

The Practice and the Logic of the National Policy in Rural Areas

【作者】 刘岳

【导师】 贺雪峰;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 社会学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 “政策”是我们用以理解中国农村社会的核心概念。本文以征收农业特产税这一具体政策在山东A县D镇的实践过程为轴线,描述国家政策在农村地区充满“权益性行动”和“结构化”努力的实践图景,在对这一过程进行“理解性”分析的基础上,勾勒出基层政权对农村地区实施治理的轨迹和框架,展示了基层政权在赶超战略和压力型体制下,以特殊的方式理解国家政策,并且按照“名实分离”的改革逻辑采用种种策略和技术实施治理的过程。这种逻辑在转型过程中实质性推进了改革,但是也正是这种实践逻辑,导致了农村地区的巨大混乱和治理危机。本研究对基层政权合法性进行了讨论,对税费改革以后的农村治理状况与治理逻辑作出了说明。在对农村税费改革前后的实践过程和实践逻辑的对比分析中,本研究认为,税费改革表明,国家没有能够充分意识到造成政策在农村地区实践过程中大量扭曲的根本性逻辑,没有试图以从整体上改变这种逻辑来解决农村问题,政策的实践逻辑并未有本质的变化,因此也就不一定能够取得预想的结果。改变农村混乱状况的根本途径不在于一味地指责、批评和惩罚基层政权和干部,而在于真正按照科学发展观的要求,从整体上对国家“权益化”的治理方式和“变通”的改革逻辑进行彻底转变,避免因国家长期转移和积累到农村基层的矛盾“倒逼”到更高的层级,导致严重的更大范围的合法性危机的产生。最终的政策结果往往并不取决于当初政策制定时的理论预设和良好愿望,而在于某种逻辑在实践过程中对政策的修正程度,或者说在于实践本身。本研究提倡一种“政策过程”研究方法,使原先不可见的“过程”凸现出来,成为具有独立解释能力的重要因素,在方法上强调将自下而上的视角和自上而下的视角综合起来,强调由对文本形态的政策的研究转向对实践形态的政策的研究。

【Abstract】 Policy is one core concept that we apply to understand the rural society. This thesis takes the practice process of taxes on special agricultural products collection as axes in D town A county in Shandong province. This thesis describes the practice map of the national policy was full of expedient action and structuration endeavor in rural society. Based on comprehensive analysis of this process, this thesis drew one path and frame how the grassroot political power govern the rural district. Then, the author indicated the process that grassroot political power took a special method to understand the national policy under the pressure system and govern by many strategies and skills under one reform logic—separation Name from Object. This logic promoted the reform materially and also caused huge chaos and governance danger in rural district. This research discussed the legality of grassroot political power and explained the governance situtation and governance logic in rural society after reform of taxation expenses. Compared the practice process and practice logic around reform of taxation expenses, this research argues that the reform of taxation expenses indicated that the state did not realize the origin logic why the national policy practice in rural district caused much tortuosity. The state also did not try to solve the countryside problem under whole consideration. The practice logic of policy did not occur material change, therefore, the national can not obtain expected effect. To change the rural chaos, we need to trasform the expedient governance method and flexible reform logic under the whole consideration, but not to only censure and punish the grassroot political power and cadres. Consequently, we can avoid more seriously legality danger in a greater range. Ultimate policy result was determined by the policy practice but not the theory hypothesis and good wish. This research advocates one kind of policy process research method which can indicate the process and explain the issue uniquely. On the method, this thesis emphasizes to combine the perspective from the bottom to the top and from the top to the bottom. This thesis also emphasizes the research tramsformation from policy text reseach to policy practice research.

  • 【分类号】D621;F320
  • 【下载频次】748