。生态园区模式是集群绿色创新的典型模板,着力于绿色创新,既注重资源节约、又注重环境保护。虚拟集群模式通过发挥网络效应,利用现代传输技术和处理技术对分散的资源进行整合,突破地域、资源、环境等因素的制约,有效减少资源消耗和环境污染。产业集群绿色创新运行机理主要表现为成本推动、效益拉动、环保需求以及微观行为创新等作用的结果。追求低成本的内在推动力及其生态效益拉动了绿色创新,两种绿色创新形态构建了集群企业之间的共生关系,环保法规与政策压力、满足联盟企业环境标准、绿色形象塑造等环保需求促进了绿色创新,此外,集群企业的微观创新行为包括生态设计创新、清洁生产创新、绿色营销创新等有效强化了产业集群绿色创新。再次,构建了产业集群绿色创新的激励与学习模型。由于产业集群内企业追求生产经营的利润最大化,忽视生态效益和社会效益,绿色创新行为的高成本难以激发其内在的绿色创新动力。针对此悖论,本文构建了产业集群绿色创新的激励与学习模型,探讨产业集群绿色创新中企业与政府、企业与企业之间的不同利益动机及激励与学习行为,运用激励理论考察政府监督和激励的必要性,并从市场自身运行的机制和企业行为学习的视角,分析集群绿色创新过程中企业是如何进行学习的,以及学习机制构建的条件等问题。最后,以绿色创新为研究切入点,剖析武汉城市圈产业集群发展问题,开拓了武汉城市圈产业研究的新视角,并创造性地提出了武汉城市圈产业集群绿色创新的主要对策选择。选择武汉化工新城园区建设为实证分析,指出武汉化工新城通过绿色创新规划,模拟自然生态系统建立工业系统“食物链网”,形成生态工业链网;同时在集群创新过程中推行清洁生产,实现产业集群的绿色技术创新与绿色制度创新。在理论阐释与实证分析相结合的基础上,从绿色创新的层面深入考察武汉城市圈产业集群问题,提出武汉城市圈产业集群绿色创新的对策建议,主要包括完善产业生态布局、加强绿色技术创新、健全创新服务网络、加强绿色宣传教育、完善绿色创新法律体系、培育绿色市场机制和技术支撑体系等。

【Abstract】 With the increasing economic globalization and regional economy integration, it requires emphasis on industrial cluster innovation and practical research on the coexistence between nature and ecology to eliminate the irreversible negative externalities imposed by human activities on the natural and ecological environment, strike the right balance between industry and ecological environment and enjoy the economic development as well as a friendly environment, thus the green innovative pattern of industrial cluster comes into being. This dissertation, at the angle of green innovation, reveals the inner links among industrial cluster, industrial ecological system and new industrialization. Focusing on the meaning, features, operational mechanism and impetus mechanism of the green innovation of industrial cluster, it explores the available choices to green innovation of the industrial cluster in the backdrop of new industrialization by employing the empirical analysis on New Chemical Industry Park in Wuhan. The following aspects show the main research content and innovative points:Firstly, this dissertation proposes the green innovative pattern of industrial cluster. Compared to the traditional cluster pattern, which is characterized with the resource consumption and environment degradation, the green innovative pattern reexamines the traditional linear development pattern-"resource-product-waste", so as to establish the development pattern meeting the needs of the new industrialization. Grounded on the fundamental elements of the Ecology, Environment Science and related economy ideologies concerning cluster economy, the green innovation of the cluster system, through the coupling optimization of industrial cluster system, nature system and social system in certain places with in the bearable limits of nature, will make the overall coordinative and harmonious development among economy, society and ecological environment in certain area a reality.Secondly, we propose two forms of green innovation of the development of industrial clusters and the operation mechanisms such as the cost-push, pull-effectiveness, environmental protection requirements, and micro-acts of innovation. The two forms of green innovation of the industrial clusters, namely, are the eco-industrial park model and the virtual cluster model. The eco-park model is a typical cluster of green innovation template, focus on the green innovation, not only focus on resource conservation, but also pay attention to environmental protection. The virtual cluster model by leveraging the network effect, uses the modern transmission technology and processing technology for integration of distributed resources, breaking through geographical, resource and environment factors, effective in reducing resource consumption and environmental pollution. The operation mechanisms of green innovation in industrial clusters mainly are the results including as cost-push, pull-effectiveness, environmental protection requirements, and the role of innovation in micro-behavior. The pursuit of low cost and ecological benefits of the internal driving force pull the green innovation, and the two kinds of green innovation build a symbiotic relationship of the cluster forms between enterprises, and the environmental regulations and policy pressures meet environmental standards for the virtual enterprises, and the green image-building and other environmental requirements promote the green innovation. In addition, the micro-acts of clusters enterprises, including the eco-design innovation, cleaner production innovation, green marketing innovation, and strengthens effectively the green innovation of the industrial clusters.Thirdly, this dissertation outlines the incentive and learning pattern of the green innovation of industrial cluster. As enterprises in the industrial cluster pursue the maximization of the economic returns in products and operation, the high cost of the ecological benefits, social benefits and green innovation itself can hardly encourage the internal momentum of the green innovation. On this point, this dissertation, applying the incentive theory to investigate government supervision and the necessity of the motivation, studies how enterprises learn from each other and issues relating to construction of the learning mechanism in the process of the green innovation cluster at the viewpoint of operational mechanism of the market and the learning behavior among enterprises.Finally, by the starting point of the green innovation for research, we analyse the problems of the industrial cluster development in Wuhan City Circle, and open up the new perspective of the industry research in Wuhan City Circle, and creatively put forward the response options of green innovation of the industrial clusters in Wuhan City Circle. By green innovation planning and stimulating the natural and ecological system, the New Chemical Industry Park in Wuhan formulates the industrial "food chains and webs". As a result, the ecological industry chains and webs are formed. Meanwhile, the park carries out clean production in the process of cluster innovation and realizes the innovation of the green technology and green regulation of industrial cluster, ensuing the sustainable development of industrial cluster. Under the blueprint for new industrialization, the major methods adopted by green innovation of industrial cluster include: perfecting the ecological layout, strengthening innovation of green technology, improving service network for innovation, consolidating green dissemination and education, elevating green law system, cultivating green market mechanism and technological supporting system etc.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】F224;F273.1;F205
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】2252
  • 攻读期成果