

The Road to Calm Down Petition

【作者】 田先红

【导师】 贺雪峰;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 社会学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 1990年代中后期至税费改革之前,乡村社会出现维权型上访主导的信访小高潮,不过,此时期的农民上访问题并没有对基层治理构成太大威胁,主要原因是间接治理模式的维系给乡村基层政权有效应对农民上访问题提供了较好的制度性、结构性条件。税费改革之后,在国家的推动下,乡村治理逐渐从间接治理模式向直接治理模式转换,个体的权利意识被调动起来,而乡村集体权力遭到削弱,乡村干部在干群关系中由原先的优势转为弱势。与此同时,从乡村集体解放出来的农民个体理性过度伸张,谋利型上访在农民上访类型中逐渐凸显,基层政权因无法对维权型上访与谋利型上访进行区分而影响了信访治理的绩效,农民上访出现新高潮。出于稳定与秩序的考虑,国家通过压力型的信访治理体制强化地方和基层政府的维稳责任,督促其重视信访治理工作,却使得地方和基层政府日益被动,基层信访治理陷入困境之中。在这一背景下,谋利型上访不断蔓延,并形塑出越来越多的上访专业户,上访产业初现雏形。在这个意义上,基层信访治理已经超越了单纯的上访钉子户治理问题,而裹挟着更为浓厚的治理谋利型上访尤其是上访专业户的色彩。随着信访治理压力的加大,基层政府不得不疲于应对,并将信访维稳工作提升到政治高度。发展与稳定构成当前基层政府的两大任务,二者共同形塑了当前基层政府的行为逻辑。为了维护社会稳定,基层政府不得不以降低合法性为代价,牺牲治理能力。这表明,国家试图通过推动乡村治理转型、实行直接治理模式的改革措施来加强对基层社会的渗透与监控,却导致了国家基础权力弱化的意外后果。基础权力的弱化掣肘了专断权力的行使和运用,使得专断权力与基础权力呈现出并弱的局面。由此,欲推动国家转型、建构现代国家,就不仅需要强化对基层代理人的监控,而且要重塑乡村治理结构,增强乡村基层政权治理能力,再造中间层。而这又要求从根本上增强基础权力的同时,还原专断权力行使的正当性与合法性,让国家权力能够在正常的治理轨道上运作。总之,当前中国的国家政权建设依然面临着国家权力进入乡村社会的问题,只是这种进入不是简单的权力下沉,而是如何与乡村社会有效对接的问题,亦即国家基础权力发展的问题。

【Abstract】 During the period between 1990s and the Tax Reform, there was a small petition climax dominated by the rights-defend petition. However, the peasants petition problem didn’t bring too much threat to the rural governance. The main reason was that the indirect governance mode provided a better institutional and structural condition for the village cadres to retort to the peasants petition effectively.After the Tax Reform, the rural governance has gradually changed from indirect governance mode to direct governance mode by the promotion of the state. In this process, the individual rights awareness is improved, and the power of the collective is weakened. At the same time, the individual reason expands too much, the interests-seek petition becomes highlighted in all kinds of peasants petition. The performance of rural petition governance has been deepened because of non-differentiation between the rights-defend petition and the interests-seek petition, and a new peasant petition climax has happened.The state strengthens the stabile responsibility of the local and grassroots government, but makes them more and more passively, and the rural petition governance has dropped into trouble. In this background, the interests-seek petition is spreading, and shapes more and more households of petition. As a result, the petition industry has come into prototype. This means that the rural petition governance has jumped over the simple problem of dealing with the nail were of petition, and got a dark color of governing the interests-seek petition, especially the households of petition.As the pressure of petition governance becomes greater and greater, the grassroots government has to struggle to cope with it, and elevate the petition governance work to a high degree of politics. Development and stability becomes the double major tasks of the grassroots government, and the both things shape the behavioral logic of the grassroots government. For the purpose of social stability, the grassroots government has to spend the cost of reducing its political legitimacy, and sacrifice its governance ability.This shows that the state tries to strengthen the monitor of the grassroots rural society by promoting the transformation of rural governance and carrying out the direct governance mode, but gets an unexpected result of weakening the infrastructural power. The weakening of the infrastructural power constraints the operation of arbitrary power, and both the arbitrary power and the infrastructural power have been weakened. So, in order to promote the transformation of the state and build a modern state, we should not only intensify the monitoring of the grassroots represents, but also remodel the structure of rural governance, strengthen the ability of the grassroots government and rebuild the middle layer. And then, we should strengthen the infrastructural power fundamentally, and revert the validity and legitimacy of the operation of the arbitrary power at the same time, so as to make the state power operate at the normal governance track.All in all, the state-build of China still faces the problem of how to make the state power go into the rural community, and this doesn’t mean only the state power sink into the rural community, but also means how to make it dock with the rural community effectively, and it is also that the development of the infrastructural power.

  • 【分类号】D632.8;F812.42
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1932
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