

Influencing Factors Analysis of International Competitiveness of China Particle Board Industry

【作者】 严谨

【导师】 余建辉;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 林业经济管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文从中国刨花板产业国际竞争力影响因素的分析入手,通过数据分析,客观评价中国刨花板产业国际竞争力的现状,构建中国刨花板产业国际竞争力的评价体系,并利用面板数据模型进行定量分析,以找出影响中国刨花板产业国际竞争力的主要影响因素。本研究从全球的角度,利用48年的时间数据,运用国际市场占有率、贸易竞争指数、显性比较优势指数、产业内贸易指数、贸易条件指数五类定量指标和面板数据定量模型对加拿大、德国、比利时、意大利、美国和中国等12个国家的刨花板产业国际竞争力变动进行深入的定量比较分析。本研究主要以波特的“钻石模型”理论为指导,从生产要素、需求条件、相关及支持性产业、企业结构战略与竞争四个方面,以及政府作用与机会角色两个辅助因素,对影响中国刨花板产业国际竞争力的因素进行了国际比较。从生产要素因素分析,发现中国刨花板产业具有一定的森林资源禀赋优势和劳动力工资低的成本优势,但存在着劳动力质量不高,表现在全员劳动生产率低,教育与健康等支出较低等,中国人工林造林面积和发展速度世界第一,森林认证水平较低,但近年来的发展速度很快,中国刨花板产量世界第二,但竞争力不强;从需求条件因素的实证分析,发现中国庞大的国内市场需求对中国刨花板产业国际竞争力的培育与提升起着重要的作用;对相关及支持性产业的研究表明,中国的家具业的国际竞争力的不断提升,和刨花板机械制造业水平的提高,以及其他支持性行业产业的发展,是促进了中国刨花板产业国际竞争力的提升的重要因素。从企业结构战略与竞争的影响因素分析,中国刨花板国内市场竞争激烈,但企业规模偏小,产业集中度较低;政府作用与机会角色方面的研究表明,中国政府的管理水平处于中等,但近年来管理水平相对排名处于下降之中;国际油价的上涨,减弱了劳动力价格便宜的优势;人民币汇率的持续升值不利于中低档刨花板产品的出口,对产业的发展喜忧参半,但国际金融危机和东盟自由贸易区的建立对中国刨花板产业的发展提供了新的发展机遇。五类定量指标的衡量结果表明,中国刨花板产业国际竞争力总体上是比较弱的。从国际市场占有率来看,中国刨花板的国际市场占有率很低;从贸易竞争指数来看,中国刨花板生产效率低于国际水平,在国际竞争中不具有竞争优势;从产业内贸易指数分析,中国在1986年之后的贸易指数都大于1,表示中国在此期间刨花板进口额大于出口额,1998-2008年中国的贸易竞争指数出现下降趋势,且下降幅度较大,表明中国刨花板的贸易条件在恶化;从贸易条件指数分析,中国刨花板的贸易条件指数出现下降,且下降幅度较大,表明中国刨花板国际贸易的竞争力在减弱;从显示性比较优势指数来看,中国近年来表现出下降的趋势。从Panel-Data模型的区域样本面板数据的实证结果来看,刨花板出口单价、城市化度、其他人造板出口额和人均国内GDP上升1个百分点,刨花板出口额就相应增长49.6%、7711.9%、19.80%和0.14%,基本符合经济现实;胶粘剂出口量和劳动力数量增加1个百分点,刨花板出口额则相应减少39.4%和6.8%,并对其经济意义进行分析。最后针对理论分析和实证研究的结果,提出了立足于国内市场需求,提升装备制造业水平,扩大原料来源,重视胶粘剂质量的提升和政策引导等政策建议。

【Abstract】 Focusing on the influencing factors analysis of the international competitiveness of China’s Particle Board industry, this thesis assesses objectively the current situation of the international competitiveness of China’s Particle Board industry through statistics and tries to build up a system for its assessment. The thesis also makes a quantitative analysis through Panel Data Model in order to find out the main influencing factor of the international competitiveness of China’s Particle Board industryBased on statistics over a span of 48 years, the study makes a deep quantitative comparison and analysis of variations of international competitiveness of the Particle Board industry of twelve countries as Canada, Germany, Belgium, Italy, America, and China, etc. from a global perspective in terms of Panel Data Model and five quantitative indicators----international market share, index of trade competition, index of revealed comparative advantage, intra-industry trade index and terms of trade index.Based on Porter’s "Diamond Model" Theory, the study makes an international comparison of the influencing factors of international competitiveness of China’s Particle Board industry from the four aspects of the factors of production, demand conditions, related and supporting industries, corporate structure and competition strategies, and two auxiliary factors of opportunities and the role of government.From the analysis of production factors, Particle Board industry of China has a certain advantage in forest resource endowment and low labor costs. However, there exists some problems in it such as lower labor quality which reflects in the low productivity of the overall labor and small expenditure on education and health and so on. Though the artificial forestation area of China and its rate of development ranks first in the world, the forest certification of China remains in a low level; The Particle Board output of China ranks second in the world, but its competitiveness still needs improving. Through the empirical analysis of demand factors, the study discovers that the great demand of domestic markets in China plays a major role in fostering and promotion of international competitiveness of China’s Particle Board industry; The thesis also makes a comparative study of other supporting industries. The development of related industries,such as the constant promotion of international competitiveness of furniture industry and the improvement of Particle Board machinery manufacturing, contributes a lot to the promotion of the international competitiveness of China’s Particle Board industry.While there is a fierce competition between the domestic markets of Particle Board in China from the Influencing factors analysis of enterprise architecture strategy and competition, the size of businesses is relatively small and the concentration ratio of the industry is rather low as well. The research on Government function and opportunities for role shows that Chinese government is in the middle management level, but in recent years the level of the relative ranking is declining.In the meantime, the rise of international oil price softens the advantage of low labor costs. The continuous appreciation of RMB exchange rate is not conductive to the export of medium and lower grade Particle Board products and it’s a double-edged sword to the development of the industry. However, the international financial crisis and the establishment of ASEAN Free Trade Area provide new opportunities for the development of China’s Particle Board industry.The measurement results of five quantitative indicators show that the international competitiveness of China’s particle board industry in general is relatively weak. From the international market share, the share of China’s particle board is very low; From trade competition index, China particleboard production efficiency is lower than the international level,so it does not have a competitive advantage in international competition; From the analysis of intra-industry trade index, China’s trade index after 1986 is greater than 1, which indicates China’s particle board imports is greater than exports during this period.Duringl998-2008, China’s trade competitiveness index is decreasing in a large margin, which shows China’s Particle board trade conditions are deteriorating; From the analysis of the terms of trade index, the index of China’s particleboard has fallen in a large margin as well, which indicates China’s international trade competitiveness of particleboard in decline; According to the revealed comparative advantage index, china has shown a decline trend in recent yearsJudging from the empirical results of the regional panel data of Panel-Data Models, when particleboard export unit price, degree of urbanization, and other wood-based panel exports and GDP per capita increased by one percentage point, a corresponding increase in particle board exports grew by 49.6% and 7711.9%,19.80% and 0.14%, which is basically in line with economic reality; When the adhesive exports and labor force increased by 1 percentage point, a corresponding decrease in particle board exports cut down 39.4% and 6.8%. The thesis also analyzes their economic significance.Finally according to the results of the theoretical analysis and empirical study, the thesis presents some policy recommendations based on domestic market demand such as raising the level of the equipment manufacturing industry, expanding sources of raw materials, paying attention to the improvement of the quality of adhesives and policy guidance.

  • 【分类号】F426.88;F224
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】727