

【作者】 刘赛

【导师】 徐志啸;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国文学批评史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 汉成帝河平三年(公元前26年),刘向受诏开始了长达二十余年的校书活动。刘向校书不仅在文献学领域贡献巨大,还在思想史上具有“思想经典化”和“经典整齐化”的价值和意义。一直以来,《汉书·艺文志》由于保留了刘向校书的重要成果,成为学界考察先秦汉代学术的重要入口,后代对刘向校书的评价都是基于《汉志》对先秦汉代典籍的系统化著录,而刘向校书本身对于“思想经典化”和“经典整齐化”的实现,一直是学术研究史上的空白。《列女传》是经由刘向校定而实现了整齐化的典范作品,但它并非通常意义上的经典,而是成了世俗教化的典范文本。相对于经典学术,《列女传》可谓儒家经典学术的通俗化和简约化的文本,该文本的生成显示了儒家学者致力于将经典学术付诸现实皇权秩序和社会秩序的改造,在此过程中,儒家经典学术中的价值观念和行为准则,通过“见之于行事”和依附经典权威的话语方式实现了向世俗大众的传递。《列女传》是刘向探索经典学术走向经世致用的成果,其文本的生成代表了拥有皇室宗亲和儒家学者双重身份的刘向,对于皇权政治的鞭策和挽救,以及对于世俗教化的长远构想。《列女传》文本的生成作为一个范例,集中体现了西汉中后期文学、经学与政治之间丰富而细微的互动关系。论文分为五个部分:第一章,从文本流传的角度,回溯了《列女传》从宫廷藏书逐渐成为世俗教化典范文本的历史,从而明确了《列女传》在学术领域和世俗生活领域的独特价值,为全文研究的展开提供了价值与意义的支撑。第二章,将《列女传》放在刘向校书的同类典籍序列之中,探讨刘向多个层面的校书行为,从而肯定了刘向校书对《列女传》文本体式的创造。刘向在《新序》、《说苑》和《列女传》的成书过程中体现出先行的创类编撰意识,反映出西汉学者私人著述成书的兴起。在此基础上,刘向在《列女传》中创造了极其严密有序的文本体式,使得作品形成了叙事和议论评价相结合的模式。第三章,基于上述文本体式,将《列女传》放在先秦汉代的文献系列之中,考察了《列女传》叙事内容的历史基础。传文叙事其史料来源于经传旧典、古史异事和逸事传闻,在对既有史料的选择与取舍上,刘向尊崇经典而又超越经学正统的立场,遵循叙事优先的统一原则。《列女传》因为拥有史传的外衣,在史料的纂辑方面足以比拟史传,而与此前的子书区别开来,又因为无视史家的“实录”意识,具有子书的气质,而与历史作品划分了界限,显示出刘向执著于现实的历史观念。第四章,与上述有关叙事内容的研究相对,针对文本的议论评价内容,考察了《列女传》的经学特质,分析了刘向渗透于校书过程中的经学观念。在先秦汉代礼学发展历程之中,《列女传》对于汉代女性普遍规范的建立起着重要的承接作用,有着鲜明的礼学实践特征。在汉代《诗》学的发展历程之中,《列女传》颇具模式化的引《诗》实际上是西汉中后期经学致用的话语表达方式。在汉代经学向世俗生活全面渗透并成为国家意识形态的过程中,刘向致力于创造《列女传》这样一个经典学术的通俗化和简约化文本,昭示着西汉中后期的经典学术迈向世俗教化的趋势。第五章,考察《列女传》的文学价值。刘向在《列女传》中的整合叙事推动了早期叙事艺术的发展,《列女传颂》的通俗化也与刘向致力创造经典学术的通俗化和简约化文本能够形成呼应。《列女传》对于民间文学素材的采用,反映了民间俗文学的价值及其潜流涌动,预示了文学的发展将在此后会有所突破。

【Abstract】 In the third year of period He Ping reigned by Cheng emperor of Han dynasty (BC26), Liu Xiang was nominated to collated systematically the ancient books which lasted more than 20 years. His work not only contributs to the study of documentology, but also has un value of "making the thoughts classic and making the classic systematic" in the history of thought. For a long time, the book hanshuyiwenzhi(汉书·艺文志),in account of recording the achievements of Liu Xiang, is regarded as the entrance to study the academic research from Pre-Qin to Han dynasties. However, the evaluation of Liu Xiang’s work always focus on the systematic entry of ancient records from Pre-Qin to Han dynasties, the value of "making the thoughts classic and making the classic systematic" thus being neglected.The book lienvzhuan(列女传)is a paragon which becomes a series owing to the arrangement of Liu Xiang. It is not in the normal sense of Classic for the intelligentsia but a canonic text for civilizing people. Relative to the classic academics, it is more simple and more polular. Its apprearance shows the effort of Confucian scholars to participate in the reform of imperial and social order by means of changing the form of classic academic research. By this way, they publicise the confucian values and standard of conduct.lienvzhuan is also an achievement of Liu Xiang in search of the apply of the classic knowledge to the society. Liu Xiang, origin of loyal family and a confucian scholar, demonstrate his double effort in the book:one is to urge and remedy the loyal power, the other to conceive the way of enlightenment. For the above reasons, we can consider lienvzhuan as an example which embodies the delicate relationship among the literature, the Confucian research and the politics in the mid and late stage of Western Han dynasty.This dissertation is divided into five parts. The first chapter includes a history of survey of lienvzhuan. Focus on its evolvement of identity from the book in loyal collection to popular text for enlightenment, this chapter intends to find out the special values of lienvzhaun in the field of academy and civil life.The second chapter puts lienvzhuan in the context of association documents which are listed by Liu Xiang and explore the different level of Liu Xiang’s work for the purpose to prove that Liu Xiang has created a particular style of text. In the process of conformation of xinxu(新序)、shuoyuan(说苑)and lienvzhuan, Liu Xiang has showed his foresight of compiling the books by the association of genre which also reflectes the individual tendency of compiling a book. In lienvzhuan, Liu Xiang invents a style which is logic and well-knit.Based on the observation of the style of lienvzhuan, The third chapter dwells upon the historical origin of its contents by studying the documents from Pre-Qin to Han dynasties. Here are the three origins:the Confucian classics and commentaries, the different record of history and the anecdotes. To compile lienvzhuan, Liu Xiang has followed the principle of "narrative first", that is to say, in selecting the historical resource, he respects the confucian classic but transcend its traditon. Then, in the dimention of compiling historical documents, lienvzhuan has the characteristic of history biography which makes it different from Books of Master(子书);in the dimension of surpassing the pursuit of actual recording in history, lienvzhuanowns the qualities of Books of Master which draws a line beween it and the historical books. To conclude, lienvzhuan illustrates Liu Xiang’s views of history which insists the concern of the present situation.The 4th chapter studies the official Confucianism of Han dynasty characteristic of lienvzhuan and analysed the official Confucianism concept of Liu Xiang impenetrated the course of his collating books. lienvzhuan played an important transition role with the practice character for the construction of women’s rules of ethic and action during the development of Ritualism. In fact, the citating model of Poems was an diction method of put the official Confucianism into practice. During the course of the official Confucianism affecting roundly civil living, Liu xiang applied himself to create a more simple and more popular text relative to the classic academics which foreshow the trend of classic academics going to civilizing people.The 5th chapter pays attention to the literature value of lienvzhuan. Liu Xiang’s narrative of conformity promoted the early narrative art and indicated artistic achieving of Liu Xiang’s collating books. lienvzhuansong(列女传颂)show an popularized characteristic which correspond with his effort of creating a more simple and more popular text relative to the classic academics. lienvzhuan adopt some folklore fodder which reflect the undercurrents of common literature at the bottom of society and forerun a breaking through of literature development before long.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】809