

Strategy Principle and the Maintaining State

【作者】 欧阳静

【导师】 吴毅;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 社会学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 本文以乡镇的中心工作及其实践方式为线索,紧紧围绕“乡镇做什么”和“怎么做”来解答“乡镇是什么”,也即乡镇政权的运作逻辑与特性是什么这一核心问题。为此,笔者在中部某省的橘镇进行了长达一年的参与式调查,对乡镇政权运作的内容与方式有一个整体的把握,揭示出了乡镇政权运作的逻辑与特性,并在此基础上回应了国家政权建设这一重大的理论与现实问题。本文是从官僚制、压力型体制和乡土社会的三元结构中呈现和揭示乡镇运作的逻辑与特性,研究发现,策略主义是乡镇政权运作的基本逻辑,“维控型”政权是乡镇政权的本质特性。乡镇政权的独特性在于,它处于国家与社会的交接处,既列于官僚体制序列末梢,又处于一个自上而下的压力型体制之下,同时又面对一个自下而上的乡土社会。与“完全官僚化”的官僚制不同,乡镇政权组织具有两个显著的特征,是财政资源匮乏,二是基础性权力弱小。在财政资源匮乏和权力弱小的困境下,乡镇以策略主义的逻辑来获取财政资源:通过“放水养鱼”的计划生育增加财政收入;以宅基地审批、小城镇建设为名,从土地中获取财政收入;在“争资跑项”中套取专项资金。这些生存策略虽然不具合法性和正当性,但由于其能有效应对财政资源匮乏的困境,因此成为乡镇的运作逻辑。自上而下的压力型体制是形塑策略主义逻辑的显著力量。压力型体制将“政治锦标赛”作为一种激励机制,通过一手“高指标”和一手“乌纱帽”调动官僚体制超常规运作。逐级淘汰的晋升制和层层加码的高指标,最终诱导了处于官僚制最底端的乡镇政权以“不惜成本、不顾代价、不切实际”的策略主义逻辑参与到政治锦标赛的竞争中。乡镇被置于压力型体制的同时又面对一个乡土社会。与理性化、程式化、规范化的城市社会相对照,当前乡村社会并没有发展为一个与现代官僚制相匹配的公民社会,而是仍具“乡土性”:村民行为模式的非程式性、非规则性;村庄社会关联的原子化;村庄权威祛魅化之后的理性不及;差序格局的社会关系等等。这些“乡土性”形塑了乡镇在乡村治理中的策略主义逻辑,具体体现于乡村治理的运动化、非程式性、形式主义文牍化等运作方式上,以及借用“庄里公家人”和“道上的人”等权力技术上。运作于以上三元结构中的乡镇政权,不得不同时应对以下矛盾:官僚制的资源匮乏、权力衰弱与压力体制的多目标、高指标之间的矛盾;官僚制的资源匮乏、权力衰弱与乡村社会的治理需求之间的矛盾;乡土社会和规范化程式化的官僚制之间的悖论。这些诸多具体的关系与矛盾,共同塑造了乡镇策略主义的运作逻辑与维控型政权的特性。基于乡镇运作的逻辑与特性,本文认为,重塑决定乡镇政权特性的结构,增强乡镇政权的基础性权力,将乡镇建设成具有服务乡村社会能力的制度化官僚体系是国家政权建设的首要目标与任务;重建政权运作和制度运行赖以维系的核心价值和基础性规范是国家政权建设的根本目标。

【Abstract】 Taking the main task and the practice of the township government as a clue, this article isexpected to revolve the issue’what is the township government in rurul China’ by obserbing’whatthe township government does’and ’how it does’. That’s to say, the core question of this article isto answer’what is the operation logic and the characteristic of the township government.The author has carried on participant observation in a middle province’s townshipgovernment-orange town for a whole year, and thus has an overall prehension on the operation of the township government. On this basis, this article will reveal the the operation logic and the characteristic of the township government, what’s more, it will responses the significant theoretical and realistic question that how to construct the basic unit of the state.This article carries on from the following three angles:the bureaucrat system, the pressure system and the rural society to present the township government’s operation logic and the characteristic. The research discovered that the strategy principle is the basic logic of the operation of township government, and maintaining the present situation is essential characteristic.The township government’s distinctive quality lies that it is in state and society’s interface point, on the one hand, it listed in the bureaucrat system bottom, on the other hand, it faces a top-down rural society. Different to the’complete bureaucrat’, the township government has two remarkable characteristics. First, the financial resources are deficient; second, the foundational authority is small and weak. Under this difficult position, the township government use strategy principle to gain financial resources: Through loosening the birth control to increase the financial revenue; By the name of homestead examination and the town construction to gain the financial revenue from the land; Apply the special funds to obtain financial resource. Although these survival strategies are not legitimate, but because it can effectively deal with the financial resources deficient difficult, therefore become the operation logic of the township government..The top-down pressure system is the remarkable strength to shape the strategy principlelogic of the township government.The pressure system take’the political championship tournament’to be one kind of incentive mechanism, the bureaucrat system efficiently operate through the’high target’and the promotion,. The promotion system and the rising high target finally cause the strategy principle logic of the township government.When the township government is in the pressure system, it also must to face the rural society. Different to the rationalized, the stylized, the standardized urban societ, the current rural society has not developed a civil society which matched with the modern bureaucrat, it still have the rural society’s characteristic:the non-regularization behavior pattern the atomization of the village society; the irrationality after the rural disenchantment; the special principle of the social relations and so on. These rural characteristics have modeled the strategy principle logic of the township government.Operating between the three component, the township government must simultaneously deal with the following contradiction:the deficient resources and feeble authority of the bureaucrat and pressure system’s the multi-objectives and high target; the deficient resources and feeble authority of the bureaucrat and the rural society’s demand; the unregular rural society and the standardized bureaucrat. The strategy principle logic of the township government and its characteristic of maintaining the present situation; these issues molded the special characteristics of the township government.Based on the logic and the characteristic of the township government’operation, this article believed that, to remold the structures which determinded the logic and characteristic of the township government, to strength the foundational authority of the township government, and to construct the ability of the township government to serve the rural society, is the priority target and the duty of state construction; The basic goal of state construction is to reconstruct the core value of the society and the foundational standard of value which are the foundation to the operation of the state infrastructure and the rule system.
