

Fujian Agricultural Product Competitiveness

【作者】 蔡靖杰

【导师】 郑传芳;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 农业经济管理, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 20世纪90年代以来,我国已进入品牌经济时代。拥有品牌的产品具有更高的附加值,在市场竞争中更具有竞争优势。与此同时,国内农产品的供求矛盾和“卖难”问题日益突出,为农产品品牌建设的导入提供广阔舞台。进入21世纪以来,农业要求产业化经营为大势所趋,农产品品牌的作用和价值也日趋凸显。但是我国农产品品牌价值的意识还不浓厚,农产品品牌市场发展还不成熟,农产品品牌权益理论及品牌竞争力指标评价体系参与实践的研究还比较滞后。应当看到,在农业产业化经营背景下,科学研究基于农产品品牌权益的农产品品牌竞争力的指标评价体系对衡量和提高农产品价值和品牌价值有重大作用。福建是我国的农业大省,农产品种类丰富,产量大,但长期以来,由于缺乏品牌经营意识,福建农产品陷入了有数量无质量,有名称无品牌的尴尬境地。自2007年实施农产品品牌带动战略以来,福建省农产品品牌化已经取得了一定的成效。但是与省外及国外的优秀农产品品牌相比仍有明显差距。为了使福建省的农产品在市场竞争中能脱颖而出,深入探讨福建农产品企业的品牌竞争力存在的制约因素,后发优势和后发劣势以及如何提高这些企业的农产品品牌竞争力等问题,这是一个具有重大理论和现实意义的研究命题。本研究按照以下的技术路线进行研究:通过背景的阐述提出研究问题;在文献综述的基础上建立研究的理论框架和评价方法;应用文献资料、访谈资料、部门资料分析福建农产品品牌的发展状况;运用文献、实地调查、问卷调查和典型调查及访谈资料,相关部门统计数据,评价方法和模型实证研究福建农产品企业的品牌竞争力状况;应用文献资料归纳分析美国、日本和台湾地区农产品品牌建设经验;在论述理论、借鉴国外和地区先进经验做法与评价现实状况的基础上提出提升福建农产品品牌竞争力的思路对策。研究的主要目的是完善农产品品牌竞争力的评价机制,拟为福建乃至全国的农产品品牌竞争力的评价和提升提供参考和借鉴。本研究内容分为九章,第一章为前言部分,论述基于权益视角研究农产品品牌竞争力的指标评价体系和选择福建37家农产品品牌企业作为实证案例的目的,探讨了该研究的技术路线和方法。第二章综述了国内外有关品牌内涵、品牌竞争力、品牌权益,重点综述了农产品品牌的研究状况。第三章基于品牌权益视角论述农产品品牌、农产品品牌竞争力及其评价方法的相关理论以及农产品品牌竞争力的相关内涵。第四章基于品牌权益视角来理解品牌竞争力,并结合农产品自身特性,对品牌竞争力的生成机理的影响进行相关分析,进而提出数个可量化的指标来分析农产品品牌竞争力。第五章论证福建农产品品牌的发展现状,运用SWOT方法分析福建农产品品牌,得出福建农产品品牌的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战,为提升福建农产品品牌竞争力提供思路和对策。第六章基于品牌权益视角对美国、日本和台湾地区的农产品品牌建设进行分析论证,与福建的发展状况进行比较研究,为福建农产品品牌竞争力建设提供借鉴。第七章基于品牌视角构建福建农产品品牌竞争力评价指标体系和评价方法。第八章运用已建立的模型实证研究福建37家农产品企业的品牌竞争力,根据计算结果进行分析。第九章在前几章分析、评价的基础上,根据农产品品牌权益角度提出福建进一步提升农产品品牌竞争力的思路,为福建农产品品牌竞争力的提升提供政策建议。研究表明:1、基于品牌权益的农产品品牌竞争力生成机理的相关分析结果为:基于品牌权益和利益相关者价值最大化来分析农产品品牌竞争力来源,可以得到农产品竞争力来源于品牌内部环境和品牌外部环境。品牌内部环境包括企业和消费者层面,企业层面对农产品品牌竞争力影响指标包括固定资产总值、市场占有率、资产负债率、产品销售利润率、出口创汇率、管理示范效应和技术创新能力。消费者层面对农产品品牌竞争力影响指标包括质量保证程度、地理标志产品证明商标和集体商标应用程度、品牌形象力和消费者满意度。品牌外部环境包括社会和政府层面,社会层面对农产品品牌竞争力影响指标包括资源利用与环境保护、银行信用等级、省内知名度和省内美誉度。政府层面对农产品品牌竞争力影响指标包括税收、带动农户户数、带动生产基地、安排农村就业劳动力数和带动产业优化。2、基于品牌权益视角对福建农产品品牌发展现状进行SWOT分析的结果为:福建农产品品牌的优势主要表现在独特的自然资源、企业能力、产品品质和品牌化成效等方面,在农产品品牌发展的劣势问题上,主要表现在农产品品牌企业的产品的知名度不高、市场占有率低、集约化生产经营程度不高、科技创新能力不足等问题。在福建省农产品品牌面对海西建设框架下闽台农业产业的对接和新增长的国际贸易市场需求的机遇,面临着社会越来越高的资源利用与环境保护要求、城市超市化经营趋势、国内市场存在的农产品加工和营销等问题和国际市场存在的农产品价格波动和绿色技术贸易壁垒等问题的挑战,福建省农产品品牌应该发挥自身优势,克服自身不足,抓住机遇,迎接挑战。3、基于品牌权益,以美国、日本和台湾地区为研究对象,深入分析了发达国家和地区农产品品牌化的建设经验。分析出可借鉴的建设经验主要有:一、政府要更新观念,支持和保护农产品品牌化建设。二、必须将科技作为推进农产品品牌化的基本动力。三、加强农民组织建设,增强农业产业发展的动力。四、用企业品牌理念发展壮大龙头企业。五、加强标准化生产,提高农产品品质。4、以福建37家农产品品牌企业作为案例,利用层次分析方法建立灰色层次模型进行实证研究,得出以下结论:(1)在对农产品品牌竞争力评价时,应该重视消费者、政府和社会层面的影响,特别应将政府和社会层面纳入考虑范围。(2)福建省农产品品牌企业在技术创新、满足消费者满意度、省内知名度和美誉度上具有一定的优势,但是存在缺乏强势品牌,整体规模偏小,商标应用程度不高,生产以粗放型为主,资源利用与环境保护能力差,品牌效应不高等问题。另外福建省农产品品牌企业市场获利能力差,产品附加值低,缴税能力、带动农户户数、带动生产基地、安排农村的劳动力就业和带动产业优化有限,品牌效益不强。根据本文理论和实证研究,基于品牌权益视角建议政府应做好以下工作:树立农产品品牌意识。加强对农产品品牌建设的组织领导。加快推动农业产业集聚。扶持做大做强农产品品牌企业。加大农产品品牌企业的服务力度。加快农产品品牌企业技术创新和质量保证体系建设。建立健全品牌保护机制。

【Abstract】 Since 1990s, China has entered the era of name-brand economy. Named-brand products with higher added value have more competitive advantage in the market competition. Meanwhile, the problems of contradiction between supply and demand of domestic agricultural products and tough sale issues are becoming increasingly prominent, which provides a broad platform for the introduction of the brand-building of agricultural products. In the 21st century, agriculture asking for industrialized operation is becoming the trend, and the role and value of brand of agricultural products are becoming increasingly prominent. However, China’s awareness of brand value of agricultural products is not strong enough, and the development of agricultural products’ brand market is relatively unmatured. Theory of brand equity on agricultural products and brand competitiveness evaluation index system for participation in the study of practice still lags behind. Under the background of industrial management in agriculture, it should be noted that, scientific research, based on brand equity to build an indexing evaluation system of agricultural products’ brand competitiveness, will have a significant effect on measuring and improving the value and brand value of agricultural products.Fujian witha wide variety of agricultural products and large output but is a major agricultural province in China. However, due to long-term lackness of brand management’s awareness, Fujian catches in an embarrassing situation, which agricultural products stress on quantity and names but neglect quality and brand. Since the implementation of the brand driven strategy in agricultural products in 2007, Fujian has made some achievements in agricultural products branding. However, compared with the excellent agricultural products outside the province and abroad, Fujian are still significant gap. In order to stand out Fujian’s agricultural products in market, the problems existing in Fujian Agricultural enterprise’s brand competitiveness, such as, existing constraints, post-advantages and post-disadvantages and the way to improve it and other issues, should be discussed in depth. This will be a significant study in theory and practice.The technical route is used in this study according to the following research: Advance the research issues through the elaboration of background; Establish theoretical framework of research and evaluation methods on the basis of the literature review;Analyze the current situation of Fujian’s brand of agricultural products by application of literature, interviews, departmental data analysis; Use literature, field surveys, questionnaires and typical surveys and interviews,the relevant department statistics, evaluation methods and models to empirically research the situation of Fujian agricultural enterprise’s brand competitiveness; Study the United States, Japan, and Taiwan’s experience in agricultural products brand building by application of literature summarized analysis; Advance some advices to enhance Fujian’s brand competitiveness of agricultural products based on reviewing theory, drawing on the advanced experience of foreign countries and regions, evaluating current situation. The main purpose of the study is to improve the evaluation mechanism of brand competitiveness of agricultural products and put forward reference to enhance Fujian’s as well as the whole country’s brand competitiveness of agricultural products.This study was fallen into nine chapters. In Chapter 1, Preface section, the evaluation system of brand competitiveness of agricultural products and the purpose of selection Fujian 37 agricultural branded company as cases to empirical research and feasibility of technical routes and methods were discussed in the perspective of equity. In Chapter 2, the content of brands, brand competitiveness and brand equity progress in domestic and foreign country were summarized, the current situation of agricultural products’ branding was focused. In Chapter 3, related theories of agricultural products’ branding, brand competitiveness of agricultural products and its evaluation methods as well as its connotation were argued based on brand equity perspective. In Chapter 4,the comprehension of brand competitiveness, analysis of formation mechanism of brand competitiveness, proposition of some quantifiable indices to analyze the brand competitiveness of agricultural products were listed,combined with the perspective of brand equity and agricultural products’own characteristics. In Chapter 5,the development of Fujian’s agricultural branding situation were demonstrated, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges of Fujian agricultural products’branding were summarized by using SWOT Analysis, and then the ways to enhance its competitiveness were given. In Chapter 6, analysis of the United States, Japan, and Taiwan’s agricultural products brand-building was given based on brand equity perspective, and comparative study with Fujian was offered for the reference. In Chapter 7, the evaluation index system and evaluation methods of brand competitiveness of Fujian Agricultural were built in the perspective of brand. In Chapter 8, Fujian 37 agricultural branded companies were empirically studied by using the established model, analysis was given according to the results. In Chapter 9, above the previous chapters’ analysis, further ideas and political advice to enhance the brand competitiveness of agricultural products were given according to the perspective of agricultural products’ brand equity.Studies have shown that:1、the results of analysis of formation mechanism of agricultural products’brand competitiveness based on brand equity perspective are:The brand competitiveness of agricultural products can be derived from intra-brand and extra-brand environment based on brand equity. Intra-brand environment includes enterprise and consumer level. At enterprise level, the factors, including total fixed assets, market share, asset-liability ratio, product sales profit rate, exchange appreciate rates, management demonstration effect and technological innovation, influence the brand competitiveness. At consumer level, the factors, including quality assurance level, application level of geographical indication of product certification marks and collective marks, brand power, customer satisfaction, influence the brand competitiveness. Extra-brand environment includes society and government level. At society level, the factors, including resource utilization and environmental protection, bank credit rating, popularity and reputation inside the province, influence the brand competitiveness. At government level, the factors, including taxes, the number of households and production base driven, the number of employed labor force arranged in rural areas and industrial optimization driven, influence the brand competitiveness.2、Use SWOT to analyze the development of agricultural branding based on perspective on brand equity, the results were:Fujian agricultural branding have advantages in unique natural resources, business ability, product quality and brand effectiveness and show disadvantages mainly in brand awareness, market share, intense of production and management, scientific and technological innovation in agricultural product brands. Agricultural branding in Fujian faces opportunities of Taiwan agricultural industry docking under the framework of Hercynian-building and new demand growth in international trade market, it also faces challenges of increasing community requirements of high resource utilization and environmental protection, the trends of city supermarket management and the problems of processing of agricultural products and marketing in domestic market and the existing problem of price fluctuations of agricultural products and green technical barriers in the international market. Fujian agricultural branding should play its own advantages to overcome deficiencies and seize opportunities to meet challenges.3、Depth analysis of brand construction experience of agricultural products in developed countries and regions has taken by using the United States, Japan and Taiwan as the research object based on brand equity. The main experiences were:First, the Government should adopt new ideas, support and protect agricultural brand construction. Second, promote agricultural science and technology as the basic dynamic brand. Third, strengthen farmer organizations and enhancing the agricultural sector to develop. Fourth, use brand to develop leading enterprises. Fifth, strengthen the standardization of production and improve the quality of agricultural products.4、Use AHP to establish gray-level model to take an empirical study of 37 Fujian brand agricultural enterprises selected as the main cases, the conclusions were:(1) It should pay attention, to the consumer, government and community level’s impact on evaluation of brand competitiveness of agricultural companies, especially the impact by the latter two. (2) Fujian Agricultural brands have certain advantages in technological innovation, meeting customer satisfaction, popularity and reputation. However, They faces the problems of the lack of a strong brand presence, small-scale, low trade mark application, extensive production, poor resource utilization and environmental protection, and low brand effect etc.. And they also faces problems of poor profitability, low added value, limited tax capacity, driven number of households, driven production base, driven rural labor employment and promoting industrial optimization, their brand benefit is still low.According to theoretical and empirical research and perspective of brand equity, suggest the government should do the following work:Establish brand awareness of agricultural products. Strengthen brand construction of agricultural organization and leadership. Accelerate the promotion of agriculture and industrial clusters. Support agricultural products brands to grow bigger and stronger. Increase the intensity of agricultural services brands. Speed up agricultural technology innovation of brand enterprise and quality guarantee system. Establish and improve mechanisms for brand protection.
