

Studies on Difference of Location Choices among Taiwanese’ Agricultural Direct Investment into Fujian’s Cities

【作者】 何均琳

【导师】 刘伟平;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 农业经济管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 台商对大陆农业的直接投资已经成为大陆农业所吸收的外商直接投资(FDI)的重要组成部分。福建省是是吸收台商农业直接投资最多的省份,但台商农业直接投资在福建省各地市的分布并不均衡:漳州和福州吸收了90%以上的台商农业直接投资。近几年来,台商对福建的农业直接投资也开始呈现出从漳州和福州向其他内陆地市拓展的趋势。这一分布与发展趋势与台商在大陆的农业直接投资的分布和趋势极其相似。因此,研究台商在福建的农业直接投资区位选择差异及其影响因素,对更好地吸收台商农业直接投资,促进两岸农业合作进一步深化就有十分重要的意义。本研究在邓宁的折衷理论的基础上,引入交易成本理论和社会网络——镶嵌理论,构建了一个分析台商农业直接投资区位选择行为的理论框架。本研究的章节安排如下:第一章导论部分阐述了本研究的研究背景、意义、方法、步骤;第二章对研究FDI区位选择的文献进行了回顾;第三章构建了以交易成本理论和社会关系网络理论为基础的理论分析框架;第四章对台商在福建的农业直接投资及其区位选择的差异进行了统计描述分析;第五章对台商在福建的农业直接投资区位选择差异进行了计量分析;第六章在前述研究的基础上,从台商的视角对福建省各地市的农业直接投资环境进行了评价与比较;第七章提出本文的结论,并根据结论提出一些建议。本研究对样本企业的描述性统计分析结果表明:台商农业投资者投资福建农业的动机仍然以成本考虑为主,推动台商到福建投资农业的动机依次为:追求市场和利用当地社会网络关系、配合台湾母公司整体策略。台商对投资软环境的关注明显高于对投资硬环境的关注,其中交易成本是台商在进行投资地选择时考虑的重要因素。台商农业投资者关注的前10项投资环境因素依次为:地理位置和气候条件、土地取得的难易程度、政府与执法机构执法公正、土地取得的价格、当地的政府机关行政效率、解决纠纷的管道完善、当地政府政策稳定性及透明度、当地的市场未来发展潜力、当地水电、能源、原物料供应完备程度、信息获取的便利程度。分析结果也表明不同地区、不同行业拥有不同社会网络关系的台商农业投资者对各项投资环境的关注程度不同。本研究应用binaural probit回归分析的结果表明:1、台商在福建投资的业务范围是否与台湾经营的业务范围一致、土地取得难易程度、银行贷款获得难易程度、市场潜力、执法公正等投资环境因素对台商区位选择的影响显著。其中,想要利用其经营管理方面的经验和优势、看重大陆市场发展和开拓的台商更中意于沿海城市;而希望降低成本,获得低廉的土地,获得更多的融资支持并看重政府执法是否公正的台商更可能去投资山区农业。2、企业规模大小、投资者在当地是否有亲戚朋友、解决纠纷管道是否完善、竞争环境是否公平、基础设施状况对吸收台商农业直接投资的影响并不显著。研究结果证明:制度和社会网络关系等影响台商投资交易成本的因素与市场因素一起显著地影响了台商农业投资时对投资地的选择。本研究根据台商的评分对福建省的投资环境进行了分析。总体来说,台商认为福建省的农业投资环境还有很多需要改善的地方,特别是获得银行贷款难、上下游产业链发育不完善、农田水利设施不完善等投资环境需要改善。本研究还对福建省7个地市的投资环境进行了比较,结果表明:厦门的投资环境是所有地市中最好的。厦门在当地农田水利设施、当地通水、通电、通路及土地平整情况、符合企业要求的熟练劳动力供应充裕程度、上、下游产业供应链完整程度、获得银行贷款容易程度、地方政府收取的各种行政费用负担情况、提供咨询的丰富和充裕程度方面获得的台商评分都位居榜首。其次是漳州,第三是龙岩、第四为莆田、第五位三明、第六位泉州、第七为福州。最后,根据本研究的结论,本文提出了一些改善投资环境吸引台商农业直接投资的建议。如改善融资环境,提高政府的行政能力等。

【Abstract】 Taiwanese direct investment into mainland agriculture fields has been the important components of foreign direct investment (FDI) absorbed by mainland. FuJian is the province which attracts the most agricultural investment from Taiwanese. But its distribution is unbalance, 90% of it was obsorbed by Zhangzhou and Fuzhou. Recent years, it is demonstrating the tendency of extension from coastal cities into hill cities, similar to the tendency of Taiwanese investment into mainland. So, it is important to study the location choice behavior and its influence factors of Taiwan investors. it is very helpful for absorbing more agricultural FDI from Taiwan, and for promoting corporation between the two sides in agricultural field.Based on eclectic theory, transaction cost theory and social network——embeddedness theory, the author tried to construct a framework to analyses the Taiwanese’s investment behaviors. The contents of this paper arranged as follow: In the first chapter, the author introduced the background, significance, methods used, and study steps of the study. In the second chapter, the author reviewed the studies on FDI location choice. Then in chapter three, the author set up a framework based on transaction theory and social network theory. In chapter four, the author descriptively analyses the statistics obtained through interview. In chapter five, the author analyses the location choice behavior of Taiwanese. In chapter six, the author compared the investment environment of seven cities in Fujian. At last chapter the author summarized the conclusions and proposed several advices.The statistics showed that: 1) the Taiwan investors who invested in Fujian agriculture still took the costs reduction as the most important motivation; then came after the motivation of chasing the market and to taking advantages of their social network, coordinating with the strategies of the parent company in Taiwan; 2) Taiwan investors who invested in different places and operated in different industries had different attentions on different investment environment factors; 3) all of them put more of their attentions on“soft”investment environment than what they put on“hard”investment environment; 4) Taiwan agricultural investors also pay attention to following factors: geographic location and climate, obtaining land easy or not, justice of law enforcement, the price of the land, the efficiency of local government, approaches to settle disputes, stability and transparency of local government’s polices, the potential of local market, supply of water, power and primary production factors, and convenience of collection information.Using the method of binaural probit model, the author revealed the main factors which significantly influencee the Taiwan investors’location choice behavior in Fujian, based on the data collected by face to face interview. The results demonstrated that: 1) some of the factors notably influenced the location choice that of Taiwanese, which are the operation experiences, obtaining land easy or not, obtaining loans from banks, market potential, justice of law enforcement. Among them, obtaining land easy or not, obtaining loans from banks, market potential, and justice of law enforcement are negatively correlated with location choice. While the factors of operation experiences and market potential is positive. That is to say the Taiwanese who want to take advantages of their operation experiences, or pay attention to the local market is more likely to invest in coastal cities. While the one who wants to get land at lower price, or obtain loan from banks, or focus on the justice of law enforcement of legal operation department are more likely to invest in hilly cities. 2) The size of enterprises, friends and relatives, dispute settle approaches, competition environment, and infrastructure situations are not significant. The study confirmed that Taiwan investors are paying more and more attentions on local market。Then the author evaluated the agricultural investment environment of Fujian province according to the scores given by Taiwan investors. All of Taiwan investors had this opinion that Fujian’s agricultural investment environment need to be perfected, especially the aspects of obtaining bank loans, industrial chains and irrigation infrastructure. The study also compared the investment environment of 7 cities in Fujian province. The results demonstrated that the best agricultural investment environment is owned by Xiamen city, which has the best water resource facilities and infrastructure, the most sufficient supply of skilled worker, the most perfect industry chain, the easiest of getting bank loans, the lightest burden of fees and taxes, and the most sufficient supply of information. And the city ranked after Xiamen was Zhangzhou, then came after Longyan, Putian, Shanming, Quanzhou, Fuzhou.At last, according to the results demonstrated by the study, the author proposed some advice for perfecting the agricultural investment environment of Fujian province in order to attract more Taiwanese to invest in Fujian province, for example: to perfect finance environment, to improve the governance abilities of government, etc.

  • 【分类号】F323.9
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】455