

Studies on the Impact Factors of the Peasant Workers’ Returning to Hometown to Venture in the Underdeveloped Areas in Central China

【作者】 刘唐宇

【导师】 许文兴;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 农业经济管理, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 中国现代化的关键在于农村现代化,其难点也在于农村现代化。中部地区起着“承东接西”的作用,具有重要的战略地位,“中部崛起”已由地方战略上升为我国全面建设小康社会具有决定意义的国家战略。要实现中部崛起,其关键是中部欠发达农村地区的发展。而农村经济社会的发展,农村现代化水平的提升既要靠外力的导入,更要靠内力的发挥。当前我国农村特别是广大的中西部农村地区,一个现实情况就是:大多数农村能人、农村精英和农村青壮年劳动力外出打工,留守农民的素质和能力令人堪忧。因此,发挥农村内力的一个重要途径就是充分发挥农民工的积极作用。中部六省都是农业大省,农村人口多,是主要的劳务输出地,农民工回乡创业也较为活跃。因此,一方面要积极促进农村富余劳动力转移就业,另一方面也要积极鼓励、引导和扶持农民工回乡创业。农民工回乡创业是农民工外出务工时资金、技术、经验、管理、信息、理念等创业要素积累到一定程度时的一种理性行为,是劳务经济发展到一定阶段的必然产物,是一个客观的社会经济现象。但这一现象从一开始出现就遭遇到了一些争议和困难。农民工回乡创业的理论框架如何?农民工回乡创业有哪些影响因素?其影响机理何在?各自的影响程度和作用方向又怎样?如何鼓励、引导和扶持农民工回乡创业?这些问题都是值得我们进一步研究的问题。本文综合运用文献研究、实地调研和访谈、问卷调查、案例分析、比较研究、卡方检验和logistic回归分析等方法,以江西赣州地区为例,实证分析了中部欠发达地区农民工回乡创业及其影响因素。全文主要内容和结论如下:第一,在对创业所具有的共同特征分析的基础上,结合我国农民工回乡创业的特点,将农民工回乡创业界定为:农民工回到本县(市)创建各种经济实体或组织、从事各种非农产业活动或扩大原有生产经营规模以实现财富增加并谋求发展的的活动过程。在此基础上,将农民工回乡创业的形式归纳为六种:扩大原有生产经营规模;搞农业开发或农产品加工;举办家庭副业;搞特种养殖种植;创办各种规模和各种形式的企业;建立专业化的农村经济合作组织,或成为农民经纪人,或担任村干部。第二,在对创业发生机制和创业过程模型研究的基础上,结合行为科学理论,构建了农民工回乡创业的理论框架。农民工回乡创业行为的发生是一个复杂和动态的过程。在这个过程中,一国或一地区的经济、政治、社会和文化氛围影响着农民工的个性特征与创业环境。农民工回乡创业是其个体因素和外在环境交互作用的产物。具备创业个体因素的农民工在适宜的创业环境中识别创业机会并产生创业动机,强烈的创业动机导致创业行为的发生,最终产生创业结果。第三,在农民工回乡创业理论框架的基础上,结合创业者与创业环境的研究成果和农民工回乡创业的特点,提出了农民工回乡创业的影响因素:个体因素和环境因素。个体因素主要包括性别、年龄、受教育程度、身体状况、婚姻状况、外出打工年限、管理能力、专业技能、创业动机和对待风险的态度等,它集中体现了农民工的创业能力;而环境因素则主要包括金融支持状况、创业优惠政策、创业培训状况、技能培训状况、自然资源的可获得性、基础设施状况、经济发展水平、社会文化以及配套产业的完善程度等,它影响着农民工创业机会的多少和农民工对创业机会的识别与利用。本文对每个因素的影响机理进行了理论剖析。第四,在对赣州地区农民工回乡创业特点进行归纳分析的基础上,运用卡方检验和logistic模型实证分析了赣州地区农民工回乡创业的影响因素。结果表明,农民工回乡创业的影响因素主要有:年龄、农民工的技能状况、婚姻状况、外出打工年限、是否参加过技能培训、是否担任管理岗位工作、亲友借贷是否顺畅、正规金融机构借贷是否顺畅、自然资源是否容易获取、创业动机强度和对待风险的态度。而性别、受教育年限、身体状况、是否参加过创业培训、是否了解创业政策、基础设施和配套产业是否完善、经济发展水平、社会文化是否支持创业行为等变量对农民工回乡创业没有显著影响。第五,提出了中部欠发达地区各级政府鼓励、引导和扶持农民工回乡创业的政策建议。主要的政策建议包括:增加农村金融的有效供给,创新农村金融服务,拓展农村创业融资渠道;加强农民工的技能培训,提高技能培训的针对性和实效性;开展农村创业教育,加强对农民工的创业培训,提高创业的成功率;提高土地厂房等资源的可获取性,解决回乡创业用地难问题;营造良好的农村创业氛围,优化创业环境;同时,农民工自身要培养创业动机,改变传统、落后、保守的思想观念,千方百计提升自己的创业素质和能力。只有这样,才能培育创业型新农民,建设创业型新农村,在中部欠发达农村地区形成“以创业带动就业,以就业促进创业”的基本格局,发挥创业带动就业的倍增效应,不断促进农村经济社会发展,加快社会主义新农村建设,推进农村现代化进程。

【Abstract】 The key to Chinese modernization lies in the countryside modernization, its difficulty also lies in the countryside modernization. The Central China connecting the east and the west is an important strategic position. The“rising in Central China”has been a national strategy from the local strategy for China’s well-off society construction. To realize the“rising in Central China”, the key is the development of the underdeveloped rural areas. And the rural economic and social development, the ascension of the countryside modernization level not only relies on the external forces, but also depends on the internal forces. At present, in the rural areas of China, especially in the vast Midwest rural areas, the reality is: the most capable people in rural areas, the rural elites and the young rural labor forces go out work, the quality and ability of the peasants left in the countryside is worrying. Therefore, an important way to use the internal force is to give full use of the positive role of peasants workers. The six provinces in central China are major agricultural provinces, there are more rural populations, and also is a major exporter of rural labor forces, the peasant workers’returning to hometown to venture is also more active. Therefore, on one hand, we must positively promote the transfer and employment of surplus rural labor forces, on the other hand, we also should actively encourage, guide and support the peasant workers’returning to hometown to venture. The peasant workers’returning to hometown to venture is a rational behavior of their capital, technology, experience, management, information, ideas and other business factors accumulated to a certain degree, a certain stage of the development of labor economy, and an objective socio-economic phenomenon. However, this phenomenon encountered a number of disputes and difficulties at its beginning. What’s the theoretical framework of the peasant workers’returning to hometown to venture? What are the impact factors of the peasant workers’returning to hometown to venture? What is the mechanism of their influences? What is the degree and direction of their influences? How to encourage, guide and support the peasant workers’returning to hometown to venture? etc. These questions are worthy of our further research. Based on the synthesis of literature study, investigates and interviews on the spot, questionnaires, case analysis, comparison research, chi-square test and logistic regression analysis etc., this paper, taking Ganzhou area of Jiangxi Province as an example, empirically analyses the peasant workers’returning to hometown to venture and its impact factors of the underdeveloped areas in central China. Main contents and conclusions of the full text are as follows:First, based on the analysis of the common entrepreneurial characteristics, combining the characteristics of peasant workers’returning to hometown to venture, this paper defines it as: an activity of the peasant workers’returning to his/her counties (towns or cities) to create a variety of economic entities or organizations, engaged in various non-agricultural industry activities or to expand existing production scale to achieve the wealth increase and to seek self-development. So the forms of the peasant workers’returning to hometown to venture induce six: to expand the existing production scale; to be engaged in agricultural development or agricultural products processing; to organize household sideline production; to be engaged in special breeding and planting; to found all sizes and all forms of enterprises; to establish the specialized rural economic cooperative organizations, to be a farmers agent, or a village cadres.Second, based on the research of the entrepreneurial mechanism and entrepreneurial process models, with the combination of behavioral science theory, it constructs the theoretical framework of the peasant workers’returning to hometown to venture. The occurrence of entrepreneurial behavior is a complex and dynamic process. In this process, a country or a region’s economic, political, social and cultural atmosphere affects the personality characteristics of peasant workers and the entrepreneurial environment. The peasant workers’returning to hometown to venture is the result of the interaction between individual factors and the external environment factors. The peasant workers with the entrepreneurial personality will identify the entrepreneurial opportunities in the appropriate entrepreneurial environment, generate the entrepreneurial motivation, strong entrepreneurial motivation leads to the occurrence of entrepreneurial behavior and results in entrepreneurial results.Third, based on the theoretical framework, combining with the research about the entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial environment and the characteristics of the peasant workers’returning to hometown to venture, it proposes the impact factors: individual factors and environmental factors. Individual factors include gender, age, education, health, marital status, years of migrating, management capacity, professional skills, entrepreneurial motivation and attitude towards risk, it embodies the entrepreneurial ability of peasant workers; and environmental factors mainly include the financial support, entrepreneurship policies, entrepreneurship training, skills training, the availability of natural resources, the infrastructure, economic development levels, social culture and the ancillary industries, which affect the entrepreneurial opportunities and the identification and utilization of entrepreneurial opportunities by the peasant workers. This paper has carried on the theoretical analysis to the mechanism of each factor.Fourth, it empirically analyses the impact factors of the peasant workers’returning to hometown to venture in Ganzhou area by using chi-square test and logistic model based on the inductive analysis about the characteristics of it. The result shows that the main impact factors are: age, professional skills, marital status, years of migrating, skills training, management capacity, relatives and friends loans, loans from regular financial institutions, the accessibility of natural resources, entrepreneurial motivation and the attitude towards risk. However, gender, education, health, entrepreneurship training, entrepreneurship policies, the infrastructure, the ancillary industries, economic development levels, social culture etc. they have no significant impacts on the peasant workers’returning to hometown to venture.Fifth, this paper proposes some policy recommendations for all levels of the government of the underdeveloped areas in central China to encourage, guide and support the peasant workers’returning to hometown to venture. The main policy recommendations include: to increase the effective supply of rural finance, innovate on financial services in rural areas, expand financing channels of rural entrepreneurship; to enhance the relevant and practical skills training of peasant workers; to carry out entrepreneurship education in rural areas, strengthen the peasant workers’entrepreneurial training, improve the success rate of entrepreneurship; to improve the accessibility of entrepreneurial place, land etc. resources, resolve their difficulties; to create a favorable atmosphere for rural entrepreneurship, optimize the entrepreneurial environment; at the same time, it is necessary for the peasant workers to cultivate the entrepreneurial motivation, change the traditional, backward and conservative ideas, enhance the entrepreneurial qualities and abilities. Only in this way can we foster a new entrepreneurial farmer, construct a new entrepreneurial rural, form a basic pattern of“expanding the employment by entrepreneurship, promoting the entrepreneurship by employment”in the underdeveloped rural areas in central China, to improve employment multiplier effects by entrepreneurship, constantly to promote rural economic and social development, accelerate the construction of new socialist countryside and promote the modernization process of rural areas.

  • 【分类号】F323.6
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1771