

Distributed Fiber Vibration Sensing Network Based Perimeter Security System

【作者】 孙志峰

【导师】 刘德明;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 光学工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 智能周界防入侵系统是物联网在安防领域的重要应用。当今的安防领域要求周界防入侵系统具有多防区检测、大监测范围、长监控距离、高监测灵敏度、低误报率、强抗干扰能力、高性价比以及易操作、易管理、易维护等特性。而光纤传感器具有电绝缘性好、抗电磁干扰,耐腐蚀、化学性能稳定,体积小、重量轻、可柔性安装,传输损耗小、传输容量大,测量范围广等特点,特别适合应用于智能周界防入侵系统。本论文对基于分布式光纤振动传感网络的周界防入侵技术进行了深入研究,并探讨了其应用价值,主要研究成果如下:(1)提出了一种混合时分/波分复用传感无源光网络(HSPON, Hybrid Sensing Passive Optical Network)概念,并基于此概念构建了分布式光纤振动传感网络周界防入侵系统,实现了大容量、长距离、大范围的周界防区监控,系统的网络型架构便于集中监控,集中管理和集中维护:远端传感单元全无源化,提升了系统的可靠性和稳定性。(2)研究了适合于HSPON应用的非平衡光纤马赫泽德/萨格奈克干涉型传感单元,重点改善了普通萨格奈克干涉结构对称中心位置不敏感、普通马赫-泽德干涉结构对光源线宽要求高等缺陷,提高了周管理系统的监测灵敏度。(3)基于高性能宽谱光源光谱分割和种子光源光放大方法实现了HSPON系统多波长调制光源,具有波长稳定、调制速率高、输出功率大、综合性能稳定性高等优点,特别适合HSPON系统应用。(4)基于PIN-FET阵列实现了HSPON系统多通道信号接收和采集,设计了数据处理以及用户端管理软件,实现了从数据采集到分析处理,再到报警输出的完整功能。(5)进行了HSPON系统现场应用测试,对系统主要性能参数作了理论分析,测试结果表明,系统性能达到预期指标。本论文研究的HSPON周界防入侵系统在军事国防、大型工矿、民用安防等多个领域有着广阔的应用前景,可望全面取代传统技术,成为智能小区周界防入侵系统技术发展的主流方向。

【Abstract】 Intelligent perimeter security system is an important application of Internet of Things in the security field. Multi-defending area detection, large monitoring range, long detection distance, high sensitivity, low false alarming rate, high anti-jamming capacity, high cost performance, easy to operate, manage and maintain are new demands of current security field to intelligent perimeter security systems. Because of the advantages of excellent electrical insulation, anti-electromagnetic interference, corrosion resistance, stable chemical property, compact size, light weight, variable geometric figure, low transmission loss, large transmission capacity, wide measuring range and so on, fiber sensors are especially suitable to be applied in the intelligent perimeter security systemPerimeter security technique based on distributed fiber vibration sensing network is studied in this dissertation and its application value is also discussed. The main research achievements are described as follows:(1) The concept of HSPON(Hybrid Sensing Passive Optical Network)is presented. Based on this concept, distributed fiber vibration sensing network based perimeter security system is constructed and perimeter monitoring with large capacity, long distance and wide range is achieved. Network based structure is in favor of the centralized monitoring, management and maintenance. Passive sensing unit improve the reliability and stablity of the system.(2) An unsymmetrical Mach-Zehnder/Sagnac interference sensing unit suitable for HSPON is represented. The new type of sensing unit avoids the insensitivity in the center of symmetry of normal Sagnac interferometer and stringent requirement to laser linewidth of normal Mach-Zehnder interferometer, improve the sensitivity of the perimeter management system.(3) The pulse modulated multi-wavelength light source of HSPON is based on the splitting of high performance wide spectrum light source and the amplifying of the seed light source. Due to its wavelength stability, high modulation frequency, high output power and stable comprehensive performance, it is particularly suited for HSPON.(4) Using PIN-FET array, the receiving and acquiring of multi-channel signals is achieved. The software designed for data processing and user management has complete fuctions including data acquisition, analysis processing and alert output.(5) Through practical experiments of HSPON, the main parameters of the system are analized and the experiment results show that the desired effect has been reached.HSPON based perimeter security system presented in this dissertation has wide application prospects in many domains such as national defense, mines and factories, community security, and has the ability to replace traditional techniques and become the mainstream in the development of perimeter management in intelligent communities.

  • 【分类号】TP212.9;TN929.11
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1054
  • 攻读期成果