

Research on Integration of Vegetable Supply Chain

【作者】 吕斌

【导师】 刘伟平;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 农业经济管理, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 供应链管理受到学界的广泛关注,其应用领域和应用前景甚广。供应链集成优化是企业增辟利润的有效途径。蔬菜供应链属农产品供应链范畴,目前关于蔬菜供应链的研究大多从产业、效率等角度着手。本研究以福州市蔬菜产业为研究背景,以提高蔬菜供应链整体竞争水平、提高各节点主体收入、促进蔬菜产业升级为目标,采用定性分析与定量分析(含统计性描述、建立二元Logistic回归模型、建立二层规划模型等)相结合的方法,分析了菜农是否愿意成为供应链稳定主体的影响因子;建立了以大型蔬菜批发市场为核心的供应链协调定价二层规划理论模型(含配送型与非配送型);研究了不同供应主体下的蔬菜供应链合作效率,并在此基础上,提出了蔬菜供应链整合的对策思路。研究表明:(1)蔬菜供应链类型多样、形式各一、特点明显。通过整合,有利于保证蔬菜质量安全、提高蔬菜生产效率和推进蔬菜产业升级。(2)户口、家庭收入、菜地面积、交易风险等因子对菜农是否愿意成为供应链稳定主体具有显著影响;具有本地户口、家庭以男性为主导、受教育水平较高、劳动能力强、收入渠道多的菜农一般不愿意成为供应链稳定主体;收入渠道少、交易风险大、受教育水平低、有参加合作组织的菜农更愿意成为供应链稳定主体。(3)价格是蔬菜供应链整合的核心,是供应链协调定价决策的基础。蔬菜供应链主体之间协调定价的过程实质上就是以价格为核心的重复博弈,博弈双方都能接受的价格实质上就是一种相对均衡的实现。(4)生产供应主体不同,供应链的合作效率也不相同。以合作社菜农为生产供应主体的蔬菜供应链合作效率最高、以独立菜农为生产供应主体的蔬菜供应链合作效率次之、以基地菜农为生产供应主体的蔬菜供应链合作效率最低。(5)政府干预和宏观调控更多是出于规范市场、提高国民福利水平。政府无论是出于主观意望,还是客观现实都要求政府应该积极作为。在蔬菜供应链整合中,政府在改进供应链合作效率、加强政策性引导等方面可以发挥重要作用,从而加快供应链整合的进程和提高整合质量。

【Abstract】 Supply Chain Management (SCM) has attracted serious concern in the field of academic community, which is widely used and has good prospect. Optimization of Supply Chain is an efficient way to increase profits of the enterprises.Vegetable Supply Chain belongs to Agricultural Products Supply Chain. The current research on the Vegetable Supply Chain mostly pays attention to industry, efficiency etc. This thesis takes Fuzhou Vegetable Industry as the background. In order to enhance its competitive level and increase main income, the thesis takes vegetables industrial upgrading as a goal. It uses qualitative analysis combined with quantitative analysis (including statistical description, establishment of bivariate regression model and bi-level programming model, etc.) to judge whether the farmers are willing to become the main impact factor in this chain; it establishes a large-scale vegetable wholesale market as the core of supply chain planning theory model for bi-level programming model (including the distribution type and the non-distribution type); it studies the efficiency of Vegetable Supply Chain under different supply subjects, and on this basis it proposes countermeasures for Vegetable Supply Chain.According to the survey as follows:(1) The Vegetable Supply Chain varies and it has obvious characteristic. Through integration, it will be of great help to ensure quality and safety of vegetable; meanwhile, it can improve efficiency of vegetable production and upgrade vegetable industry’s level.(2) Registered permanent residence, family income, vegetable areas, trading risk etc. have a great influence when judging whether the farmers are willing to be the stable part of the supply chain. Usually the local inhabitants, the male-dominated family, the relatively better-educated, the one with strong labor and the farmers with multi-channel incomes are unwilling to be the part of the chain. While those with less income, high trading risk who are less-educated and have participated the cooperative organizations are willing.(3) The price is the core of Vegetable Supply Chain. It is the basis of integration supply chain when fixing a price. Actually this process is the repeated game theory when the price is the core. Both sides’accepting the price in effect means a type of relative balance.(4) The main body of the production supply is different while the cooperation efficiency of the supply chain is not the same, either. The cooperative farmers for the Vegetable Supply Chain are the most efficient. And the independent vegetable supplier is second. The supplier who relies on the vegetable production base is of the least efficiency.(5) The main function of the government intervention and the macro-control is to regulate the market and raise national welfare. Whatever the purposes of the government, subjective or objective, it should be active. In the Vegetable Supply Chain, the government plays an important role in improving the efficiency of supply chain collaboration; strengthening policy guidance, etc. Thus it speeds up the process of supply chain integration and improves the integration quality.

  • 【分类号】F323.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1238